View Full Version : Opera 10.5 alpha, Really impressive

January 10th, 2010, 06:47 PM
Is anyone else testing this ? So far I'm very impressed with its potential, believe it or not, this thing is faster than chromium :) Lots of areas to improve, obviously, but this crashy alpha is using the flash 64bit plugin and rendering images on manga reading sites, two specific areas where chromium is currently failing.

I honestly believe that 10.5 will be near perfect. For more specific info, check:http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/

Happy testing!

Edit: shot attached, not how I can edit posts properly, something chromium is still struggling with ;)

January 10th, 2010, 06:51 PM
I always test Opera Alpha's, but my favourite alpha so far has always been the 10 with unite enabled.

January 10th, 2010, 06:53 PM
I haven't quite gotten around to testing unite yet, Has it proven useful to you ?

January 10th, 2010, 06:54 PM
I haven't quite gotten around to testing unite yet, Has it proven useful to you ?

A bit. I used it as a server to host files on while I was on holiday, it was pretty good.

January 10th, 2010, 06:58 PM
Recently i toyed with the idea of using for a transfer to my sis in NY. Ended up using snail-skype transfers on a whim though. Painful. Seeing as Opera is going to become my default come 10.5 final, I'll look into it then.

January 10th, 2010, 07:10 PM
I'm checking out version 10.5 alpha, it's amazing! When they release a beta version, I'll probably switch to Opera from Chromium. I think they should have called it Opera 11, because the differences from Opera 10 are huge.

January 10th, 2010, 07:13 PM
I'm checking out version 10.5 alpha, it's amazing! When they release a beta version, I'll probably switch to Opera from Chromium. I think they should have called it Opera 11, because the differences from Opera 10 are huge.

Pretty damn huge :) Especially since they removed Qt (nothing against qt) and went native. The load time and responsiveness is great.

January 10th, 2010, 07:15 PM
I'm checking out version 10.5 alpha, it's amazing! When they release a beta version, I'll probably switch to Opera from Chromium. I think they should have called it Opera 11, because the differences from Opera 10 are huge.

That's what Opera betas/alphas are always like :) Oh, and this is a pre-alpha at the moment.

January 10th, 2010, 09:11 PM
The Opera 10.10 that I am using is a much better browser than Chromium and seems to be faster than anything else I have. It only lacks No-script. If the next upgrade is better there will not be any contest.

January 10th, 2010, 09:14 PM
The Opera 10.10 that I am using is a much better browser than Chromium and seems to be faster than anything else I have. It only lacks No-script. If the next upgrade is better there will not be any contest.

F12 -> Enable Javascript -> Click to disable.

January 10th, 2010, 10:31 PM
F12 -> Enable Javascript -> Click to disable.

Turning off all javascript is not how noScript works. It allows you to pick and choose what domains can use javascript and what can't. It's much more innovative than adblock, which actually suffers from deviantart's adblock block script, as with Wikipedia's logo malfunction, unless they were fixed.

January 10th, 2010, 10:41 PM
Turning off all javascript is not how noScript works. It allows you to pick and choose what domains can use javascript and what can't. It's much more innovative than adblock, which actually suffers from deviantart's adblock block script, as with Wikipedia's logo malfunction, unless they were fixed.

was fixed on deviantart, which makes sense, as most dA's users are ardent FF users.

Colonel Kilkenny
January 10th, 2010, 11:01 PM
Turning off all javascript is not how noScript works. It allows you to pick and choose what domains can use javascript and what can't. It's much more innovative than adblock, which actually suffers from deviantart's adblock block script, as with Wikipedia's logo malfunction, unless they were fixed.
Not exactly the same but you can do similar thing in Opera as well. Just turn off Javascript and then allow it thru site specific preferences.

January 10th, 2010, 11:06 PM
Turning off all javascript is not how noScript works. It allows you to pick and choose what domains can use javascript and what can't. It's much more innovative than adblock, which actually suffers from deviantart's adblock block script, as with Wikipedia's logo malfunction, unless they were fixed.

