View Full Version : [SOLVED] here a nice compiz profile for everyone

December 15th, 2009, 01:48 PM
if you want to have a nice looking with compiz do this.
one open some text editor like gedit.
then write this following code , then save it as compiz.profile
then go to compiz preference then import it .
it is done.!!
have fun

s0_fire_particles = 1206
s0_fire_slowdown = 0.608100

s0_open_effects = animationaddon:Airplane;animation:Magic Lamp;animation:Wave;
s0_open_random_effects = animation:Curved Fold;animation:Horizontal Folds;animationaddon:Airplane;animationaddon:Beam Up;animationaddon:Burn;animationaddon:Domino;anima tion:Dream;animationaddon:Explode;animation:Fade;a nimationaddon:Fold;animation:Glide 1;animation:Glide 2;animationaddon:Glide 3;animationaddon:Leaf Spread;animation:Magic Lamp;animationaddon:Razr;animation:Sidekick;animat ionaddon:Skewer;animation:Vacuum;animation:Wave;an imation:Zoom;
s0_close_effects = animationaddon:Burn;animationaddon:Burn;animationa ddon:Burn;
s0_close_random_effects = animation:Curved Fold;animationaddon:Beam Up;animation:Dream;animationaddon:Fold;animationad don:Glide 3;
s0_minimize_effects = animation:Magic Lamp;animation:None;
s0_minimize_durations = 916;50;
s0_minimize_matches = (type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Unknown);;
s0_minimize_options = ;;
s0_focus_effects = animation:Wave;

s0_ground_size = 0.631500

as_prev_key = Disabled

as_exit_button = Disabled

as_active_plugins = core;move;resize;place;decoration;animation;ccp;re gex;png;text;shift;dbus;neg;svg;vpswitch;video;mou sepoll;extrawm;session;workarounds;gnomecompat;img jpeg;resizeinfo;snap;fade;cube;gears;animationaddo n;expo;ezoom;3d;rotate;scale;showmouse;scaleaddon; staticswitcher;
as_autoraise = false
as_autoraise_delay = 500
as_maximize_window_key = Disabled
as_toggle_window_maximized_key = <Alt>F10
as_toggle_window_shaded_key = Disabled
s0_hsize = 4

as_put_left_key = Disabled
as_put_right_key = Disabled
as_put_top_key = Disabled
as_put_bottom_key = Disabled
as_put_topleft_key = Disabled
as_put_topright_key = Disabled
as_put_bottomleft_key = Disabled
as_put_bottomright_key = Disabled

s0_fullscreen_visual_bell = true

s0_num_particles = 222
s0_size = 4.716100
s0_slowdown = 9.523900
s0_life = 0.165500
s0_darken = 0.000000
s0_random = true
s0_rotation_speed = 0.786100
s0_radius = 38

as_next_slide_key = Disabled

December 19th, 2009, 02:31 AM
Here is mine , very minimal effects and transparency if you would like to try .

as_initiate_key = <Super>F12
as_disable_limiter = true
as_output_screen = true
as_position_x = 0
as_position_y = 0
as_output_console = false
as_console_update_time = 5

