View Full Version : Motion capture game

May 15th, 2010, 11:39 AM
Hey guys.

For a project I'm designing a game which will be deployed in a school for challenged children. The game will be controlled by motion capture (camera and infrared tags) and will be displayed on a pretty large beamer.

Our idea at the moment is to make a game with all kinds of objects falling and the children will have to try to catch stuff by running around in front of the beamer's projection. There will be some more stuff to make the game fun like bombs and powerups.

So I was wondering if any of you has some experience with this kind of gaming. Maybe some tips? The backend will probably be Java since the coders are all pretty familiar with it. So I'm still looking for some way to make a gui which is able to communicate with Java.

I'm open for all kinds of input...just thought it would be fun to involve the (skilled) ubuntu community in the project. Hope to hear something..