In that case, simply do

Tools -> Preferences -> Advance(tab) -> Content -> Server Manager -> Add -> Enter website -> Scripting(tab) -> Enable Javascript(untick if you don't want on that website, tick if you do want). -> Click ok


Right click -> Site preferences -> Scripting(tab) -> Enable Javascript(untick if you don't want on that website, tick if you do want)

To do a ad-block time thing,

Right click -> Block content -> Click on image/video(not text) -> Click Done

January 10th, 2010, 11:36 PM
The Opera 10.10 that I am using is a much better browser than Chromium and seems to be faster than anything else I have. It only lacks No-script. If the next upgrade is better there will not be any contest.

There is a userjs called BlockIt.js search the Opera forums for it. It works very much like NoScript and is just as good for my purposes.

January 11th, 2010, 12:00 AM
There is a userjs called BlockIt.js search the Opera forums for it. It works very much like NoScript and is just as good for my purposes.

To do this, copy this and save it in a file called BlockIt.js, and put it in a folder

// ==UserScript==
// @name BlockIt, Its like NoScript extension for firefox, but different.
// @author shoust
// @version 1.5
// @description Best way is to describe the extension for firefox, basically NoScript is an extension for firefox that allows selective blocking/unblocking of scripts in the page, this does the same , but more, it allows blocking/unblocking of iframes,embedded content and images as well, plus by default, it keeps elements that are based on the site unblocked, so only things not based on the site are blocked.
// @include *
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
if (location.hash != '#nsoff' && !window.name.match(/#nsoff/) && !location.href.match(/\.(svgz?|jpe?g|js|txt|png|gif|bmp|css)$/)) {
/*Check if the script needs to be executed. */
var cornerposition = 4;
// 1 = top left, 2=top right , 3=bottom left , 4=bottom right etc, makes the button to show the options in either the top or bottom of the page.
var blocksiteresources = false;
// This option allows blocking of all the scripts based on the site, if false, resources residing on http://my.opera.com on http://my.opera.com/community/ won't be blocked for example.
var imgblockIt = true;
var iframeblockIt = true;
var mediablockIt = true;
function createCookie(name, value, days, addition, forpage)
/* for saving the settings to cookies. The "addition" variable is to add settings to the cookie, instead of removing the whole cookie altogether*/
if (!forpage)
/*Saving settings for the page/pathname only,instead of the whole site*/
var x = escape(location.pathname);
x = x.replace(/\//g, '__').replace(/\./g, '--');
if (name != 'noresource') name = 'no' + activeselect();
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
} else
var expires = "";
document.cookie = name + (!forpage ? x: '') + "=" + value + (addition ? ' ' + addition: '') + expires + "; path=/";
function readCookie(name, forpage)
/*For reading the settings*/
if (!forpage)
/*Reading settings for the page/pathname only,instead of the whole site*/
var x = escape(location.pathname);
x = x.replace(/\//g, '__').replace(/\./g, '--');
var nameEQ = (forpage == 'g' ? name: name + x) + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for (
var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ')
c = c.substring(1, c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0)
return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
return '';

function eraseCookie(name) {
createCookie(name + activeselect(), "", -1);
// for deleting settings

/* To work out what elements are being selected to block at the right time*/
function activeselect() {
var x = document.getElementById('ujs42-_noelementselect');
return (x ? x[x.selectedIndex].value: 'script');

