View Full Version : [ubuntu] How can I install my skype phone: 'butler 4012 USB voip' with 'Skiputler'?

May 25th, 2010, 04:30 PM

I am new here, I have Ubuntu: 10.04. And I would like install my skype phone: 'Butler 4012 USB voip. I I have read you can do that with: Skiputler'

See: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1063793

How can I install, Skiputler?
I do not know what to do. It's in the install file:

- TODO -

Requested - Linux:
* glib-2.0 and its development package (libglib2.0-dev on Debian)
* dbus-glib-1 and its development package (libdbus-glib-1-dev on Debian)
* libusb-0.1 and its development package (libusb-dev on Debian)
* Skype for Linux; version 2.0 or later (http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/)
* working D-Bus system (http://dbus.freedesktop.org/)

* The USB device must be accesible by the user running Skype and skiputler.
Write a file /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules with this content:

ATTRS{idVendor}=="0e6a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6002", GROUP="plugdev"

* Make sure the user belongs to the "plugdev" group

Requested - Os X:
* dbus-glib-1 (e.g. "sudo port install dbus-glib-1" - see http://www.macports.org/) (http://www.macports.org/%29)
* libusb-0.1 (e.g. "sudo port install libusb-legacy")
* Skype for Os X; version or later (http://www.skype.com/download/skype/macosx/)
* Skype API Framework (https://developer.skype.com/Docs/ApiDoc/Skype_API_on_Mac/): (https://developer.skype.com/Docs/ApiDoc/Skype_API_on_Mac/%29:)
Mount disk image (dmg) and copy the folder "Skype.framework" to /System/Library/Frameworks
* osxbridge from https://sourceforge....kiputler/files/ (https://sourceforge.net/projects/skiputler/files/)

$ cd src
$ make
as root:
$ make install

Running - Linux:
$ skiputler

* IMPOPRTANT: skiputler and Skype must be run by the same user.

* Use "nohup" to run it in a daemon like behaviour:
$ nohup skipulter &

* Change loglevel (1=report only errors, 2=informative, 3=debugging):
$ skipulter --loglevel 1

Running - Os X:
* Make sure DBUS session agent is running:
$ sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchAgents

* Run osxbridge in a "crash safe" manner:
$ while true ; do ./osxbridge ; done

$ skiputler

* IMPOPRTANT: skiputler and Skype must be run by the same user.

* Use "nohup" to run it in a daemon like behaviour:
$ nohup skipulter &

* Change loglevel (1=report only errors, 2=informative, 3=debugging):
$ skipulter --loglevel 1

Error reporting:
https://sourceforge....15&atid=1126639 (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=250215&atid=1126639)Thanks, voor the support.