as_active_plugins = core;move;resize;place;decoration;animation;ccp;te xt;session;imgjpeg;dbus;workarounds;regex;widget;g lib;svg;commands;extrawm;gnomecompat;neg;mousepoll ;png;ring;video;resizeinfo;ezoom;obs;fade;animatio naddon;scale;scaleaddon;opacify;
as_audible_bell = true
as_ignore_hints_when_maximized = true
as_hide_skip_taskbar_windows = true
as_edge_delay = 0
as_ping_delay = 5000
as_texture_filter = 1
as_click_to_focus = true
as_raise_on_click = true
as_autoraise = false
as_autoraise_delay = 500
as_close_window_key = <Alt>F4
as_close_window_button = Disabled
as_raise_window_key = Disabled
as_raise_window_button = <Control>Button6
as_lower_window_key = Disabled
as_lower_window_button = <Alt>Button6
as_unmaximize_window_key = <Alt>F5
as_minimize_window_key = <Alt>F9
as_minimize_window_button = Disabled
as_maximize_window_key = Disabled
as_maximize_window_horizontally_key = Disabled
as_maximize_window_vertically_key = Disabled
as_window_menu_button = <Alt>Button3
as_window_menu_key = <Alt>space
as_show_desktop_key = <Control><Alt>d
as_show_desktop_edge =
as_toggle_window_maximized_key = <Alt>F10
as_toggle_window_maximized_button = Disabled
as_toggle_window_maximized_horizontally_key = Disabled
as_toggle_window_maximized_vertically_key = Disabled
as_toggle_window_shaded_key = Disabled
as_slow_animations_key = Disabled
s0_hsize = 1
s0_vsize = 1
s0_number_of_desktops = 1
s0_lighting = true
s0_detect_refresh_rate = true
s0_refresh_rate = 76
s0_detect_outputs = true
s0_overlapping_outputs = 0
s0_outputs = 640x480+0+0;
s0_sync_to_vblank = true
s0_focus_prevention_level = 1
s0_focus_prevention_match = !(class=Polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1)
s0_unredirect_fullscreen_windows = false
s0_default_icon = icon
s0_force_independent_output_painting = false
s0_texture_compression = false

as_toggle_key = <Super>p
as_window_types = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | ModalDialog | Fullscreen | Normal
as_ononinit = false
as_brightness = 30
as_saturation = 50
as_opacity = 100

as_fade_time = 500
as_always_show = false
as_text_color = #000000ff
as_gradient_1 = #cccce6cc
as_gradient_2 = #f3f3f3cc
as_gradient_3 = #d9d9d9cc

s0_open_effects = animation:Glide 2;animation:Fade;animation:Fade;
s0_open_durations = 400;278;150;
s0_open_matches = ((type=Normal | Unknown) | name=sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer | name=sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer) & !(role=toolTipTip | role=qtooltip_label) & !(type=Normal & override_redirect=1) & !(name=gnome-screensaver);(type=Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog | Normal);(type=Tooltip | Notification | Utility) & !(name=compiz) & !(title=notify-osd);
s0_open_options = ;;;
s0_open_random_effects =
s0_close_effects = animation:Glide 2;animation:Glide 2;animation:Fade;
s0_close_durations = 400;278;150;
s0_close_matches = ((type=Normal | Unknown) | name=sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer | name=sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer) & !(role=toolTipTip | role=qtooltip_label) & !(type=Normal & override_redirect=1) & !(name=gnome-screensaver);(type=Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog | Normal);(type=Tooltip | Notification | Utility) & !(name=compiz) & !(title=notify-osd) ;
s0_close_options = ;;;
s0_close_random_effects =
s0_minimize_effects = animation:Magic Lamp;
s0_minimize_durations = 505;
s0_minimize_matches = (type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Unknown);
s0_minimize_options = ;
s0_minimize_random_effects =
s0_shade_effects = animation:Roll Up;
s0_shade_durations = 300;
s0_shade_matches = (type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown);
s0_shade_options = ;
s0_shade_random_effects =
s0_focus_effects = animation:Dodge;
s0_focus_durations = 300;
s0_focus_matches = (type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown) & !(name=compiz);
s0_focus_options = ;
s0_curved_fold_amp_mult = 1.000000
s0_curved_fold_zoom_to_taskbar = true
s0_dodge_gap_ratio = 0.500000
s0_dream_zoom_to_taskbar = true
s0_glide1_away_position = 1.000000
s0_glide1_away_angle = 0.000000
s0_glide1_zoom_to_taskbar = false
s0_glide2_away_position = -0.400000
s0_glide2_away_angle = -45.000000
s0_glide2_zoom_to_taskbar = true
s0_horizontal_folds_amp_mult = 1.000000
s0_horizontal_folds_num_folds = 3
s0_horizontal_folds_zoom_to_taskbar = true
s0_magic_lamp_moving_end = true
s0_magic_lamp_grid_res = 100
s0_magic_lamp_max_waves = 3
s0_magic_lamp_amp_min = 200.000000
s0_magic_lamp_amp_max = 300.000000
s0_magic_lamp_open_start_width = 30
s0_rollup_fixed_interior = false
s0_sidekick_num_rotations = 0.500000
s0_sidekick_springiness = 0.000000
s0_sidekick_zoom_from_center = 0
s0_vacuum_moving_end = true
s0_vacuum_grid_res = 100
s0_vacuum_open_start_width = 30
s0_wave_width = 0.700000
s0_wave_amp_mult = 1.000000
s0_zoom_from_center = 0
s0_zoom_springiness = 0.000000
s0_all_random = false
s0_time_step = 10

