View Full Version : html/css - div's, images and text

April 16th, 2010, 12:13 PM
I'm doing a class project and seem to have got myself in a corner.
First of all I'm using some HTML5 tags, though that should not be an issue.

The page is here (http://www.tadeuszcantwell.com/Baseindex.html)

Basically I've got a div with an image inside. There is also four images that are colour bars that create a border effect.

I thought I was being clever by having one colour block and then specifying the height and width in html. Each block affects the positioning of the other. It also pushes all the text out of the div.

I would probably be better of creating one image in gimp with the four parts.

In the div's below, there are white spaces. Ideally these will be filled in by the colour bars.

Is there a command to pull the text back up. Is there an easy way to do the whole page that I'm overlooking?