View Full Version : from QBASIC to C

February 11th, 2010, 02:27 PM
I'm translating a QBASIC code in C.
I'm not a programmer "guru" and I need some explanations:
The QBASIC code is:
7010 FOR k = 1 TO pop
7015 IF a(k, c at 1) = 0 THEN GOTO 7080
7020 FOR j = 1 TO c
7030 IF b(j) = 0 THEN GOTO 7050
7040 IF a(h, j) > a(k, j) THEN GOTO 7080
7050 NEXT j

7051 FOR j = c 1 TO c at
7052 IF b(j) = 0 THEN GOTO 7056
7055 IF a(h, j) <> a(k, j) THEN GOTO 7080
7056 NEXT j
7061 IF a(k, c at 1) < d THEN contr = contr 1
7062 IF a(k, c at 1) >= d THEN corr = corr 1
7080 NEXT k

And I tried to translate in C with that code:
for(k=0;(k<pop) && !(a[k][c at 1]);k )
for(j=0;(j<c) && !(b[j] && a[h][j]>a[k][j]);j );
for(j=c 1;(j<=c at) && !(b[j] && a[h,j]!=a[k,j]);j );
if (a[k][c at 1] < d) contr ;
else corr ;

My questions are:
a. the output result are different so, if QBASIC code is correct, my C code i incorrect. Where is the error?
b. what is the meaning of cicle 7020 - 7050 and 7051 - 7056. It's seem does nothing

Thanks for help!!!

February 11th, 2010, 03:01 PM
I'm translating a QBASIC code in C.
I'm not a programmer "guru" and I need some explanations:
The QBASIC code is:
7010 FOR k = 1 TO pop
7015 IF a(k, c at 1) = 0 THEN GOTO 7080
7020 FOR j = 1 TO c
7030 IF b(j) = 0 THEN GOTO 7050
7040 IF a(h, j) > a(k, j) THEN GOTO 7080
7050 NEXT j

7051 FOR j = c 1 TO c at
7052 IF b(j) = 0 THEN GOTO 7056
7055 IF a(h, j) <> a(k, j) THEN GOTO 7080
7056 NEXT j
7061 IF a(k, c at 1) < d THEN contr = contr 1
7062 IF a(k, c at 1) >= d THEN corr = corr 1
7080 NEXT k

And I tried to translate in C with that code:
for(k=0;(k<pop) && !(a[k][c at 1]);k )
for(j=0;(j<c) && !(b[j] && a[h][j]>a[k][j]);j );
for(j=c 1;(j<=c at) && !(b[j] && a[h,j]!=a[k,j]);j );
if (a[k][c at 1] < d) contr ;
else corr ;

My questions are:
a. the output result are different so, if QBASIC code is correct, my C code i incorrect. Where is the error?
b. what is the meaning of cicle 7020 - 7050 and 7051 - 7056. It's seem does nothing

Thanks for help!!!

Because you aren't increasing the counter variables at your loops:

for(k=0;(k<pop) && !(a[k][c at 1]);k++)

The QBASIC FOR...NEXT clause always increases the pointer by one... It's actually sugar for the FOR x = 0 TO whatever STEP 1...NEXT clause.

February 11th, 2010, 03:03 PM
Edited: nvteighen has given a good explanation

February 11th, 2010, 03:13 PM
thanks at all!
really in copy/past I've lost the increase operator: si the cicle is
... for(k=0;(k<pop) && !(a[k][c+at+1]);k++)...

The QBASIC code works in multi criteria analysis but I've difficult to find exact algorithm, so I'm translating code "step by step"


February 11th, 2010, 03:16 PM
I've lost all formatting sign. The code is:
for(k=0;(k<pop) && !(a[k][c+at+1]);k++)
for(j=0;(j<c) && !(b[j] && a[h][j]>a[k][j]);j++);
for(j=c+1;(j<=c+at) && !(b[j] && a[h,j]!=a[k,j]);j++);
if (j>c+at && b[j])
if (a[k][c+at+1] < d) contr++;
else corr++;

February 11th, 2010, 08:24 PM
nobody can help me?

February 11th, 2010, 09:13 PM
You already posted a whole other thread about this (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1399434), in which you declined to even explain what the purpose of this code is. You're asking for a blind line-by-line translation, which is ridiculous.

February 11th, 2010, 10:12 PM
The code implements a multicriteria decision making algorithm, as I told in past thread.
Is very difficult for me understand algorithm from BASIC code, so, since I've to translate from BASIC to C, I'm working line by line to obtain the whole procedura. I hope in C I'm understand exactly the algorithm.

I think is not ridiculous!
If you can't help me...by

February 11th, 2010, 10:34 PM
The code implements a multicriteria decision making algorithm, as I told in past thread.Yes. Unfortunately that statement is meaningless to me, and I think to others. What "multicriteria"? What decisions, about what?

If you can't help me...byNot so much "can't", as, why should we? What you're asking for is hard work, with no discernable reward being offered. At a minimum, I'd at least like to know that the program did something meaningful, as opposed to just helping you make... decisions... based on... multiple criteria.

February 11th, 2010, 10:43 PM
multicirteria algorithm aid to choise the optimum decision under several criteria.
example: we have 10 project described under 25 indicator. different project has different performance under same indicator. The multicriteria algorithm elaborates information for search the best project