as_select_button = Disabled
as_select_single_key = <Super>s
as_group_key = <Super>g
as_ungroup_key = <Super>u
as_remove_key = <Super>r
as_close_key = <Super>c
as_ignore_key = <Super>x
as_tabmode_key = <Super>t
as_change_tab_left_key = <Super>Left
as_change_tab_right_key = <Super>Right
as_change_color_key = Disabled
s0_move_all = true
s0_resize_all = false
s0_raise_all = true
s0_maximize_unmaximize_all = false
s0_minimize_all = true
s0_shade_all = false
s0_auto_group = false
s0_auto_ungroup = true
s0_window_match = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown
s0_select_opacity = 80
s0_select_saturation = 20
s0_select_brightness = 70
s0_select_precision = 25
s0_fill_color = #00000055
s0_line_color = #000000ab
s0_mipmaps = false
s0_untab_on_close = false
s0_autotab_create = false
s0_tabbar_show_delay = 0.400000
s0_tabbing_speed = 1.200000
s0_tabbing_timestep = 1.500000
s0_fade_time = 0.200000
s0_pulse_time = 0.600000
s0_reflex_time = 0.500000
s0_fade_text_time = 0.250000
s0_visibility_time = 0.500000
s0_change_animation_time = 0.500000
s0_bar_animations = true
s0_thumb_size = 96
s0_thumb_space = 5
s0_border_radius = 10
s0_border_width = 1
s0_tab_base_color = #00000099
s0_tab_border_color = #000000ab
s0_tab_highlight_color = #ffffff99
s0_tab_style = 0
s0_tabbar_font_size = 12
s0_tabbar_font_color = #ffffffff
s0_dnd_ungroup_window = true
s0_drag_hover_time = 0.500000
s0_drag_spring_k = 8.000000
s0_drag_friction = 35.000000
s0_drag_y_distance = 400
s0_drag_speed_limit = 800
s0_glow = true
s0_glow_size = 64
s0_glow_type = 0

as_toggle_window_key = <Super>f
as_toggle_screen_key = <Super>d
as_switch_filter_key = <Control><Super>s
s0_filters = negative;negative-green;blueish-filter;sepia;grayscale;deuteranopia;protonopia;
s0_filter_decorations = false
s0_filter_match = any

as_enabled = true
as_directory = /tmp
as_start_wm = false
as_wm_cmd =

as_initiate_key = <Shift><Super>s
as_initiate_button = Disabled
as_initiate_edge =
as_initiate_all_key = Disabled
as_initiate_all_button = Disabled
as_initiate_all_edge =
as_terminate_button = Button3
as_next_key = <Super>Tab
as_next_button = Disabled
as_prev_key = <Shift><Super>Tab
as_prev_button = Disabled
as_next_all_key = <Alt><Super>Tab
as_next_all_button = Disabled
as_prev_all_key = <Shift><Alt><Super>Tab
as_prev_all_button = Disabled
as_next_group_key = Disabled
as_next_group_button = Disabled
as_prev_group_key = Disabled
as_prev_group_button = Disabled
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_shift_speed = 1.000000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_window_match = Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown
s0_minimized = true
s0_mouse_speed = 10.000000
s0_click_duration = 500
s0_mode = 0
s0_size = 50
s0_background_intensity = 0.500000
s0_hide_all = false
s0_reflection = true
s0_ground_color1 = #b3b3b3cc
s0_ground_color2 = #b3b3b300
s0_ground_size = 0.500000
s0_intensity = 0.400000
s0_flip_rotation = 30
s0_cover_offset = 0.000000
s0_overlay_icon = 1
s0_mipmaps = false
s0_multioutput_mode = 0
s0_window_title = true
s0_title_font_bold = false
s0_title_font_size = 16
s0_title_back_color = #00000099
s0_title_font_color = #ffffffff
s0_title_text_placement = 2

