View Full Version : Can any Android Phones function without a battery?

Shining Arcanine
May 30th, 2010, 06:01 PM
I know that laptops can function without their batteries if they remain plugged into a wall. Doing something like this makes it fairly trivial to insert power monitoring equipment into their electrical circuits. I would like to do this with an Android Phone as part of a summer project I am doing for one of the professors in my university's computer science department, so I would like to take a survey of Android users here. Feedback from non-android users is appreciated as well.

Is it possible for you to remove your phone's battery, plug it into its charger and use it normally while tethered to a power outlet?

Please respond with the exact make and model of your phone. Any other information on its specifications (e.g. is it GSM/SIM unlocked? what processor does it use? ) would be appreciated as well.