View Full Version : [SOLVED] Senior Project Application need Help! (converted program with py2exe, pickle error)

June 2nd, 2010, 03:23 AM
Hi everybody!

I am making a "food drive organizer" for my high school as my senior project. I have the 1.0.0 version finished, and Now I am converting it to an .exe (unfortunately schools use Windows...)

My program uses "pickle" module to save / open "new food drive projects". After I used py2exe to convert my program to an .exe everything works, but I can not save / open. :confused: When I exit the program I get a message box telling me that there have been errors, and to check the error log.

Below I will post my source code to the program, setup script for py2exe, and the error log...

Can someone please help me ?!


SOURCE CODE **********

# Developer: ***** ****
# Project Name: Manna Helper 1.1
# File Name: Main.py
# Description: Manna Food Bank Organizer

# Imports
import wx
import pickle
import datetime

print 'Error: Failed to import all modules'

# A class that represents a single class
class SchoolClass:

# Constructor
def __init__(self, className = 'Class Name', numStudents = 0, firstReturn = 0, secondReturn = 0,
thirdReturn = 0, fourthReturn = 0, fifthReturn = 0):

self.className = className
self.numStudents = numStudents

self.firstReturn = firstReturn
self.secondReturn = secondReturn
self.thirdReturn = thirdReturn
self.fourthReturn = fourthReturn
self.fifthReturn = fifthReturn

# Functions
def __str__(self):

returnStr = ''
numLine1 = 30 - len(self.className)

returnStr += ('' + str(self.className) + (' ' * numLine1) + str(self.numStudents) +
(' students') + (' ' * 10) + str(self.GetTotalPounds()) + ' total pounds' + (' ' * 10) + str(self.GetRatio()) +' lb/student')

return returnStr

def GetTotalPounds(self):

returnNum = (float(self.firstReturn) + float(self.secondReturn) +
float(self.thirdReturn) + float(self.fourthReturn) + float(self.fifthReturn))

return returnNum

def GetRatio(self):

return self.GetTotalPounds() / float(self.numStudents)

except ArithmeticError:
return 0


# A class that represents a year drive
class Project:

# Constructor
def __init__(self, projectName = 'Project Name'):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
self.projectName = projectName
self.projectDate = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
self.classList = {}
self.numClasses = 0

# Functions
def AddClass(self, className = 'Class Name', numStudents = 0, firstReturn = 0, secondReturn = 0,
thirdReturn = 0, fourthReturn = 0, fifthReturn = 0):

self.classList[className] = SchoolClass(className, numStudents, firstReturn, secondReturn, thirdReturn,
fourthReturn, fifthReturn)
self.numClasses += 1

def RemoveClass(self, className = 'Class Name'):


def GetTotalPounds(self):
returnNum = 0

keys = self.classList.keys()
for k in keys:
returnNum += self.classList[k].GetTotalPounds()

return returnNum

def GetWinner(self):
value1 = 0
value2 = 0

keys = self.classList.keys()
for k in keys:
if self.classList[k].GetRatio() > value1:
value1 = self.classList[k].GetRatio()
value2 = self.classList[k]

return value2

def __str__(self):

retString = ''
keys = self.classList.keys()
for k in keys:
retString += self.classList[k].__str__()
retString += '\n'
return retString

# GUI class
class MainWindow(wx.Frame):
# Constructor
def __init__(self, parent, id, title):

# Global Variable
self.CurrentProject = None
self.Saved = False
self.Directory = ''

wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, title = 'Manna Helper 1.1', size = (450, 500), style=wx.MINIMIZE_BOX|wx.RESIZE_BORDER|wx.SYSTEM_M ENU|wx.CAPTION|wx.CLOSE_BOX|wx.CLIP_CHILDREN)

panel = wx.Panel(self) # A Panel that contains all the componets.
self.SetIcon(wx.Icon('images/icon.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) # Set the icon
self.SetMaxSize((450, 500)) # Set MinSize & MaxSize to same size to
self.SetMinSize((450, 500)) # dissable resizing.
self.CreateStatusBar() # Creating a Status Bar for the Main Window.
self.Center() # Center the window on the screen.