/* Function to generate the element block list for the Iframes, embeds and images in the page. */
function generatelist(name) {
var elementz = document.selectNodes('//' + name + '[@src]');
if (!elementz.length) {
//if no elements on page, do nothing else.
var count = elementz.length;
var forpage = readCookie('no' + name) ? readCookie('no' + name) : '';
//settings for the page
var forsite = readCookie('no' + name, 'g') ? readCookie('no' + name, 'g') : '';
//settings for the site
var forserverunblock = readCookie('noresource', 'g') ? readCookie('noresource', 'g') : '';
var listselect = document.createElement('select');
//The list of elements and their urls to block
listselect.onchange = blocktoggle;
listselect.id = "ujs42-_no" + name + "select";
listselect.style = 'width:300px;display:none;margin-right:20px !important;';
var host = location.hostname;
for (
var i = elementz.length - 1; i >= 0, element = elementz[i]; i--) {
var link = document.createElement('a');
//just a way to get the hostname without using match or indexof.
link.href = (element.src ? element.src: element.getAttribute('src'));
var linkhost = link.hostname;
elemcount = i + 's';
// unique identifier in the document's order to block the element or unblock the element.
var listoption = document.createElement('option');
listoption.value = elemcount;
listoption.innerText = (element.src ? element.src: element.getAttribute('src'));
listoption.setAttribute('title', linkhost);
//unique server identifier to block or unblock from this server
listoption.setAttribute('alt', element.currentStyle.display);
if (!blocksiteresources && linkhost == host) {
// to not display elements from the same site if blocksiteresources are off.
else if (link.href.indexOf('data:') == 0) {
// to not display elements starting with data:
else if ((forpage && forpage.indexOf(elemcount.toString()) != -1) || (forsite && forsite.indexOf(linkhost) != -1) || (forserverunblock && forserverunblock.indexOf(linkhost) != -1)) {
// to unblock elements if they match the cookie that says to unblock them
else {
//blocks the element.
element.style.display = 'none';
showasblocked_unblocked(listoption, 'X');

if (count != 0)
//if the elements that are needed to be blocked is zero, don't display option to block that list of elements.
var elemselect = document.createElement('option');
elemselect.innerText = (name == 'img' ? 'Images': name == 'embed' ? 'Embeds(Media)': name == 'iframe' ? 'Iframes': '') + '(' + count + ',' + elementz.length + ')';
elemselect.value = name;
return [elemselect,listselect];

function showelementlist() {
//this function is to toggle between the element lists to block and unblock
var elemlist = ['img', 'embed', 'iframe', 'script'];
var element = this.value;
var elemselect = document.getElementById('ujs42-_no' + element + 'select');
for (
var i = elemlist.length - 1; i >= 0, elemtag = elemlist[i]; i--)

if (elemtag == element) {
elemselect.style.display = 'inline';
} else
if (document.getElementById('ujs42-_no' + elemtag + 'select')) {
document.getElementById('ujs42-_no' + elemtag + 'select').style.display = 'none';
if (elemselect && elemselect.disabled == false)

function showasblocked_unblocked(element, block, bringback, single) {
//function to show if an element is blocked or unblocked in the UI.
var notblocked = (element.innerText.indexOf('#X# -') == 0);

var noscriptelement = document.getElementById('ujs42-_noscriptselect');
if (!notblocked && block == 'X') {
if ((noscriptelement && noscriptelement.style.display == 'none') || !noscriptelement && single) {
var highlight = document.selectSingleNode('//*[@src="' + element.innerText + '"]');
if(highlight) {highlight.style.outlineColor = 'red';
highlight.style.outlineStyle = 'dashed';
setTimeout(function() {
highlight.style.outlineStyle = 'none';
highlight.style.display = 'none';
element.innerText = '#X# -' + element.innerText;
} else
if (notblocked && !block) {
element.innerText = element.innerText.substr(5);
if ((noscriptelement && noscriptelement.style.display == 'none') || !noscriptelement && single) {
var highlight = document.selectSingleNode('//*[@src="' + element.innerText + '"]');
if(highlight){highlight.style.display = element.getAttribute('alt');
highlight.style.outlineColor = 'orange';
highlight.style.outlineStyle = 'dashed';
setTimeout(function() {
highlight.style.outlineStyle = 'none';
if (single == '1') {
if (bringback) {
return element