as_save_legacy = false
as_ignore_match =

s0_file = reflection.png
s0_match = any
s0_window = false
s0_decoration = true
s0_threshold = 1
s0_moving = false

as_put_viewport_1_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_2_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_3_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_4_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_5_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_6_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_7_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_8_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_9_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_10_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_11_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_12_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_left_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_right_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_up_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_down_key = Disabled
as_put_center_key = <Super>KP_Begin
as_put_center_button = Disabled
as_put_left_key = Disabled
as_put_left_button = Disabled
as_put_right_key = Disabled
as_put_right_button = Disabled
as_put_top_key = Disabled
as_put_top_button = Disabled
as_put_bottom_key = Disabled
as_put_bottom_button = Disabled
as_put_topleft_key = Disabled
as_put_topleft_button = Disabled
as_put_topright_key = Disabled
as_put_topright_button = Disabled
as_put_bottomleft_key = Disabled
as_put_bottomleft_button = Disabled
as_put_bottomright_key = Disabled
as_put_bottomright_button = Disabled
as_put_restore_key = <Super>KP_Insert
as_put_restore_button = Disabled
as_put_pointer_key = <Super>z
as_put_pointer_button = Disabled
as_put_next_output_key = Disabled
as_put_next_output_button = Disabled
s0_pad_left = 0
s0_pad_right = 0
s0_pad_top = 0
s0_pad_bottom = 0
s0_unfocus_window = false
s0_window_center = false
s0_avoid_offscreen = false
s0_speed = 2.500000
s0_timestep = 0.500000

as_initiate_button = <Super>Button3
as_zoom_in_button = <Super>Button4
as_zoom_out_button = <Super>Button5
as_zoom_pan_button = <Super>Button2
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_zoom_factor = 2.000000
s0_filter_linear = false

as_initiate_key = <Control>F11
as_firststart = true
as_background = splash_background.png
as_logo = splash_logo.png
as_fade_time = 1.000000
as_display_time = 2.000000
as_saturation = 50.000000
as_brightness = 50.000000

as_initiate_normal_key = Disabled
as_initiate_outline_key = Disabled
as_initiate_rectangle_key = Disabled
as_initiate_stretch_key = Disabled
as_initiate_button = <Alt>Button2
as_initiate_key = <Alt>F8
as_mode = 2
as_border_color = #2f2f4f9f
as_fill_color = #2f2f4f4f
as_normal_match =
as_outline_match =
as_rectangle_match =
as_stretch_match =

as_initiate_key = Disabled
as_initiate_button = <Shift><Super>Button1
as_clear_key = <Shift><Super>c
as_clear_button = Disabled
s0_num_particles = 3000
s0_fire_size = 15.000000
s0_fire_slowdown = 0.500000
s0_fire_life = 0.700000
s0_fire_color = #ff3305ff
s0_fire_mystical = false
s0_bg_brightness = 50

as_quality = 80

as_initiate_key = <Control>F12
s0_mode = 0
s0_strength = 20.000000
s0_on_transformed_screen = false

as_next_button = Disabled
as_next_key = <Alt>Tab
as_prev_button = Disabled
as_prev_key = <Shift><Alt>Tab
as_next_all_button = Disabled
as_next_all_key = <Control><Alt>Tab
as_prev_all_button = Disabled
as_prev_all_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Tab
as_next_no_popup_button = Disabled
as_next_no_popup_key = Disabled
as_prev_no_popup_button = Disabled
as_prev_no_popup_key = Disabled
as_next_panel_button = Disabled
as_next_panel_key = Disabled
as_prev_panel_button = Disabled
as_prev_panel_key = Disabled
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_window_match = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown
s0_mipmap = true
s0_saturation = 100
s0_brightness = 65
s0_opacity = 40
s0_bring_to_front = true
s0_zoom = 1.000000
s0_icon = true
s0_minimized = true
s0_auto_rotate = false

