View Full Version : Integrate Google Groups (or any mailing list) with Facebook, Twitter, etc?

May 11th, 2010, 05:27 AM
ya, i know a lot of us here aren't huge fans of facebook and all that.

bear with me! it's for a good cause: http://combooks.org

it's just getting started, so obviously it's just me alone getting the ball rolling.

if posts to the mailing list were automatically (magically?) updated to a facebook group, twitter, etc, i think it would increase adoption.

even if it was just the subject line, and somehow contained a link to the original mailing list entry... that would be rad.

any suggestions or ideas?

May 12th, 2010, 04:52 AM
I'm happy with twitterfeed (http://twitterfeed.com/). It's easy to use, has a nice interface and it works (unlike Feedburner Socialize feature). Since Google Groups has RSS feeds, it would pretty easy to feed a twitter account.

I have been working on such integrations for my new web site. Basically I have a single blog (blogger) and twitter account for each of my Firefox extensions. I also have a tutorials blog (http://firefox-tutorials.blogspot.com/) and the main blog (http://lovinglinuxblog.blogspot.com). The main blog twitter account concatenates posts/tweets from all other blogs, while them only have specific posts/tweets.

I send each blog RSS feed entries to their corresponding twitter accounts using twitterfeed and also send to the main blog twitter account (tweeterfeed allow multiple destinations). So when I create a new post about an extension release, it will show up in the extension RSS feed, in the extension twitter account and the main blog twitter account. You can see my feeds here (http://lovinglinuxblog.blogspot.com/p/feeds.html).

You should also consider Google Buzz.

EDIT: twitterfeed also supports Facebook