View Full Version : tsclient won't show remote wallpaper until refresh

April 5th, 2010, 02:17 PM
Hi, again very new to Linux I am connecting to a Windows 7 PC and all is fine except that when I connect the remote wallpaper is not shown, but if I refresh the remote screen the wallpaper is shown.

I suspect it is a optimisation issue on the tsclient in ubuntu but can't find it - it's v1.5

April 5th, 2010, 03:31 PM
Use rdesktop instead of tsclient - tsclient is just a gui front-end for rdesktop, and rdesktop exposes more options.

Pass the -xl option, which increases the bandwidth usage.

From the documentation:

-x <experience>
Changes default bandwidth performance behaviour for RDP5. By default
only theming is enabled, and all other options are disabled (corresponding to modem (56 Kbps)). Setting experience to b[roadband] enables menu
animations and full window dragging. Setting experience to l[an] will also
enable the desktop wallpaper. Setting experience to m[odem] disables all
(including themes). Experience can also be a hexidecimal number containing the flags.

April 6th, 2010, 12:50 PM
thanks for the rdesktop heads up - that's the wallpaper sorted but I can not get the sound re-directed back to the remote back. If I used the tsclient it works but using rdesktop it does not this is what I am trying ....

rdesktop -f -xl -u (user) -p (password) -r sound:local server


rdesktop -f -xl -u (user) -p (password) -r sound:local driver:OOS: device:$AUDIODEV server

I got this info from the help but I get no sound back.

Please help!!!