# Create a "File" Menu
filemenu = wx.Menu()
filemenu.Append(wx.ID_NEW, '&New', 'Create a new year food drive')
filemenu.Append(wx.ID_OPEN, '&Open Existing...', 'Open an existing food drive')
filemenu.Append(wx.ID_SAVE, '&Save', 'Save changes to the current food drive')
filemenu.Append(wx.ID_SAVEAS, 'S&ave As', 'Save as a new year food drive')
filemenu.Append(wx.ID_PROPERTIES, '&Project Properties', 'View the properties of this project')
filemenu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, 'E&xit', 'Exit the application')

# Create an "Edit" Menu
editmenu = wx.Menu()
editmenu.Append(wx.ID_ADD, '&Add Class', 'Add new class to current project')
editmenu.Append(wx.ID_REMOVE, '&Remove Class', 'Remove selected class from current project')
editmenu.Append(wx.ID_EDIT, '&Edit Class', 'Edit selected class')
editmenu.Append(wx.ID_PREVIEW, '&Generate Results', 'Generate text file with results')

# Create a "Help" Menu
helpmenu = wx.Menu()
helpmenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT, '&About', 'Information about this program')

# Create a ManuBar
menubar = wx.MenuBar()
menubar.Append(filemenu, '&File')
menubar.Append(editmenu, '&Edit')
menubar.Append(helpmenu, '&Help')

# Create Buttons
defaultSize = (100, 30)
addButton = wx.Button(panel, id = wx.ID_ADD, label = 'Add Class', pos = (10, 340), size = defaultSize)
removeButton = wx.Button(panel, id = wx.ID_REMOVE, label = 'Remove Class', pos = (120, 340), size = defaultSize)
generateButton = wx.Button(panel, id = wx.ID_PREVIEW, label = 'Generate Result File', pos = (10, 380), size = (210, 30))
editButton = wx.Button(panel, id = wx.ID_EDIT, label = 'Edit Class', pos = (320, 340), size = (100, 70))

# Setting button event handlers
wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_ADD, self.OnAdd)
wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_REMOVE, self.OnRemove)
wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_PREVIEW, self.OnGenerateResults)
wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_EDIT, self.OnEdit)

# Setting menu event handlers
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_NEW, self.OnNew)
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_OPEN, self.OnOpen)
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_SAVE, self.OnSave)
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_SAVEAS, self.OnSaveAs)
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_PROPERTIES, self.OnProperties)
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_EXIT, self.OnExit)
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_ADD, self.OnAdd)
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_REMOVE, self.OnRemove)
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_EDIT, self.OnEdit)
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_PREVIEW, self.OnGenerateResults)
wx.EVT_MENU(self, wx.ID_ABOUT, self.OnAbout)

# Create a list
self.Classes = wx.ListCtrl(panel, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT, pos = (10, 10), size = (410, 320))
self.Classes.InsertColumn(0, 'Class Name')
self.Classes.InsertColumn(1, 'Number Students')
self.Classes.InsertColumn(2, 'Lb/Student')
self.Classes.InsertColumn(3, '1st')
self.Classes.InsertColumn(4, '2nd')
self.Classes.InsertColumn(5, '3rd')
self.Classes.InsertColumn(6, '4th')
self.Classes.InsertColumn(7, '5th')

# Edit list width
self.Classes.SetColumnWidth(0, 180)
self.Classes.SetColumnWidth(1, 130)
self.Classes.SetColumnWidth(2, 100)
self.Classes.SetColumnWidth(3, 82)
self.Classes.SetColumnWidth(4, 82)
self.Classes.SetColumnWidth(5, 82)
self.Classes.SetColumnWidth(6, 82)
self.Classes.SetColumnWidth(7, 82)

# Setting close button event handler
wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.CloseWindow)

# Show the Frame

# Event Handlers
def OnNew(self, event):
print 'Creating a new project...'


NewDlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Enter project name:','New Project...')

if NewDlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:

if NewDlg.GetValue() == None or NewDlg.GetValue() == '':
ErrorDlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Invalid Name', 'Error: Invalid Name', wx.OK)
print 'No project made due to \"Invalid Project Name Error\"'

projectName = NewDlg.GetValue()
self.CurrentProject = Project(projectName)
print 'New project \"' + projectName +'" created!'
print 'No project made due to \"New Project Error\"'


def OnOpen(self, event):
print 'Opening project...'


filters = 'Project files (*.pkl)|*.pkl|All files (*.*)|*.*'
SaveDlg = wx.FileDialog ( None, message = 'Open something....', wildcard = filters, style = wx.OPEN)

if SaveDlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
selection = SaveDlg.GetPath()
print 'Selected: ', selection
F = open(selection, 'rb')
openedProject = pickle.load(F)
self.CurrentProject = openedProject
print 'Opened Project: \"' + selection + '\"'

for keys in self.CurrentProject.classList.keys():
num_items = self.Classes.GetItemCount()
self.Classes.InsertStringItem(num_items, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[keys].className))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 1, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[keys].numStudents))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 2, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[keys].GetRatio()))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 3, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[keys].firstReturn))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 4, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[keys].secondReturn))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 5, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[keys].thirdReturn))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 6, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[keys].fourthReturn))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 7, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[keys].fifthReturn))
print 'New class added!'
self.Directory = selection
self.Saved = True

print 'Nothing was selected.'


def OnSave(self, event):
print 'Saving changes...'
if self.Saved == False:
ErrorDial = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Save As first!', 'Error: Save Project', wx.OK)
print 'Project not saved due to \"Save Project Error\"'
F = open(self.Directory, 'wb')
pickle.dump(self.CurrentProject, F)
print 'Saved Changes'

def OnSaveAs(self, event):
print 'Saving as a new project...'

if self.CurrentProject == None:
ErrorDial = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Create or open project first!', 'Error: No Project', wx.OK)
print 'Project not saved due to \"No Project Error\"'

SaveAsDlg = wx.FileDialog (self, style = wx.SAVE)

if SaveAsDlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
print 'Selected:', SaveAsDlg.GetPath() + '.pkl'
F = open((SaveAsDlg.GetPath() + '.pkl'), 'wb')
pickle.dump(self.CurrentProject, F)
self.Saved = True
self.Directory = (SaveAsDlg.GetPath() + '.pkl')
print 'Project saved as \"' + (SaveAsDlg.GetPath() + '.pkl') + '\"'

print 'Nothing was selected.'


def OnProperties(self, event):
print 'Generating Project Properties'
if self.CurrentProject == None:
ErrorDial = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Create a new project first!', 'Error: New Project', wx.OK)
print 'Class not added due to \"No Project Error\"'
properties = ('Project Name: ' + self.CurrentProject.projectName +
'\n\nDate Created: ' + self.CurrentProject.projectDate +
'\n\nNumber of Classes: ' + str(self.CurrentProject.numClasses) +
'\n\nTotal Pounds Collected: ' + str(self.CurrentProject.GetTotalPounds()) +
'\n\n________________________________\n\n' + 'The Overall Winner: ' +
self.CurrentProject.GetWinner().className + ' with ratio of ' + str(self.CurrentProject.GetWinner().GetRatio()) + ' lb/student')
PropDlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, properties, 'Project Properties', wx.OK)

def OnExit(self, event):
print 'Exiting...'

def OnAdd(self, event):
print 'Adding new class...'
if self.CurrentProject == None:
ErrorDial = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Create a new project first!', 'Error: New Project', wx.OK)
print 'Class not added due to \"No Project Error\"'

dlgName = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Enter class name:','Add Class...')
if dlgName.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
className = dlgName.GetValue()

dlgNumber = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Enter number of students:','Add Class...')
if dlgNumber.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
numberStudents = dlgNumber.GetValue()

dlgFirst = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Pounds in 1st turn-in:','Add Class...')
if dlgFirst.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
first = dlgFirst.GetValue()

dlgSecond = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Pounds in 2nd turn-in:','Add Class...')
if dlgSecond.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
second = dlgSecond.GetValue()

