View Full Version : need help with bash script to generate nfo files

May 3rd, 2010, 10:35 AM
Hi all,

I'm trying to write a simple bash script which will generate a text .nfo file from the file names in a directory. Its for my music video library in xbmc.

Basically I have a bunch of music videos which are named : "Artist - Song.avi"

I need to create an .nfo text file for each with the following in it:


So, for example, "Arcade Fire - Laika.avi" will have a file generated called "Arcade Fire - Laika.nfo" with Laika between the title tags and Arcade Fire between the artist tags.

I know this is really easy, but I can't for the life of me figure out exactly how to do it... Help me please!!

May 3rd, 2010, 03:01 PM
This should work for all the .avi files in the directory tree. Make sure you have write permissions everywhere, though.

find . -name '*.avi' | while read file_name; do
band_name=`echo $file_name | sed 's/ *-.*$//'` # Get rid of song name
band_name=`echo $band_name | sed 's/^.*\///'` # Get rid of file path
song_name=`echo $file_name | sed 's/^.*- *//'` # Get rid of band name
song_name=`echo $song_name | sed 's/.avi//'` # Get rid of file extension
new_file_name=`echo $file_name | sed 's/.avi/.nfo/'` # Make new filename
echo "Making $new_file_name..."
echo -en "<musicvideo>\n<title>$song_name</title>\n<artist>$band_name</artist>\n</musicvideo>\n" > "$new_file_name"

May 4th, 2010, 01:51 AM
Thank you. Works perfectly.

January 30th, 2011, 02:32 PM

I already have the .nfo files, but the name of the file is not correct.

For now I have for example Ubuntu Cartoon - S01E01.avi / Ubuntu Cartoon - S01E01.nfo.

The NFO contains:

<title>Ubuntu ABC</title>
</episodedetails>Problem is that I need to rename every .avi and .nfo so that they include the <title> also. Like this: Ubuntu Cartoon - S01E01 - Ubuntu ABC.avi / Ubuntu Cartoon - S01E01 - Ubuntu ABC.nfo

Is there easy way to do this? I have about 5000 avi/nfo file.

January 30th, 2011, 03:40 PM

find . -name '*.nfo' | while read nfo
title=$( grep '<title>' "$nfo" | sed -r 's:.*<title>(.*)</title>.*:\1:g' )
newname="$name - $title"
mv -v "$name".nfo "$newname".nfo
mv -v "$name".avi "$newname".avi

reads the title from <title></title> and appends it to the file name. It doesn't recognize if the title is already included so don't run it many times - each execution will add the title to the name.

test it first on some junk sample to see if it behaves ok, 5k files messed up by some dumb oversight is not something anyone would want to experience and fix.

January 30th, 2011, 03:59 PM
Thank You!

February 22nd, 2011, 04:19 PM
This should work for all the .avi files in the directory tree. Make sure you have write permissions everywhere, though.

find . -name '*.avi' | while read file_name; do
band_name=`echo $file_name | sed 's/ *-.*$//'` # Get rid of song name
band_name=`echo $band_name | sed 's/^.*\///'` # Get rid of file path
song_name=`echo $file_name | sed 's/^.*- *//'` # Get rid of band name
song_name=`echo $song_name | sed 's/.avi//'` # Get rid of file extension
new_file_name=`echo $file_name | sed 's/.avi/.nfo/'` # Make new filename
echo "Making $new_file_name..."
echo -en "<musicvideo>\n<title>$song_name</title>\n<artist>$band_name</artist>\n</musicvideo>\n" > "$new_file_name"

I need to create nfo like this:

<title>Funny episode</title>
File is Ubuntu show - 1x10 - Funny episode.mkv

I don't need 'Ubuntu show' part with the NFO, but everything els. I tried google, but without any luck. Script almost works for me, but I don't know how to use sed to ignore the 'Ubuntu show' and split 1x10 to episode and season.

February 22nd, 2011, 05:14 PM

name='Ubuntu show - 1x10 - Funny episode.mkv'

echo old name: $name

name=$( echo "$name" | sed -r 's:Ubuntu\sshow\s*-\s*(.*):\1:g' ) # match Ubuntu ... but use only group 1 (first parentheses)
episode=$( echo $name | grep -oE '[0-9]+x[0-9]+' ) # match [digit]x[digit](1-or-more)
s=${episode%x*} # throw away x and stuff after
e=${episode#*x} # throw away x and stuff before
echo name: $name s:$s e:$e

February 22nd, 2011, 05:18 PM
I need to create nfo like this:

<title>Funny episode</title>
File is Ubuntu show - 1x10 - Funny episode.mkv

I don't need 'Ubuntu show' part with the NFO, but everything els. I tried google, but without any luck. Script almost works for me, but I don't know how to use sed to ignore the 'Ubuntu show' and split 1x10 to episode and season.

Try something like:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

while IFS= read -rd '' file; do


title="${title##* - }"

episode="${filename#* - *x}"
episode="${episode% - *.mkv}"

season="${filename#* - }"
season="${season%x* - *.mkv}"

cat > "${file%\.mkv}.nfo" <<< \

done < <(find . -name '*.mkv' -print0)

February 22nd, 2011, 05:18 PM
That was a really cool script. Thanks for the post.

February 22nd, 2011, 06:27 PM
Thank you :)