as_initiate_key = <Control><Super>
as_toggle_rain_key = <Shift>F9
as_toggle_wiper_key = <Shift>F8
as_offset_scale = 1.000000
as_rain_delay = 250
as_title_wave = false

as_key_bindings_toggle = false
as_button_bindings_toggle = false
as_initiate_edge = TopLeft
as_initiate_key = <Shift><Alt>Up
as_initiate_button = Disabled
as_initiate_all_edge =
as_initiate_all_button = Disabled
as_initiate_all_key = Disabled
as_initiate_group_edge =
as_initiate_group_button = Disabled
as_initiate_group_key = Disabled
as_initiate_output_edge =
as_initiate_output_button = Disabled
as_initiate_output_key = Disabled
as_show_desktop = true
s0_spacing = 10
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_darken_back = true
s0_opacity = 75
s0_overlay_icon = 1
s0_window_match = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown
s0_hover_time = 750
s0_multioutput_mode = 0

s0_workarounds = true
s0_mode = 2
s0_multioutput_mode = 0
s0_force_placement_match =
s0_position_matches =
s0_position_x_values =
s0_position_y_values =
s0_position_constrain_workarea =
s0_mode_matches =
s0_mode_modes =
s0_viewport_matches =
s0_viewport_x_values =
s0_viewport_y_values =

as_begin_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_1_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_2_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_3_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_4_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_5_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_6_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_7_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_8_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_9_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_10_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_11_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_12_key = Disabled
as_left_button = Disabled
as_right_button = Disabled
as_up_button = Disabled
as_down_button = Disabled
as_next_button = Disabled
as_prev_button = Disabled
as_initiate_button = Button2
as_init_plugin = rotate
as_init_action = initiate_button

s0_skiptaskbar_match =
s0_skippager_match =
s0_above_match =
s0_below_match =
s0_sticky_match =
s0_fullscreen_match =
s0_maximize_match =
s0_no_argb_match =
s0_no_move_match =
s0_no_resize_match =
s0_no_minimize_match =
s0_no_maximize_match =
s0_no_close_match =
s0_no_focus_match =
s0_size_matches =
s0_size_width_values =
s0_size_height_values =

s0_thumb_size = 283
s0_show_delay = 100
s0_border = 16
s0_thumb_color = #0000007f
s0_fade_speed = 0.500000
s0_current_viewport = true
s0_always_on_top = true
s0_window_like = false
s0_mipmap = true
s0_title_enabled = true
s0_font_bold = true
s0_font_size = 12
s0_font_color = #f2e8e8ff

as_trigger_key = <Super>l
as_reset_key = Disabled
as_triggerscreen_key = <Super>p
as_dec_button = <Alt><Super>Button4
as_inc_button = <Alt><Super>Button5
as_animtime = 150
as_interval = 0.900000

as_snap_key = <Shift>
as_snap_inverted = false
as_shiver = false
s0_friction = 3.000000
s0_spring_k = 8.000000
s0_grid_resolution = 8
s0_min_grid_size = 8
s0_map_effect = 0
s0_focus_effect = 0
s0_map_window_match = Splash | DropdownMenu | PopupMenu | Tooltip | Notification | Combo | Dnd | Unknown
s0_focus_window_match =
s0_grab_window_match =
s0_move_window_match = Toolbar | Menu | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown
s0_maximize_effect = true

