View Full Version : Package downloaded & installed via Synaptic but can find how to start

Purple Mouse
April 30th, 2010, 11:23 PM
Hmmmm, Interested in trialing Varkon and used Synaptic Package Manager to download and install. According to the https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/add-applications/C/installing.html it should be there under 'Applications'. I've looked through them all and no sign of Varkon. I've also tried to see if Varkon was installed so I looked via Ubuntu Software Center under installed software. No sign. Did a file search for Varkon. They are there. So, what am I missing here?

April 30th, 2010, 11:41 PM
Hmmmm, Interested in trialing Varkon and used Synaptic Package Manager to download and install. According to the https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/add-applications/C/installing.html it should be there under 'Applications'. I've looked through them all and no sign of Varkon. I've also tried to see if Varkon was installed so I looked via Ubuntu Software Center under installed software. No sign. Did a file search for Varkon. They are there. So, what am I missing here?

Right click on the Varkon file you installed in Synaptic and choose "properties." This will bring up a box with several tabs. One of them will show "Installed Files." The file you want is in /usr/bin. You can create a launcher by right clicking the desktop, choose create launcher, then click the "Browse" button and find the proper file in /usr/bin. The file name should be something like varkon-(something). You can also create an entry in the application menu using System>Preferences>Main Menu.

Purple Mouse
May 1st, 2010, 12:43 AM
Thank you djchandler. Very useful however still no go. I eventually found the executable file in /usr/lib/varkon/xvarkon however nothing happens!?!

Purple Mouse
May 1st, 2010, 02:04 AM
Ahhh ha! I've discovered some behind the scenes tweeking required to make this software function. I'm running blind here so it's going to take a while to work out what is required. If you can help all the faster. eg '!varkon.mbsedit.emulator: kwrite' would I change kwrite to gedit in my instance?

!************************************************* **************
!* Resources to be used with the english version of
!* VARKON 1.17 for Linux.
!* (C)Microform AB 1998
!************************************************* **************

!***Text font for menus etc.
varkon.font: fixed
!***Resources for f216, "Edit active module in MBS format".
varkon.mbsedit.emulator: xterm -title MBS-Edit -e
varkon.mbsedit.editor: vi
!varkon.mbsedit.emulator: kwrite
varkon.mbsedit.compiler: mbsc
varkon.mbsedit.autocompile: True
varkon.mbsedit.autoexec: True
!***varkon.html_viewer is used by the help-system to spawn a
!***HTML-browser. If this resource is defined VARKON will send
!***the required helpfile to the browser. If not defined
!***VARKON will display text files in VARKON list windows
!***but HTML files will not be supported.
varkon.html_viewer: sensible-browser
!***Default graphic window. You may use more if you want.
varkon.grawin_1.geometry: 495x435+125
!varkon.grawin_2.geometry: 495x435+135+10
!varkon.grawin_3.geometry: 495x435+145+20
varkon.margin_left: 50
!***Contents of the graphical window titlebar.
varkon.title.project: True
varkon.title.jobname: True
varkon.title.viewname: True
!***Default toolbar for graphics windows.
varkon.button_1.geometry: 48x20+1+0
varkon.button_1.text: ZOOM
varkon.button_1.action: f193

varkon.button_2.geometry: 48x20+1+22
varkon.button_2.text: Auto
varkon.button_2.action: f194

varkon.button_3.geometry: 48x20+1+44
varkon.button_3.text: Scale
varkon.button_3.action: f188

varkon.button_4.geometry: 48x20+1+66
varkon.button_4.text: Pan
varkon.button_4.action: f189

varkon.button_5.geometry: 48x20+1+88
varkon.button_5.text: Prev
varkon.button_5.action: f191

varkon.button_6.geometry: 48x20+1+110
varkon.button_6.text: View
varkon.button_6.action: f195

varkon.button_7.geometry: 48x20+1+132
varkon.button_7.text: Levels
varkon.button_7.action: f197

varkon.button_8.geometry: 48x20+1+154
varkon.button_8.text: Persp
varkon.button_8.action: f190

varkon.button_9.geometry: 48x20+1+176
varkon.button_9.text: Delete
varkon.button_9.action: f10

varkon.button_10.geometry: 48x20+1+198
varkon.button_10.text: Run
varkon.button_10.action: f5

varkon.button_11.geometry: 48x20+1+220
varkon.button_11.text: Edit-P
varkon.button_11.action: f170

varkon.button_12.geometry: 48x20+1+242
varkon.button_12.text: MBS
varkon.button_12.action: f216

