View Full Version : How can I make my C program go faster?

June 1st, 2010, 06:41 AM
Now before anyone tells me something like this already exists, this is purely an experiment to help me learn C ;).

Anyway, I got bored and decided to try and make a C program that works very similarly to "cp" in Unix, except that it also shows me a progress bar when I'm copying a file.

Right now the only way to copy a file from one place to another is by hardcoding the paths in.

It seems to work, but the copy speed is relatively slow.

Does anyone know any tips on how I can make the copying faster?


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

long fileSize(FILE* input_file);
void copy_file(char* from_path, char* to_path);

int main(){
char * file1 = "/path/to/existing/file";
char * file2 = "/path/to/copy/to";

copy_file(file1, file2);

long fileSize(FILE* input_file){
long size;

fseek(input_file, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(input_file);
fseek(input_file, 0, SEEK_SET);

return size;

// Copys one file from one location to another
void copy_file(char* from_path, char* to_path){

FILE * old_file = fopen(from_path, "rb");
FILE * new_file = fopen(to_path, "wb");

long totalSize = fileSize(old_file);

int percent = 0;
double last = 0;
double speed = 0;

long count = 0, difference = 0, lastTime = 0, lastCount = 0;

int i = 0;

time_t timer = time(NULL);


timer = time(NULL);

percent = (int)(100 * count++/totalSize);

difference = timer - lastTime;

if(difference >= 1){
speed = count - lastCount;
lastCount = count;
lastTime = timer;
last = percent;
printf("%d% |", percent);
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if(i < (int)percent/10)
printf("| [%f MB/s]\r", speed/(1024*1024));
putc(fgetc(old_file), new_file);




June 1st, 2010, 06:55 AM
putc(fgetc(old_file), new_file);

I'm not a c expert, but my guess would be this line is your culprit. Moving 1 character of the file at a time creates a massive number of I/O operations. If you move say 1% of the file at a time you should see massive performance gains.

June 1st, 2010, 07:06 AM
putc(fgetc(old_file), new_file);

I'm not a c expert, but my guess would be this line is your culprit. Moving 1 character of the file at a time creates a massive number of I/O operations. If you move say 1% of the file at a time you should see massive performance gains.

Agreed. Every time you read from a disk, you're doing an operation on the order of milliseconds - an eon to your CPU. You should read in chunks of 4KiB, ext3's normal block size.

June 1st, 2010, 01:00 PM
You should read in chunks of 4KiB, ext3's normal block size.

Actually i would recommend using stat(2) to get the blocksize, that way you automatically get the most efficient result for any file-system.
you could use something like:

unsigned blocksize;
struct stat filestat;
stat(from_path, &filestat);
blocksize = filestat.st_blksize;

and you could use stat to see if the file exists and if it is a normal (copyable) file.

June 1st, 2010, 01:36 PM
file streams are buffered to optimal size already, so the block size is probably not really the problem
(only indirectly over the function call overhead).

The problems are:
- outputting to stdout (slow)
- flushing stdout (makes above slower because you destroy stdout's internal buffering)
- the calculations done for the progress bar
- the high amount of function calls

Luckily the solution is identical to the solution of to small buffer size:
Do it in bigger data chunks instead of once per byte.
Just to be sure also use the st_blksize as recommeded by ziekfiguur

June 1st, 2010, 02:43 PM
Use multiples of the block size to reduce the number of seek operations as the hard drive heads need to be repositioned between reads and writes. Each movement costs around 7 to 10ms.

June 1st, 2010, 02:45 PM
Wow, I never even considered the block size thing. I'll look into that.



Sorry, which function would I use to read blocks rather than characters?

June 1st, 2010, 03:58 PM
I think fgets would be the one you want.

And thanks for the stat() functions. That might help me for stuff that I might eventually be working on :)

June 1st, 2010, 06:10 PM
I think fgets would be the one you want.NO.

Use fread() and fwrite().

June 1st, 2010, 06:33 PM
just a hint -- have a look at open/close and readv, writev - read or write data into multiple buffers ( man 2 ... )

June 2nd, 2010, 01:55 AM
Don't mix calls of read(2) and write(2) with fread(3) and fwrite(3) (i.e. functions from unistd.h vs. stdio.h). stdio uses different buffering systems and such and you will get strange results.

If you are interested in portability, I would recommend fread/fwrite over read/write, because read/write is implemented only on POSIX conforming systems.

June 2nd, 2010, 08:57 AM

You could also profile your program to see where it spends the most time.
This way you know on what you have to focus to make it faster.

gprof is one tool to do this:



June 2nd, 2010, 11:29 AM
Don't mix calls of read(2) and write(2) with fread(3) and fwrite(3) (i.e. functions from unistd.h vs. stdio.h). stdio uses different buffering systems and such and you will get strange results.

If you are interested in portability, I would recommend fread/fwrite over read/write, because read/write is implemented only on POSIX conforming systems.

oh that's pretty brand new for me. start programming C long before posix ( 1978 !! ).
quiz ! on wich systemcalls fread and fwrite are based ?
by the side you can open your files O_SYNC and there is absolutely no buffer.
real programmers don't use functions :-)