View Full Version : [SOLVED] Get a list of installed packages from a non-booting ubuntu

April 8th, 2010, 06:28 PM
Hi All,

I'm reinstalling an ubuntu machine that does not boot anymore. I have a complete backup of all the files that were on the harddrive.

I would like to make a list of all the programs that were installed, so I can re-install them on the fresh install.

I've found the following procedure, but this method requires that the machine still boots. (and my machine does not boot anymore)

-- save the list of packages currently installed --
dpkg --get-selections > ~/package-list.log

-- install packages from list on a new installation --
dpkg --set-selections < ~/package-list.log
apt-get dselect-upgrade

Is it possible to get a list of installed packages from the backup of an ubuntu machine?

Best regards,

PS, My appologies for my English, I'm dutch

April 13th, 2010, 06:55 AM
The solution is simple, dpkg has the option --admindir This allows to specify the location of the package database

So the command is as follows (assuming your old installation is located under /backup)

-- save the list of packages currently installed --
dpkg --admindir=/backup/var/lib/dpkg --get-selections > ~/package-list.log

-- install packages from list on a new installation --
dpkg --set-selections < ~/package-list.log
apt-get dselect-upgrade

Could somebody tell me howto mark this thread as solved?

PS. Did I post this in the wrong location?

Best regards,