dlgThird = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Pounds in 3rd turn-in:','Add Class...')
if dlgThird.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
third = dlgThird.GetValue()

dlgFourth = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Pounds in 4th turn-in:','Add Class...')
if dlgFourth.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
fourth = dlgFourth.GetValue()

dlgFifth = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Pounds in 5th turn-in:','Add Class...')
if dlgFifth.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
fifth = dlgFifth.GetValue()


self.CurrentProject.AddClass(className, numberStudents, first, second, third, fourth, fifth)
num_items = self.Classes.GetItemCount()
self.Classes.InsertStringItem(num_items, className)
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 1, numberStudents)
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 2, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[className].GetRatio()))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 3, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[className].firstReturn))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 4, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[className].secondReturn))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 5, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[className].thirdReturn))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 6, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[className].fourthReturn))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(num_items, 7, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[className].fifthReturn))
print 'New class added!'

except NameError:
ErrorDial = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Variable not specified!', 'Error: Variable Not Given', wx.OK)
print 'Class not added due to \"No Name Given Error\"'

def OnRemove(self, event):
print 'Removing class...'
if self.CurrentProject == None:
ErrorDial = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Create a new project first!', 'Error: New Project', wx.OK)
print 'Class not deleted due to \"No Project Error\"'

index = self.Classes.GetFocusedItem()
name = str(self.Classes.GetItemText(index))
print 'Removed class \"' + name + '\"'
ErrorDial = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Select a class to delete!', 'Error: No class selected', wx.OK)
print 'Class not deleted due to \"No Project Selected Error\"'

def OnEdit(self, event):
print 'Editing class...'
if self.CurrentProject == None:
ErrorDial = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Create a new project first!', 'Error: New Project', wx.OK)
print 'Class not added due to \"No Project Error\"'

index = self.Classes.GetFocusedItem()
name = str(self.Classes.GetItemText(index))

#dlgName = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Enter class name:','Edit Class...')
#dlgName.SetValue(str(self.CurrentProject.classLis t[name].className))
#if dlgName.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
# className = str(dlgName.GetValue())

dlgNumber = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Enter number of students:','Edit Class...')
dlgNumber.SetValue(str(self.CurrentProject.classLi st[name].numStudents))
if dlgNumber.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
numberStudents = dlgNumber.GetValue()

dlgFirst = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Pounds in 1st turn-in:','Edit Class...')
dlgFirst.SetValue(str(self.CurrentProject.classLis t[name].firstReturn))
if dlgFirst.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
first = dlgFirst.GetValue()

dlgSecond = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Pounds in 2nd turn-in:','Edit Class...')
dlgSecond.SetValue(str(self.CurrentProject.classLi st[name].secondReturn))
if dlgSecond.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
second = dlgSecond.GetValue()

dlgThird = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Pounds in 3rd turn-in:','Edit Class...')
dlgThird.SetValue(str(self.CurrentProject.classLis t[name].thirdReturn))
if dlgThird.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
third = dlgThird.GetValue()

dlgFourth = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Pounds in 4th turn-in:','Edit Class...')
dlgFourth.SetValue(str(self.CurrentProject.classLi st[name].fourthReturn))
if dlgFourth.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
fourth = dlgFourth.GetValue()

dlgFifth = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Pounds in 5th turn-in:','Edit Class...')
dlgFifth.SetValue(str(self.CurrentProject.classLis t[name].fifthReturn))
if dlgFifth.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
fifth = dlgFifth.GetValue()


self.CurrentProject.classList[name].className = name
self.CurrentProject.classList[name].numStudents = numberStudents
self.CurrentProject.classList[name].firstReturn = first
self.CurrentProject.classList[name].secondReturn = second
self.CurrentProject.classList[name].thirdReturn = third
self.CurrentProject.classList[name].fourthReturn = fourth
self.CurrentProject.classList[name].fifthReturn = fifth

self.Classes.SetStringItem(index, 0, name)
self.Classes.SetStringItem(index, 1, numberStudents)
self.Classes.SetStringItem(index, 2, str(self.CurrentProject.classList[name].GetRatio()))
self.Classes.SetStringItem(index, 3, first)
self.Classes.SetStringItem(index, 4, second)
self.Classes.SetStringItem(index, 5, third)
self.Classes.SetStringItem(index, 6, fourth)
self.Classes.SetStringItem(index, 7, fifth)

print 'Class edited'

except NameError:
ErrorDial = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Variable not specified!', 'Error: Variable Not Given', wx.OK)
print 'Class not edited due to \"No Name Given Error\"'

def OnSort(self, event):
print 'Sort'

def OnGenerateResults(self, event):
print 'Generating File...'