as_expo_key = <Super>e
as_expo_button = Disabled
as_expo_edge = TopLeft
as_double_click_time = 500
as_dnd_button = Button1
as_exit_button = Button3
as_next_vp_button = Button5
as_prev_vp_button = Button4
as_zoom_time = 0.500000
as_expo_immediate_move = false
as_expo_animation = 0
as_deform = 0
as_distance = 0.000000
as_vp_distance = 0.100000
as_aspect_ratio = 1.000000
as_curve = 0.500000
as_hide_docks = false
as_mipmaps = false
as_multioutput_mode = 0
as_vp_brightness = 75.000000
as_vp_saturation = 100.000000
as_reflection = true
as_ground_color1 = #b3b3b3cc
as_ground_color2 = #b3b3b300
as_ground_size = 0.500000
as_scale_factor = 1.000000

as_unfold_key = <Control><Alt>Down
as_next_slide_key = Disabled
as_prev_slide_key = Disabled
s0_mipmap = true
s0_multioutput_mode = 0
s0_in = false
s0_acceleration = 4.000000
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_color = #cdbe70ff
s0_scale_image = false
s0_images = /usr/share/gdm/themes/Human/ubuntu.png;
s0_adjust_image = false
s0_skydome = true
s0_skydome_image = /home/andrey/Public/skydome/2.4_ue_skydome.png
s0_skydome_animated = true
s0_skydome_gradient_start_color = #181e21ff
s0_skydome_gradient_end_color = #738df8ff
s0_active_opacity = 85.990303
s0_inactive_opacity = 100.000000
s0_transparent_manual_only = true

as_put_center_key = <Control><Alt>KP_5
as_put_left_key = <Control><Alt>KP_4
as_put_right_key = <Control><Alt>KP_6
as_put_top_key = <Control><Alt>KP_8
as_put_bottom_key = <Control><Alt>KP_2
as_put_topleft_key = <Control><Alt>KP_7
as_put_topright_key = <Control><Alt>KP_9
as_put_bottomleft_key = <Control><Alt>KP_1
as_put_bottomright_key = <Control><Alt>KP_3

as_initiate_button = <Alt>Button1
as_initiate_key = <Alt>F7
as_opacity = 100
as_constrain_y = true
as_snapoff_maximized = true
as_lazy_positioning = true

as_legacy_fullscreen = false
as_firefox_menu_fix = false
as_ooo_menu_fix = true
as_notification_daemon_fix = false
as_java_fix = true
as_qt_fix = false
as_convert_urgency = false
as_aiglx_fragment_fix = true
as_fglrx_xgl_fix = false
as_force_glx_sync = true
as_sticky_alldesktops = false
as_alldesktop_sticky_match = any

as_show_switcher = true
as_miniscreen = false
as_preview_timeout = 0.400000
as_preview_scale = 100
as_edge_radius = 5
as_border_width = 10
as_outline_color = #333333d9
as_background_gradient_base_color = #cccce6d9
as_background_gradient_highlight_color = #f3f3ffd9
as_background_gradient_shadow_color = #f3f3ffd9
as_thumb_gradient_base_color = #33333359
as_thumb_gradient_highlight_color = #3f3f3f3f
as_thumb_highlight_gradient_base_color = #fffffff3
as_thumb_highlight_gradient_shadow_color = #dfdfdfa6
as_arrow_base_color = #e6e6e6d9
as_arrow_shadow_color = #dcdcdcd9
as_allow_wraparound = false
as_slide_duration = 0.300000
as_no_slide_match = type=Dock | type=Desktop | state=Sticky
as_left_key = <Control><Alt>Left
as_left_button = Disabled
as_right_key = <Control><Alt>Right
as_right_button = Disabled
as_up_key = <Control><Alt>Up
as_up_button = Disabled
as_down_key = <Control><Alt>Down
as_down_button = Disabled
as_next_key = Disabled
as_next_button = Disabled
as_prev_key = Disabled
as_prev_button = Disabled
as_left_window_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Left
as_right_window_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Right
as_up_window_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Up
as_down_window_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Down
as_flip_left_edge = Left
as_flip_right_edge = Right
as_flip_up_edge = Top
as_flip_down_edge = Bottom
s0_mmmode = 0
s0_edgeflip_pointer = false
s0_edgeflip_move = true
s0_edgeflip_dnd = false

