View Full Version : BBCode question.

February 18th, 2010, 09:51 PM
Hi all... I think this counts as "programming", so I'll ask. Apologies to the mods if it's not supposed to be here.

Anyway, I'm running a temporary message board using PHPBB3 and I made a BBCODE to allow creating a button on the screen which will open a link in a new window.

I would appreciate it if any PHPBB3 BBcode guru could look at it and tell me if there are any fundamental mistakes. It does work, but did I do it right???

BBCode Usage


HTML Replacement

onMouseOver="window.status='This button opens {URL}'; return true"
onMouseOut="window.status=''; return true"
onClick="window.open('{URL}', '_blank')" />
</button />

Help line

Add a link BUTTON: URL, Button Text

What I'm concerned about is something to do with "not using {TEXT} in HTML tage but using {SIMPLETEXT} instead for security reasons".

But, "SIMPLETEXT" (and the other recommended one... "IDENTIFIER" do not work if the parameter is blank (i.e. a button with no label)).

That is, (LINK)www.ubuntu.com, Please click for Ubuntu(/LINK) works, but (LINK)www.ubuntu.com,(/LINK) fails (unless {TEXT} is used).

By the way, the above example uses parentheses instead of brackets to avoid messing things up.

Lastly... why don't I ask on a PHPBB3 forum? Because they all answer as if the person is an expert. An answer that flies over my head is no answer.

At least here I know I'll get REAL help.

Thanks all!

-- Roger