View Full Version : 10.04 LTS Release party Plans

January 6th, 2010, 12:11 AM
Its that time of the year again to start planning the release party for 10.04 LTS.

As i recall the discussion after the November release party for 9.10 led us to the conclusion that we should once again use the Holiday Inn at Waterloo to host the event.

One other possibility that was talked about was to work together with PA or Ohio and do something regional because it is a LTS release. This would be either in addition to or would take the place of the NY one.

Any other constructive ideas are also welcome.

Also either way we will need people to help plan the event and give talks. With it being a LTS release hopefully we can attract a larger attendance.

I do plan on creating the update mirror once again. While it has been used in the past i would like to see time set aside for a real workshop and install fest where people can bring their systems and update, install, and configure them.

The demo systems that we have used in the past have been great and If there are any ideas on what we could do to improve them in any way.

It has come to my attention that another option that was raised was to have each city host a smaller party and coordinate them all so that they all took place at the same time so that we could setup a video feed of each location so they were all connected.

Please discuss the options presented as well as others that you have come up with. We will need to start planning soon whatever is decided so that we are well prepared for the event.

January 6th, 2010, 04:16 AM
This is a topic for our upcoming January meeting.

For me there are two 'types' of options:

[option 1]
Hold a central event - location can move, but it would be a single event for all to attend.

[option 2]
Several smaller regional events - locations would depend on where local LUGS or FOSS groups exist and the LoCo would work with them to stage and hold the event.

For me both types are important, but serve different objectives. Option 1 would allow Ubuntu fans from across the state to meet and trade stories. In my opinion it offers a limited opportunity to expose new people to or make other FOSS related groups aware of our existence. Option 2 would not allow for a statewide meet-up, but it would allow for more people to attend a 'launch' event while hopefully energizing existing FOSS groups and increasing the possibility of exposing new people to FOSS.

The LoCo has now done two consecutive 'central' events so my preference, despite the LTS designation, would be to hold regional events. In fact being that it is an LTS it might actually be better to have new people exposed to that concept.

I have talked to the IFSA (Ithaca Free Software Association) about helping them hold an install fest in Ithaca -- which I think is important to helping them become more active. With EdTech day being scheduled for March it could be a good thing to schedule this in the spring because the event could be used to 'advertise' the install fest.

With new activity in Syracuse and the Finger Lakes it would be good to 'focus' on those areas as well. There are several FOSS friendly companies in Syracuse that would likely sponsor the event and help us advertise it.

If we can grow the local groups and develop local business connections it could make the holding of a regional event easier due to more interest and support from local businesses. It is difficult to ask a Syracuse or Rochester business to support an event that extends outside of what they perceive their 'market' unless they have a good relationship with us.

January 10th, 2010, 05:06 AM
I would like to add that I like the idea of a central event. I understand the point of making the event regional but I think have a central large gathering is important.

What I suggest is that we augment our event in some way so allow people who can't attend or who want to hold similar events in other areas to participate.