View Full Version : Allegro Common Lisp wont run on 10.04

May 19th, 2010, 04:39 AM

I am hoping you might be able to help me with an issue I am having as I have exhausted my other options.

I have installed Allegro CL 8.2 from this site: http://www.franz.com/downloads/clp/download on Ubuntu 10.04 x64.

When I try to run the "alisp" executable I receive the following message:

dan@Jadzia:/usr/local/acl82express$ ./alisp
bash: ./alisp: No such file or directory

Naturally, the file is there:

dan@Jadzia:/usr/local/acl82express$ ls
acache alisp.dxl bin develenv.cl files.bu index.htm locales splash.bmp update.cl
acli8218.tpll allegro-express cg-obsolete.cl devel.lic franz.bmp jil misc src update.sh
aclissl.so allegro-express.dxl cgtree.cl doc gtk jlinker opengl tutorial.bmp welcome.bmp
aclssl.so allegro-express.pll cgtree.txt eli gui-builder-tutorial libacli8218t.so orblink update xeli
alisp ansicl code examples hosts.cl license.txt readme.txt update2.cl

I have checked the permissions and the files have the execute bit set and such.

I have run this software without issue on Ubuntu 9.10 both x86 and x64, but something seems to be different about 10.04 which is breaking it.

Thanks for your help!

Take care,


May 19th, 2010, 11:45 PM
Ah, this is fixed with todays glib update.
