View Full Version : Post your tint2 config here.

February 19th, 2010, 06:13 PM
It seems there are all kinds of configurations you can get with tint2.
So lets share them all, shall we?

February 19th, 2010, 07:16 PM
# Tint2 config file
# Generated by tintwizard (http://code.google.com/p/tintwizard/)

# For information on manually configuring tint2 see http://code.google.com/p/tint2/wiki/Configure

# To use this as default tint2 config: save as $HOME/.config/tint2/tint2rc

# Background definitions
# ID 1
rounded = 2
border_width = 0
background_color = #000000 0
border_color = #989898 100

# ID 2
rounded = 2
border_width = 0
background_color = #C8C8C8 40
border_color = #FFFFFF 100

# Panel
panel_monitor = all
panel_position = bottom center horizontal
panel_size = 1000 24
panel_margin = 0 0
panel_padding = 0 0
panel_dock = 0
wm_menu = 0
panel_background_id = 0

# Taskbar
taskbar_mode = single_desktop
taskbar_padding = 0 0 0
taskbar_background_id = 1
#taskbar_active_background_id = 0

# Tasks
urgent_nb_of_blink = 7
task_icon = 0
task_text = 1
task_centered = 1
task_maximum_size = 914 22
task_padding = 0 0
task_background_id = 0
task_active_background_id = 2
task_icon_asb = 0 0 0
task_active_icon_asb = 0 0 0

# Fonts
task_font = WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono Medium 10
task_font_color = #7F7D80 100
task_active_font_color = #FFFFFF 100
font_shadow = 0

# Systray
systray_padding = 0 0 0
systray_sort = ascending
systray_background_id = 0

# Clock
time1_format = %H:%M
time1_font = WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono Bold 9
time2_format = %a %d
time2_font = WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono Medium 8
clock_font_color = #99969A 100
clock_padding = 0 0
clock_background_id = 0

# Tooltips
tooltip = 1
tooltip_padding = 0 0
tooltip_show_timeout = 0
tooltip_hide_timeout = 0
tooltip_background_id = 0
tooltip_font = Sans 12
tooltip_font_color = #FFFFFF 100

# Mouse
mouse_middle = none
mouse_right = none
mouse_scroll_up = none
mouse_scroll_down = none

# Battery
battery = 0
battery_low_status = 20
battery_low_cmd = notify-send "battery low"
bat1_font = Sans 12
bat2_font = Sans 12
battery_font_color = #FFFFFF 100
battery_padding = 0 0
battery_background_id = 0

# End of config

Nothing special.

http://omploader.org/tM2t1aQ (http://omploader.org/vM2t1aQ) http://omploader.org/tM2t1ag (http://omploader.org/vM2t1ag)

Edit: with only a single window open.

http://omploader.org/tM2x0MA (http://omploader.org/vM2x0MA)

I must also confess to cheating, I use tintwizard to play with tint2 instead of oing things manually.