function block_unblock() {
//the function to write the stuff needed to unblock to cookie.
var optionelement = document.getElementById('ujs42-_no' + activeselect() + 'select');
var whattoblock = (event.ctrlKey || this.value == 'Server') ? optionelement[optionelement.selectedIndex].getAttribute('title') : (event.shiftKey || this.value == 'All') ? '': optionelement.value;
var unblockonly = event.altKey;
var whatservertounblock = (event.ctrlKey && this.value == 'Server');
var forpage = readCookie('no' + activeselect()) ? readCookie('no' + activeselect()) : '';
//for the page only, doesn't affect other pages on the same site
var forsite = readCookie('no' + activeselect(), 'g') ? readCookie('no' + activeselect(), 'g') : '';
//for the whole site, mainly to unblock servers.
var forserverunblock = readCookie('noresource', 'g') ? readCookie('noresource', 'g') : '';
if (document.getElementById('ujs42-_nelbb').value == 'Block') {
//if it is in block mode, blocks the element.
if (whattoblock != '' && whattoblock.match(/^\d{1,3}s/)) {
//blocks the single element only
showasblocked_unblocked(optionelement[optionelement.selectedIndex], 'X', false, '1');
forpage = forpage.replace(whattoblock, '');
if(!unblockonly)createCookie('no', forpage, ((forsite == '' && forpage == '') ? -1: 365));
} else
if (whattoblock == '') {
//blocks all elements.
eraseCookie('no' + activeselect());
for (
var i = optionelement.length - 1; i >= 0, x = optionelement[i]; i--) {
showasblocked_unblocked(x, 'X',false,'2');
} else {
if (!whatservertounblock) {
// blocks server only.
for (
var i = optionelement.length - 1; i >= 0, x = optionelement[i]; i--) {
if (whattoblock.indexOf(x.title) != -1) {
showasblocked_unblocked(x, 'X',false,'2');
forsite = forsite.replace(whattoblock, '');
if(!unblockonly)createCookie('no', forsite, ((forsite == '' && forpage == '') ? -1: 365), null, 'g');
else {
//blocks server for all resources available.
var elemlist = ['ujs42-_noimgselect', 'ujs42-_noembedselect', 'ujs42-_noiframeselect', 'ujs42-_noscriptselect'];
for (var elemlistx = elemlist.length - 1; elemlistx >= 0, elemlisth = elemlist[elemlistx]; elemlistx--) {
if (!document.getElementById(elemlisth)) {
else {
optionelement = document.getElementById(elemlisth);
for (
var i = optionelement.length - 1; i >= 0, x = optionelement[i]; i--) {
if (whattoblock.indexOf(x.title) != -1) {
showasblocked_unblocked(x, 'X', false, '2');
forserverunblock = forserverunblock.replace(whattoblock, '');
if(!unblockonly)createCookie('noresource', forserverunblock, (forserverunblock == '' ? -1: 365), null, 'g');

} else {
if (whattoblock != '' && whattoblock.match(/^\d{1,3}s/)) {
//unblocks single element only
showasblocked_unblocked(optionelement[optionelement.selectedIndex], false, false, '1');
if(!unblockonly)createCookie('no', whattoblock, 365, forpage);
} else
if (whattoblock == '') {
//unblocks all elements.
var rt = [];
for (
var i = optionelement.length - 1; i >= 0, g = optionelement[i]; i--) {
var z = i + 's';
if (forpage.indexOf(z) == -1) {
rt[rt.length] = z;

if(!unblockonly)createCookie('no', rt.toString().replace(/\,/g, ' '), 365, forpage);
else {
if (!whatservertounblock) {
//unblocks server only.
for (
var i = optionelement.length - 1; i >= 0, x = optionelement[i]; i--) {
if (whattoblock.indexOf(x.title) != -1) {
if(!unblockonly)createCookie('no', whattoblock, 365, forsite, 'g');
else {
//unblocks server for all resources available.
var elemlist = ['ujs42-_noimgselect', 'ujs42-_noembedselect', 'ujs42-_noiframeselect', 'ujs42-_noscriptselect'];
for (var elemlistx = elemlist.length - 1; elemlistx >= 0, elemlisth = elemlist[elemlistx]; elemlistx--) {
if (!document.getElementById(elemlisth)) {

else {
optionelement = document.getElementById(elemlisth);
for (
var i = optionelement.length - 1; i >= 0, x = optionelement[i]; i--) {
if (whattoblock.indexOf(x.title) != -1) {
showasblocked_unblocked(x, false, false, '2');
if(!unblockonly)createCookie('noresource', whattoblock, 365, forserverunblock, 'g');

function blocktoggle() {
//toggles the block button to unblock and vice versa.
var a = document.getElementById('ujs42-_nelbb');
var b = document.getElementById('ujs42-_no' + activeselect() + 'select');
if (b[b.selectedIndex].innerText.indexOf('#X# -') == 0) {
a.value = 'Unblock';
} else {
a.value = 'Block';

