View Full Version : iPhone Development on Ubuntu

April 17th, 2010, 07:25 PM
I'm planning to develop some iPhone app.'s. Can I have some advice on how to procede if possible for developing and testing the app.'s on the Ubuntu platform?

Currently I'm developing app.'s for non-jailbroken iPhone/iPad but that's not my main concern as of this post. I'm planning to code and test (emulate or something similar) app.'s on Ubuntu while my Mac equipment is on order (will take awhile) and then when I get my Mac equipment I can just cut and paste the pieces of code I wrote in Ubuntu into the Mac environment and build them.

I mean the development environment doesn't have to excessively similar, I just want to learn how to program using the same language and processes and see the results and if possible transfer them over when I get the Mac. Otherwise I'll just be wasting time until then.

I'm using Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.04 (soon to be 9.10, lol) and I'm familiar with Eclipse and Netbeans IDE's if this info. could help you point the way.

I've done some research on using objective-c via the gnu compiler pack but I was wondering if their were any packages that is more geared toward iPhone app. development or a set of instructions for setting up the environment. I don't want to just code and compile the code then afterwards have no way of testing (emulate) that it does what I meant it to do.

My development is geared toward network/GUI/gaming.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

April 26th, 2010, 10:00 PM
Appcelerator Titanium (http://www.appcelerator.com/)