View Full Version : Asus T91MT

January 20th, 2010, 07:05 PM
Hi commies,

I've been following the T91 thread for a while, but as for now am experiencing lots of trouble trying out any linux on the T91MT.

There've been some that report their netbook for working -freely and perfect.

But I've been having trouble, one of the very most annoying -and killing: after finally having everything good, up and running and trying out some configurations the graphics driver seems to crash something and while in boot the system keeps refreshing at the login window (not in X or G) which can only be fixed by a reinstall...

These are the steps I've tried to avoid this graphics trouble.

1.Wireless fix (http://setupguides.blogspot.com/2009/11/fixing-wireless-network-card-for-asus.html)
2.Graphics driver (http://setupguides.blogspot.com/2009/11/fixing-screen-resolution-for-asus-eee.html), I need this, otherwise the system will be laggy and the resolution an absolute suck
3.Touchscreen fix (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8566880&postcount=155), further in this topic there are more fixes stated, if I try playing with any of my settings, I will once again get the graphics trouble.

So I'm stuck at step 3 for a while. But I've tried playing with the order at which the system works. If I follow this order, the graphic trouble occurs after reboot 2.

If I start with 2 then 3 and try settings I get the graphics trouble.

Could someone point me to what the problem might be?

I'll try to be a bit more specific with graphic trouble, this is the screen that keeps on flashing (I can't type anything, though if I keep pressing a letter, it does seems to register (i.e. i keep hold of "a", the next flash there would be aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa))
Note: not my login screen

Much appreciated!