var scriptcount = 0;
var scripturls = [];
function(e) {
if (e.element.tagName != 'SCRIPT') {
//not a script? Do nothing else
var scriptsource = e.element.src;
var forpage = readCookie('noscript');
var forsite = readCookie('noscript', 'g');
var forserverunblock = readCookie('noresource', 'g');
var link = document.createElement('a');
//same way to get hostname without needing to match
link.href = scriptsource;
var linkhost = link.hostname;
scriptnumber = scriptcount + 's';
//unique identifier for script order in the document.
var scriptoption = document.createElement('option');
scriptoption.value = scriptnumber;
scriptoption.innerText = scriptsource;
scriptoption.setAttribute('title', linkhost);
if (!blocksiteresources && linkhost.indexOf(location.hostname) != -1) {
//do nothing if blocksiteresources is off.
else if ((forpage && forpage.indexOf(scriptnumber.toString()) != -1) || (forsite && forsite.indexOf(linkhost) != -1) || (forserverunblock && forserverunblock.indexOf(linkhost) != -1))
//if cookie contains and "unblocks" make sure its added.
else {
//block scripts if the cookie tells them its not blocked.
scripturls.push(showasblocked_unblocked(scriptopti on, 'X', 'h'));
function() {
var userinterface = document.createElement('ujs42-_noresource');
userinterface.style = 'position:fixed;' + (cornerposition < 3 ? 'top': 'bottom') + ':1px;' + (cornerposition % 2 == 1 ? 'left': 'right') + ':1px;width:20px;height:20px;background:-o-skin("Browser Window Skin");white-space:nowrap;z-index:9999;direction:ltr;border:1px solid black;';
userinterface.id = 'ujs42-_noresourceinterface';
//the interface for unblocking resources and blocking them
var uibackground = document.createElement('ujs42-_noresourceui');
//holds most of the UI elements, and centers them whenever possible
uibackground.id = 'ujs42-_noiframeui';
uibackground.style.display = 'none';
uibackground.style.textAlign = 'center';
var elementselection = document.createElement('select');
//To select what list of elements to block.
elementselection.id = "ujs42-_noelementselect";
elementselection.onchange = showelementlist;
elementselection.style.width = 'auto !important';
elementselection.style.marginLeft = '20px !important';
var noscriptlist = document.createElement('select');
//For listing all the scripts in the page, that are needed to be blocked
noscriptlist.onchange = blocktoggle;
noscriptlist.id = "ujs42-_noscriptselect";
noscriptlist.style = 'width:300px;margin-right:20px !important;';
if (scripturls.length) {
//start to add the scripts.
var scriptscounter = document.createElement('option');
scriptscounter.innerText = 'Scripts' + '(' + scripturls.length + ',' + scriptcount + ')';
//adds scripts counter to be blocked/unblocked, plus total number.
scriptscounter.value = 'script';
for (
var i = scripturls.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
//no scripts here? Don't add.
if(imgblockIt){var x=generatelist('img');
if(x){elementselection.appendChild(x[0]);uibackground.appendChild(x[1]);}}//to add all the other resource lists, if wished.
if(iframeblockIt){var x=generatelist('iframe');
if(mediablockIt){var x=generatelist('embed');
if (elementselection.innerHTML != '') { //no point carrying on if there aren't any resources to be unblocked.
var unblockselected = document.createElement('input');
unblockselected.type = 'button';
unblockselected.id = 'ujs42-_nelbb';
unblockselected.value = 'Block';
//button to block individual resources.
unblockselected.onclick = block_unblock;
var unblockall = document.createElement('input');
unblockall.type = 'button';
unblockall.value = 'All';
//button to block all resources.
unblockall.onclick = block_unblock;
var tempunblock = document.createElement('input');
tempunblock.type = 'button';
tempunblock.value = 'T-unblock';
//unblocks all for tab only.
