View Full Version : Citibank blocks website's bank account due to blog material

February 26th, 2010, 02:39 AM
(CORRECTION: blocked, not closed)

Hi everyone. Jason Goldberg here, founder and ceo of fabulis.

In a bit of strange and disturbing news, fabulis discovered today that someone(s) at Citibank had decided arbitrarily to block fabulis’ bank account due to what was described to us on the phone as “objectionable content” on our blog. In fact, the account — it turns out — was blocked a few days ago without anyone letting us know about it by phone or email.



February 26th, 2010, 02:45 AM
(CORRECTION: blocked, not closed)


Perhaps Citibank did like what a blogger wrote on their blog.. shady and within their legal rights to do so, but is Citibank best interests, don't think they should be turning away any potential customers at this point.

February 26th, 2010, 05:21 AM
Imagine you are in line at the grocery store. "I'm sorry sir, your Citibank debit card was denied".

Perhaps they were monitoring your purchases. Too many containers of double-chocolate icecream for one person. Must be a party. Can't have that.