View Full Version : [SOLVED] Need help with Perl

Puzzled Guy
January 18th, 2010, 03:24 AM

I have a program for renaming files. I give it all the proper input but it doesn't seem to work.
This is the program:


use strict;
use warnings;

my($dir, $oldpat, $newpat);
print "Directory: ";
print "Old pattern: ";
print "New pattern: ";

opendir(DH, $dir) || die "Cannot open $dir: $!";
my @files=readdir DH;

my $oldname;
foreach(@files) {
next if (-e "$dir/$_");
if (! rename "$dir/$oldpat", "$dir/$_") {
warn "Could not rename $oldname to $_: $!";
} else {
print "File $oldname renamed to $_\n";

Here is the input and the resulting output:

hope@Hope-Laptop:~/Desktop/Perl$ perl renamer.pl
Directory: /home/hope/Desktop/Perl
Old pattern: uni
New pattern: bi
Could not rename uniword.pl to biword.pl: No such file or directory at renamer.pl line 24, <STDIN> line 3.

January 18th, 2010, 09:07 AM
If you're just looking for a renaming solution, use the rename command.

rename s/uni/bi/ *

The bug is that you should use $oldname in the rename line.

Puzzled Guy
January 18th, 2010, 09:13 AM
Could you please post the corrected line?

January 18th, 2010, 06:56 PM
if (! rename "$dir/$oldname", "$dir/$_") {

Puzzled Guy
January 19th, 2010, 05:55 AM
Thanks! Here is the output I get now:

hope@Hope-Laptop:~/Desktop/Perl$ perl renamer.pl
Directory: /home/hope/Desktop/Perl
Old pattern: uni
New pattern: bi
File uniword.pl renamed to biword.pl
hope@Hope-Laptop:~/Desktop/Perl$ perl renamer.pl
Directory: /home/hope/Desktop/Perl
Old pattern: bi
New pattern: uni
File biword.pl renamed to uniword.pl

Oops! The problem was caused when I typed $oldpat instead of $oldname.
So the error was really my fault.

Note to self: Check for typos before asking for help