View Full Version : [ubuntu] Evolution sidebar costumization?

May 15th, 2010, 12:14 PM

I'm using Evolution with 11 different Emailaccounts. They all show up with their respective folders in the left sidebar.

How can I change their order?
Now, so it seems, the account I entered first is on top.
I want the mor important accounts to be the furtest up and move some others down.

I'm sure there has to be a file where this is stored, no?

thx for help,

May 15th, 2010, 05:20 PM

it may not be the most elegant way but the way I use to 'sort' my mail accounts in evolution is by renaming them because Evolution sorts the accounts alphabetically according to the field 'account name' When you go into Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Accounts and select the mail account you wish to change the name. Hit the 'edit' button and change the name in the field 'account name'.

for example your new naming could be like this

A - Work account 1 (most important)
B - Work account 2
C - Private account 1
D - Private account 2

hope this helps.



June 4th, 2010, 09:12 AM
Hi beavis5551!

A little late but nonetheless: nice workaround!
Still it's ugly you can't do any customization in evolution at all, but at least your workaround works though it doesn't look too nice.
But I guess we have to wait many more years to get it all ...

Struggling with those little and sometimes big issues with evolution I really wish there was a more ambitious PIM project for gnome around.

Anyway, thx,

June 5th, 2010, 10:59 PM
glad i was of a little help at least.

rock on :)