View Full Version : How connected are you?

May 10th, 2010, 10:53 PM
What drives these so called 'smartphones' to be what they are.
For one thing social networking sites like Facebook and others.

A while i was using Facebook to, till i came to the conclusion that reporting something like 'today i am totally bored' is as meaningful as saying 'you are cool, dude'.
In a sense i scraped Facebook and don't see any meaning in them. Ok, i am just so uncool that no one talks to me anyway.

So why do you need a smartphone then? Perhaps business application like to read and write business emails. Hey, you off the job. Doesn't matter. You are always on the job. Even if you don't get paid. Cause its cool.

Or perhaps some other useful applications like 'how many calories does this fruit have'. Or who is arround me now? Am i watched?

I actually gave up on smartphones since i could not find a single application that i can not do at home instead.
Or is it just hip to have one to be cool and not an outcast by admitting that you are so lame you really have only a single purpose phone (to make calls that is).

So i am only connected per phone and thats it. Perhaps messaging. But even that is limited.

Well, you can say that i rant somewhat. But i actually really like to know who connected people are and for what reason.
But keep in mind, everyone should do what he or she likes to do. And good me, i don't have a job that requires me to have one. Other people are not so lucky.

Ok, then lets share... :)

May 10th, 2010, 11:02 PM
I'm not connected, and like it that way. If I need to relay info to someone, I'll text or call them on the phone. Otherwise, don't bother me.

May 10th, 2010, 11:07 PM
Facebook is too slow for me... i get bored

May 10th, 2010, 11:23 PM
I have a cell phone that is just that, a phone. To be used in emergencies in case my VoIP service dumps so I can call 911 .. or so I have an emergency phone while traveling.
I have an older PDA .. I use it primarily for GPS .. but can use it to contact on line when a WiFi spot is open. It has an older MS OS, so the Explorer in it was text only .. had to add PAID Opera in order to have HTML browsing.

At HOME .. I DO use Facebook .. but not for the dumb crap the kids use it for. Especially contacting someone next door that could be reached FACE TO FACE.
My Facebook is set up with friends, former clients and family reaching back well over 45 years .. and since they can be anywhere from Thailand, the Philippines, New Zealand, Italy, Germany, the UK and all over the US, I find the service convenient and a nice way to keep in touch. (and nice to get performance video next day downloads when some are touring and pre releases of new CD projects!)
Twitter is a garbage dump of useless information.

May 11th, 2010, 12:30 AM
I just got a new phone. I looked at the Androids and even the Blackberries but I didn't want to sign up for $70/m. So I wound up getting a small vertical slider for free (with a two year contract).


In a pinch I can check my GMail or google something. And oh yeah, make a phone call. I'll take another look in two years when this contract runs out.

May 11th, 2010, 12:46 AM
This is mine. I got it with a $15 dataplan and $5 messaging plan. Canceled the dataplan after a month. I rarely used the internet.


May 11th, 2010, 12:59 AM
I have a nokia smartphone with Symbian on it.

I mainly use it for email, 3g internet, bluetooth mobile internet with my netbook, phonecalls, texts and gps.

I find it to be really useful and everything works as well as you can expect for a cheap smartphone. I do have a facebook and twitter, but I don't use my phone for that.

Also, it doubles as an mp3 player and I can even watch a film on it if I want. It has a proper headphone jack.

Most people who complain about smartphones or social networking never seem to use them to to their full extent. This is particularly why comments like "I don't use twitter because no one wants to know what I'm having for breakfast" annoys me. I don't care what you are having for breakfast either. That's why I only follow people who look like they tweet interesting stuff and there are people who do. Also, I don't really consider smartphones as phones in the traditional sense, but more like mini computers. I wanted a smartphone to use it for the above listed, not just to have a glorified texter.

May 11th, 2010, 01:59 AM
well, i have to say that i am a disconnected old fart. That sound ruff but it is like this.
So for everyone who really has use for the newer technology, thats great.
I just do not need it and i find facebook rather annoying or even twitter where you read someone's thought to whatever.
Not that it can be useful and great. It can.
I think i am just getting to old for that.

GPS was a major thing for me, but the transmitting rate was disappointing. Plus in on google maps it was as accurate as someone throwing blindfolded on a wall. My location got pinpointed to a couple hundred meters.
Perhaps its the phone, who knows.

Also, all the information you get (in general) is pretty overwhelming. Thats why i had to strip a lot of feeds. But again, thats just me.

I think other people are just better at this than i am.