if self.CurrentProject == None:
ErrorDial = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Create a new project first!', 'Error: New Project', wx.OK)
print 'Class not added due to \"No Project Error\"'

GenerateDlg = wx.FileDialog (self, style = wx.SAVE)

if GenerateDlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
print 'Selected:', GenerateDlg.GetPath() + '.txt'
F = open((GenerateDlg.GetPath() + '.txt'), 'w')
# Write the file

generatedString = ''
generatedString += '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'
generatedString += ' \n'
generatedString += ' Generated File for Project: ' + self.CurrentProject.projectName + '\n'
generatedString += ' \n'
generatedString += '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'

generatedString += '\n\n\nProject Results:\n\n'
generatedString += self.CurrentProject.__str__()
generatedString += '\n\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n'
generatedString += '\n\nTotal Pounds Collected: ' + str(self.CurrentProject.GetTotalPounds()) + ' lb'
generatedString += '\n\nThe Overall Winner: ' + self.CurrentProject.GetWinner().className



print 'File generated at \"' + (GenerateDlg.GetPath() + '.txt') + '\"'

print 'Nothing was selected.'


def OnAbout(self, event):
print 'About'
description = """Manna Helper is an advanced organizing
application. It features the ability to create new \"Projects\"
(Yearly Food Drives), and add classes with diffrent variables
such as: number of students per class and amounts of pounds
collected by each class. This application also includes the
ability to open/save new projects or current projects."""

licence = """Manna Helper is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Manna Helper is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of
the GNU General Public License along with File Hunter; if not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA"""

info = wx.AboutDialogInfo()

info.SetIcon(wx.Icon('images/image.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG))
info.SetName('Manna Helper')
info.SetCopyright('(C) 2010 ***** ****')
info.AddDeveloper('***** ****')


def CloseWindow(self, event):
print 'Close Window Button'
print 'Exit'
print 'Save changes?'
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Would you like to save changes?','Save?', wx.YES | wx.NO | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
result = dlg.ShowModal()
if result == wx.ID_YES:
print 'Save...'

if self.Saved == True:
elif result == wx.ID_NO:
print 'Not Save, just exit...'

# Program Runner
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
frame = MainWindow(None, -1, 'Manna Helper 1.1')

ERROR LOG **********

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Main.py", line 257, in OnOpen
File "pickle.pyo", line 1370, in load
File "pickle.pyo", line 858, in load
File "pickle.pyo", line 971, in load_string
LookupError: unknown encoding: string-escape
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Main.py", line 257, in OnOpen
File "pickle.pyo", line 1370, in load
File "pickle.pyo", line 858, in load
File "pickle.pyo", line 971, in load_string
LookupError: unknown encoding: string-escape
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Main.py", line 309, in OnSaveAs
File "pickle.pyo", line 1362, in dump
File "pickle.pyo", line 224, in dump
File "pickle.pyo", line 286, in save
File "pickle.pyo", line 725, in save_inst
File "pickle.pyo", line 286, in save
File "pickle.pyo", line 649, in save_dict
File "pickle.pyo", line 663, in _batch_setitems
File "pickle.pyo", line 286, in save
File "pickle.pyo", line 500, in save_unicode
LookupError: unknown encoding: raw-unicode-escape
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Main.py", line 257, in OnOpen
File "pickle.pyo", line 1370, in load
File "pickle.pyo", line 858, in load
File "pickle.pyo", line 971, in load_string
LookupError: unknown encoding: string-escape
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Main.py", line 257, in OnOpen
File "pickle.pyo", line 1370, in load
File "pickle.pyo", line 858, in load
File "pickle.pyo", line 971, in load_string
LookupError: unknown encoding: string-escape

