View Full Version : [all variants] Workplace Switcher works better under Ambiance or Radiance

Colin Keenan
May 14th, 2010, 02:47 AM
I've attached 2 jpeg screenshots. Look at the center of the top panel and you'll find my Workplace Switcher. In the Ambiance screenshot, the Workplace Switcher clearly shows that Google Voice is open in the 2nd workspace because it shows that icon there. In the Custom screenshot, the Workplace Switcher shows there's a window open in the second workspace, but no icon to identify what's in the window. I've checked all available controls, and only Ambiance and Radiance correctly show icons for most open windows in the Workplace Switcher.

Does anyone know how to make controls from other themes work with Workplace Switcher the way that Ambiance and Radiance do?

May 14th, 2010, 07:45 AM
It's simply a question of how large the window is (=how large it appears in the workspace switcher), how much padding your theme has, and how large your panel is.

Whatever theme you use, if you start increasing the panel size you'll see the icons appearing in more and more of the window previews in the workspace switcher. The windows previews get an icon if there's enough room for one.