View Full Version : [gnome] Always show folder list in file requester and increase size?

April 16th, 2010, 01:49 PM
Is it possible to configure the GNOME file requester somehow so that the file/folder list (opened via "Browse for other folders") is always shown [1], and also to ensure that the requester opens at a larger size [2] (I have a fairly complex filing system (and lots of files) and would like to be able to see at least 15 - 20 files/folders in the file list without having to scroll)?

[1] I really can't see any advantage to hiding the file/folder list: users who always use the same folder (shudder) or have only a few bookmarked folders don't actually lose by seeing it (they can just ignore it), but everybody else has to suffer an extra unnecessary click..

[2] Obviously, everybody has differently-sized screens, so a percentage of screen size setting might be better than a pixel or number of rows setting. Given that when I open a file requester it becomes, at that moment, almost entirely the sole thing that I'm focusing on (for the hopefully limited duration that it's open), I'd like to see file requesters open at (say) 75% of screen height by default.