tempunblock.title = 'Temporarily unblocks resources for tab,WARNING: page will reload, shift click for this webpage only. To turn resource blocking back on, either remove #nsoff from url and hit enter or close tab and re-open it.';
tempunblock.onclick = function(e) {
if (e.shiftKey) location.hash = '#nsoff';
else window.name = window.name + '#nsoff';
var unblockserver = document.createElement('input');
unblockserver.type = 'button';
unblockserver.id = 'ujs42-_nelser';
unblockserver.value = 'Server';
//unblocks according to server address.
unblockserver.onclick = block_unblock;
var previewresource = document.createElement('input');
previewresource.type = 'button';
previewresource.id = 'ujs42-_resourcepreview'
previewresource.value = 'Preview';
//previews resource in new tab.
previewresource.onclick = function() {
var selectedelementindex = document.getElementById('ujs42-_no' + activeselect() + 'select').selectedIndex;
var elementoption = document.getElementById('ujs42-_no' + activeselect() + 'select')[selectedelementindex].innerText;
if (elementoption.indexOf('#X# -') == 0) {
} else window.open(elementoption)
var showui = document.createElement('input');
showui.type = 'button';
showui.style = 'width:20px;height:20px;background:-o-skin("Panel Links");display:inline-block;position:absolute;' + (cornerposition < 3 ? 'top': 'bottom') + ':0px;' + (cornerposition % 2 == 1 ? 'left': 'right') + ':0px;';
//button always on to show the interface.
showui.onclick = function() {
if (uibackground.style.display == 'none') {
uibackground.style.display = 'inline-block';
userinterface.style.width = 'auto';
userinterface.style.height = 'auto';
if (document.getElementById('ujs42-_no' + activeselect() + 'select').disabled == false) {
} else {
uibackground.style.display = 'none';
userinterface.style.width = '20px';
userinterface.style.height = '20px';
document.documentElement.appendChild(userinterface );
var linebreak = document.createElement('br');
uibackground.insertBefore(linebreak, unblockselected);
if (!document.getElementById('ujs42-_noscriptselect')) {
var stylesheet = document.createElement('style');
stylesheet.innerText = '#ujs42-_noresourceinterface *{font-family:sans-serif !important}#ujs42-_noresourceinterface input[type=button],#ujs42-_noresourceinterface select{border:2px outset black !important;margin:0px !important;}#ujs42-_noresourceinterface input[type=button]:active{outline:2px inset black !important;border:0px !important;}#ujs42-_noiframeui input[type=button]{background-color:#e0e0e0 !important;margin-right:4px !important}#ujs42-_noresourceinterface select{background-color:white !important;}@media screen and (max-width: 1200px) {#ujs42-_noiframeui *{font-size:10pt !important;}#ujs42-_noscriptselect,#ujs42-_noimgselect,#ujs42-_noiframeselect,#ujs42-_noembedselect{width:300px !important}}@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {#ujs42-_noiframeui *{font-size:8pt !important;}#ujs42-_noscriptselect,#ujs42-_noimgselect,#ujs42-_noiframeselect,#ujs42-_noembedselect{width:200px !important}} @media screen and (max-width: 500px) {#ujs42-_noiframeui *{font-size:6pt !important;}#ujs42-_noscriptselect,#ujs42-_noimgselect,#ujs42-_noiframeselect,#ujs42-_noembedselect{width:150px !important} #ujs42-_noiframeui input[type=button]{margin-right:0px !important}#ujs42-_resourcepreview,#ujs42-_nelbb{padding-left:0px !important;padding-right:0px !important}}@media screen and (max-width: 270px){#ujs42-_noiframeui{display:inline-block;}#ujs42-_noresourceinterface{width:100% !important;height:auto !important;content:"BlockIt can\'t be viewed at this width";white-space:normal !important;text-align:center;}}';
//interesting bit here, this is mainly for the script to work with most or all screen sizes, it checks the width and resizes accordingly, while keeping the main toggle button out of the way


