View Full Version : C++ programming help needed

March 25th, 2010, 02:26 PM
Can anybody run through the steps it takes to get the output for this problem? This is a practice example I was given. Help is appreciated.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <ctype.h>

int main() {

char c;

while ((c = getchar()) != '0') {

if (isupper(c))

putchar(('A' + 15-(c-'A')));

else if (islower(c))

putchar(('a' + 5 +(c-'a')) );



return 0;

March 25th, 2010, 02:38 PM
The input is : aBcD!0

March 25th, 2010, 03:19 PM
So I guess the ouput is fOhM! But you knew that already.
What does the program do?
the function putchar returns the character onto the screen.
It is actually working on it as the int value/ascii value.
So upper case A has the value of 65.

putchar(('a' + 5-(c-'a'))); //here c is 'a'
This becomes in mathematical terms for the first input character:
97+5-(97-97) = 102 -> this corresponds to the ascii charakter of 'f'
the the next letter is capital so it will go into this one:

putchar(('A' + 15-(c-'A'))); //where the character is B
following the same scheme:
ASCII value for A = 65 B=66
65+15-(1)= 79 -> ASCII is 'O'

I assume this explains the output. Here is a list for all the ASCII codes in case you don't have them in mind like me.