View Full Version : Switch consoles from within a script

April 30th, 2010, 04:39 PM
Hi, does anybody know how to switch consoles from within a script?

April 30th, 2010, 08:38 PM
What are you trying to accomplish?

Are you talking about bash scripting?

You can run other scripts from within a script...

Your can also pop open another terminal with

gnome-terminal -e /home/testscript

where -e is to start it executing a program

May 1st, 2010, 11:14 AM
Are you trying to make a script be able to switch consoles as when you use Alt+F(1...8) (Ctrl+Alt+Fkey while in X Window System)? I think that's hardly accomplishable from a script as consoles are managed by the kernel... and maybe even designed only to work from a certain user input; letting any program be able to switch consoles doesn't sound a sane decision to me. Anyway, if there's any facility in the Linux kernel API for this, you'll have to use C (C++ too?).