View Full Version : ReiserFS Should Be Removed From Ubuntu - What Do You Think?

April 29th, 2010, 07:44 AM
Hans Reiser as we all know was found guilty of murder and keeping the ReiserFS in Ubuntu is a really poor idea and in very poor taste, at least this is what I personally think.

After all, since when did honoring a murderer become acceptable by keeping his file system in Ubuntu? Sure Hans created a pretty popular file system, but I'm sorry keeping it around is not what I'd call a very ethical move.

This is about ethics and in doing the right thing morally, in which Ubuntu should be removing the ReiserFS, by not doing so is a disgrace and says, it's ok to murder and we'll still support your file system.

Ok, you think I'm a bit harsh here? Well think about this for a second, the guy murdered his wife, now what if it was your's that was murdered, do you really think you'd enjoy the idea of seeing the file system supported if he murdered one of your family members? I bet then you'd be barking to get it removed.

So let's do the ethically correct thing and not support murder by keeping this file system in any Linux distro!

P.S. No Linux system should have this file system any longer.

April 29th, 2010, 07:52 AM
Let's ban the cure for cancer because the genius that created it is a murderer.

April 29th, 2010, 07:53 AM
I really don't see the problem with ReiserFS. Yes, Hans Reiser murdered his wife. Was his filesystem involved in that at any way? Well, if he planned for it they may have been save on a ReiserFS partition, but that's it.

Using ReiserFS in no way supports murder…

April 29th, 2010, 07:53 AM
This is going to get nowhere - thread closed.