SETUP FILE **********

# Py2Exe version 0.6.3 setup file for console programs.
# If this is a windows GUI application replace the last line with
# windows = [{"script": 'myFile.py'}] )
# Enter the file name of your own .py code file in the last line, lets say it's test1.py
# so the last line should be: console = [{"script": 'test1.py'}] )
# then save this program as p2e_test1.py to the same directory where your code file is located
# Now run p2e_test1.py ...
# Two subfolders will be created, called build and dist.
# The dist folder contains your .exe file, MSVCR71.dll and w9xpopen.exe (needed for os.popen() only)
# Your .exe file contains your byte code, all needed modules and the Python interpreter.
# The MSVCR71.dll can be distributed, but is often already in the system32 folder.
# The build folder can be deleted.
# tested with Python24 and Py2Exe v0.6.3 by vegaseat 27may2006

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import sys
import wx
import pickle

# no arguments
if len(sys.argv) == 1:

# creates a standalone .exe file, no zip files
setup( options = {"py2exe": {"compressed": 1, "optimize": 2, "ascii": 1, "bundle_files": 1}},
zipfile = None,
# replace myFile.py with your own code filename here ...
windows = [{"script": 'Main.py'}] )

June 2nd, 2010, 01:55 PM
Just a hunch from taking a quick look, but I *think* the error may be stemming from lines like these:

print 'Class not added due to \"No Project Error\"'

I'm not sure why you're adding a '\' in these lines. I wouldn't think you'd have to as the double quotes should be legal as your print statement is ultimately using single quotes. I think maybe the program is getting hung up trying to figure out why you have the slash in there. There errors are reporting an unknown string escape sequence.

I"m a newbie so I could be on the wrong track. (usually am)

June 2nd, 2010, 04:54 PM
Raydeen is quite right and you do not need the backslash characters to escape your quotes. But python is able to handle the escaped quotes and they should not be a problem.
I have no idea why your error occurs but there may be another solution.
There is no reason windows machines can not run python code. You just have to install a python interpreter. There is an installer available at python.org.

June 2nd, 2010, 06:34 PM
If you need to deploy across many machines then installing Python on all of them is not very feasible.

If you are using a simple format for storing your data (like a dictionary or list or some other combination of Python primitives) then consider using a different format (other than pickle) for storing your data. In particular, if you use Python 2.6 or higher, you should have JSON available to you (via the json module) which uses this very handy data serialization format.

No idea if it will fix your errors, per se, however. I didn't read through all your code.

June 2nd, 2010, 09:00 PM
Thanks for all the replies, but i solved my problem...
The problem was in the setup file, because it did not include encoding module...

Below is the solution:

# Py2Exe version 0.6.3 setup file for console programs.
# If this is a windows GUI application replace the last line with
# windows = [{"script": 'myFile.py'}] )
# Enter the file name of your own .py code file in the last line, lets say it's test1.py
# so the last line should be: console = [{"script": 'test1.py'}] )
# then save this program as p2e_test1.py to the same directory where your code file is located
# Now run p2e_test1.py ...
# Two subfolders will be created, called build and dist.
# The dist folder contains your .exe file, MSVCR71.dll and w9xpopen.exe (needed for os.popen() only)
# Your .exe file contains your byte code, all needed modules and the Python interpreter.
# The MSVCR71.dll can be distributed, but is often already in the system32 folder.
# The build folder can be deleted.
# tested with Python24 and Py2Exe v0.6.3 by vegaseat 27may2006

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import sys
import wx

# no arguments
if len(sys.argv) == 1:

# creates a standalone .exe file, no zip files
setup( options = {"py2exe": {"compressed": 1, "optimize": 2, "ascii": 1, "bundle_files": 1, }},
zipfile = None,"packages": ["encodings"]
# replace myFile.py with your own code filename here ...
windows = [{"script": 'Main.py'}] )

Notice how I added

"packages": ["encodings"]

This solved my problem...
Here's where I got the information from:

Once again thanks for replies!:P