View Full Version : Where to begin...

March 10th, 2006, 12:51 AM
What I want to do:
Create a desktop Calendar system for Gnome/KDE that embeds soemthing similar to a gDesklet in one of the four corners, allows the download of a "Calander Package" which will include 12 pictures that are themed, or to allow you to choose your own 12 pictures.

What I can do:
PHP/MySQL... some VisualBasic (ducks)

What I think I need to know:
What language would be best, how to program in it (ie... gui based like VB or text based like PHP) and some good sources like books etc...

Just thrown anything at me, I'm doing a Bachelor of Computing but right now it's very boring... so I wanted to create this program just to see what it's all about, it's a long-term goal mind you.... 30 to 60 minutes a day most likely.

March 16th, 2006, 09:01 PM
I came from a PHP/VB background and have moved into C/GTK+ for linux and GUI programming. However, if you would like to continue working with what you know, check out the PHP bindings for GTK+ (target systems will need to have GTK, php, and the php-gtk libraries)...