varkon.button_13.geometry: 48x20+1+264
varkon.button_13.text: Hide
varkon.button_13.action: f133

varkon.button_14.geometry: 48x20+1+286
varkon.button_14.text: Dyn-R
varkon.button_14.action: f200
!***Size, position and title of the rendering window.
varkon.renwin.geometry: 500x400+100+50
varkon.renwin.title: VARKON Dynamic Rendering
!***Dynamic rendering window button texts.
varkon.renwin.scale: Scale
varkon.renwin.pan: Pan
varkon.renwin.rotate: Rot
varkon.renwin.perspective: Persp
varkon.renwin.light: Light
varkon.renwin.poly: Poly
varkon.renwin.fill: Shade
varkon.renwin.clip: Clip
varkon.renwin.close: Close
!***Default position for the menu window.
varkon.menu.geometry: +5+5
varkon.menu.title: MENU
!***Resources for list windows.
varkon.list.geometry: +100+100
varkon.list.title: Listing -
varkon.list.title.jobnam: True
varkon.list.row: Row
varkon.list.page: Page
varkon.list.save: Save
varkon.list.kill: Close
varkon.list.printer: lpr
!***Resources for the error message listwindow.
varkon.error.title: -----------------ERROR-MESSAGE--------------
!***Resources for input dialogs.
varkon.input.title: Input
varkon.input.page: Page
varkon.input.okey: Ok
varkon.input.reject: Cancel
varkon.input.on: On
varkon.input.off: Off
varkon.input.next: Next
varkon.input.help: Help
!***Resources for the alternative popup.
varkon.alternative.geometry: +50+150
varkon.alternative.title: Alternative
!***Resources for the view selection list.
varkon.view.title: View
!***Resources for the scale dialog.
varkon.scale.title: Scale
varkon.scale.double: Double
varkon.scale.half: Half
!***Resources for the perspective dialog.
varkon.persp.title: Perspective for view :
varkon.persp.persp: True perspective
varkon.persp.dist: Distance is
!***Resources for the levels dialog.
varkon.level.title: Levels
varkon.level.blank: Blank
varkon.level.unblank: Unblank
varkon.level.list: List
varkon.level.first: First level
varkon.level.add: Additional
varkon.level.forward: Forward
varkon.level.backward: Backward
varkon.level.last: Last level
!***Color for active coordinate system.
varkon.act_csys_pen: 2
!***Varkon system colors.
varkon.background: Gray
varkon.foreground: Black
varkon.topShadowColor: White
varkon.bottomShadowColor: Black
varkon.highlightColor: Blue
!***Varkon pen colors.
varkon.color_0: White
varkon.color_1: Black
varkon.color_2: Red
varkon.color_3: LightGreen
varkon.color_4: LightBlue
varkon.color_5: DarkRed
varkon.color_6: DarkGreen
varkon.color_7: DarkBlue
varkon.color_8: Brown
varkon.color_9: Yellow
varkon.color_10: Orange
varkon.color_11: Gray
!***OpenGL-configuration. Currently only
!***rgba-mode is supported on color displays.
!***Doublebuffer makes dynamic shading faster.
varkon.shade.rgba: True
varkon.shade.doublebuffer: True
!***OpenGL color- and z-depth. Linux with Mesa
!***sets this automatically. IBM, HP
!***and other workstations may require
!***proper settings here.
!varkon.shade.redbits: 8
!varkon.shade.greenbits: 8
!varkon.shade.bluebits: 8
!varkon.shade.zbits: 16
!***Light sources ambient component.
varkon.shade.ambient.red: 40
varkon.shade.ambient.blue: 40
varkon.shade.ambient.green: 40
!***Light sources diffuse component.
varkon.shade.diffuse.red: 100
varkon.shade.diffuse.blue: 100
varkon.shade.diffuse.green: 100
!***Light sources specular component.
varkon.shade.specular.red: 100
varkon.shade.specular.blue: 100
varkon.shade.specular.green: 100

August 17th, 2010, 05:55 AM
Thank you djchandler. Very useful however still no go. I eventually found the executable file in /usr/lib/varkon/xvarkon however nothing happens!?!

I think all you have to do is right click on the desktop and create a launcher. You'll find the file for the launcher in /usr/bin.

Worked for me, but this program is not nearly as powerful as something like AutoCAD. I'm wondering id AutoCAD would work in something like Virtual Machine? I might have to dual-boot if VM doesn't work...