View Full Version : [SOLVED] objc + clang: "fatal error: 'objc/objc.h' file not found"

February 21st, 2010, 05:21 PM
This is not a problem, but a solution for those of you that have had the same problem as I have had. :) (This is all on Ubuntu Karmic)

The problem:
Whenever you attempt to compile an Objective-C file with clang that imports <objc/objc.h>, you get the error message in this post's title.

The fix:
For some strange reason, the objc include folder is located in a really strange place. So type
locate objc.h. If this comes up with nothing, either try
sudo updatedb && locate objc.h or install gobjc, then
sudo updatedb && locate objc.h.

Mine looks like this:

jordy@data:~$ locate objc.h

We want to link the include directory into /usr/local/include

So use this command:
sudo ln -s <your-objc-directory> /usr/local/include/objc

So, for example, mine looked like this:

jordy@data:~$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4/include/objc/ /usr/local/include/objc

Now after having done that, your compiles should go much smoother.