Tools -> Preferences -> Advance -> Content -> Javascript Options -> User Javascript file -> Find the folder with the javascript file in. -> ok

Colonel Kilkenny
January 11th, 2010, 12:32 AM
To do this, copy this and save it in a file called BlockIt.js, and put it in a folder

Or just enable Unite, go to unite.opera.com and install UserJS Manager for Unite and then open the .user.js file in Opera and it UserJS Manager should notice it and guide you through.
Of course that is not possible atm. with 10.50 as Unite is not in 10.50 yet.

January 11th, 2010, 12:34 AM
Or just enable unite, go to unite.opera.com and install UserJS Manager for Unite and then open the .user.js file in Opera and it UserJS Manager should notice it and guide you through.

I wouldn't recommend using Unite too much at current stages. It slows things down if you have it on permanently. And yes, it's not in 10.50. But I still wouldn't recommend having it on the non-pre-alpha versions.

January 11th, 2010, 02:03 AM
Does it have a point and click AdBlock plugin? That's really all that keeps me with Firefox; don't get me wrong, I think Firefox is a great browser, but I have always liked Opera better over all, but easy, set it and forget it AdBlocking is essential for me, I won't consider leaving Firefox until there is a browser with that feature.

January 11th, 2010, 02:47 AM
Does it have a point and click AdBlock plugin? That's really all that keeps me with Firefox; don't get me wrong, I think Firefox is a great browser, but I have always liked Opera better over all, but easy, set it and forget it AdBlocking is essential for me, I won't consider leaving Firefox until there is a browser with that feature.

It's not a plugin. It's built in. Right-click anywhere on the page and select "Block Content", and then click which things you wish to block. Easy as that.

January 11th, 2010, 02:56 AM
Does it have a point and click AdBlock plugin? That's really all that keeps me with Firefox; don't get me wrong, I think Firefox is a great browser, but I have always liked Opera better over all, but easy, set it and forget it AdBlocking is essential for me, I won't consider leaving Firefox until there is a browser with that feature.


Fanboy's list probably the main/most popular adblocker for Opera.

Copy that and place in your /home/user/.opera folder . Do it once every few months or whenever it's became the case that ads start leaking though.

I know it's not exactly set and forget, but it's not asking *that* much is it?

On Topic: Opera 10.5 is awesome. Well buggy as heck as expected from pre-alpha, and a dreadful 100% cpu usage bug in my case, but faster than chrome :D . And I don't think it's just people saying it, the usual benchmark tests for what they're worth show that too I think.

January 11th, 2010, 02:58 AM
soon to be the best browser on linux :guitar:

January 11th, 2010, 03:05 AM
I am running Opera 10.5 right now. I like it, but it doesn't seem all so much better than any other recent browser. Nor any faster, really.


January 11th, 2010, 04:21 AM
I don't plan on testing this until it is in true alpha (currently pre-alpha) or beta, but I am really excited.

Opera 10 was a nice-sized jump from Opera 9.6, but it wasn't huge. Opera 10.5, however, looks like a giant leap forward. If it's half as good as I've seen in benchmarks, screenshots, and read about on forums/blogs it'll be epic.

Opera is really low in market share at the moment (around 1.5-2.5%). Honestly, it's sometimes called "the best browser that nobody uses."

Forget that.

I want to see it be called the best browser, period. Maybe 10.5 is enough to make that happen. Only time will tell.

January 11th, 2010, 04:50 PM
I don't plan on testing this until it is in true alpha (currently pre-alpha) or beta, but I am really excited.

Opera 10 was a nice-sized jump from Opera 9.6, but it wasn't huge. Opera 10.5, however, looks like a giant leap forward. If it's half as good as I've seen in benchmarks, screenshots, and read about on forums/blogs it'll be epic.

Opera is really low in market share at the moment (around 1.5-2.5%). Honestly, it's sometimes called "the best browser that nobody uses."

Forget that.

I want to see it be called the best browser, period. Maybe 10.5 is enough to make that happen. Only time will tell.

I think the main competition to Opera is chrome - in terms of old users moving to another browser. This is what happened with me, although I always install the latest Opera alpha/beta/release, because I use them to do things with one display. Opera's tabs don't play as nicely with multiple screens as Chrome/Chromium.

January 11th, 2010, 04:58 PM
Is the font problem fixed it opera-devel ?

January 11th, 2010, 05:13 PM
Is the font problem fixed it opera-devel ?

Yes, more or less - but some older themes(for nine or earlier, and some for ten) will cause the text to become invisible in the menus, as a new graphical system is being used. The alpha, beta, and RC will improve on this even more, so it will become a lot more native to your system. GTK, QT, etc.