as_top_next_key = space
as_top_next_button = Disabled
as_top_prev_key = Disabled
as_top_prev_button = Disabled
as_bottom_next_key = Disabled
as_bottom_next_button = Disabled
as_bottom_prev_key = Disabled
as_bottom_prev_button = Disabled
s0_reflection = true
s0_ground_color1 = #b3b3b3cc
s0_ground_color2 = #b3b3b300
s0_ground_size = 0.500000
s0_intensity = 0.400000
s0_auto_zoom = true
s0_zoom_manual_only = true
s0_mode = 0
s0_deformation = 0
s0_unfold_deformation = true
s0_cylinder_manual_only = false
s0_deform_caps = true
s0_sphere_aspect = 0.000000
s0_draw_top = true
s0_draw_bottom = true
s0_adjust_top = false
s0_adjust_bottom = false
s0_top_scale = true
s0_bottom_scale = true
s0_top_aspect = true
s0_bottom_aspect = true
s0_top_clamp = true
s0_bottom_clamp = true
s0_top_color = #ffffffff
s0_bottom_color = #ffffffff
s0_top_images = /home/andrey/Public/skydome/109032-dissapear.png;fusioncap.png;
s0_bottom_images = /home/andrey/Public/skydome/109032-dissapear.png;compizcap.png;

as_ignore_sticky = true
as_ignore_overlapping = false
as_allow_shrink = true
as_maximumize_left = true
as_maximumize_right = true
as_maximumize_up = true
as_maximumize_down = true
as_trigger_max_key = <Super>M
as_trigger_max_left = Disabled
as_trigger_max_right = Disabled
as_trigger_max_up = Disabled
as_trigger_max_down = Disabled
as_trigger_max_horizontally = Disabled
as_trigger_max_vertically = Disabled
as_trigger_max_up_left = Disabled
as_trigger_max_up_right = Disabled
as_trigger_max_down_left = Disabled
as_trigger_max_down_right = Disabled
as_trigger_min_key = <Shift><Super>M
as_trigger_min_left = Disabled
as_trigger_min_right = Disabled
as_trigger_min_up = Disabled
as_trigger_min_down = Disabled
as_trigger_min_horizontally = Disabled
as_trigger_min_vertically = Disabled
as_trigger_min_up_left = Disabled
as_trigger_min_up_right = Disabled
as_trigger_min_down_left = Disabled
as_trigger_min_down_right = Disabled

s0_window_match = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown
s0_min_cube_size = 60
s0_max_window_space = 10
s0_manual_only = true
s0_width = 0.300000
s0_bevel = 0
s0_width_color = #333333ff
s0_width_color_inactive = #333333ff
s0_bevel_topleft = true
s0_bevel_topright = true
s0_bevel_bottomleft = false
s0_bevel_bottomright = false

s0_bg_image =
s0_bg_image_pos =
s0_bg_fill_type =
s0_bg_color1 =
s0_bg_color2 =

as_close_key = Disabled
as_close_button = Button2
as_pull_key = Disabled
as_pull_button = Disabled
as_zoom_key = Disabled
as_zoom_button = Button3
s0_window_title = 1
s0_title_bold = false
s0_title_size = 10
s0_border_size = 3
s0_font_color = #ffffffff
s0_back_color = #00000099
s0_window_highlight = false
s0_highlight_color = #ffffff96
s0_layout_mode = 0
s0_constrain_pull_to_screen = true
s0_exit_after_pull = false

as_pulse = false
s0_blur_speed = 3.500000
s0_focus_blur_match = toolbar | menu | utility | normal | dialog | modaldialog
s0_focus_blur = true
s0_alpha_blur_match = any
s0_alpha_blur = true
s0_filter = 1
s0_gaussian_radius = 10
s0_gaussian_strength = 1.000000
s0_mipmap_lod = 2.500000
s0_saturation = 100
s0_occlusion = true
s0_independent_tex = false

as_zoom_in_button = <Super>Button4
as_zoom_in_key = Disabled
as_zoom_out_button = <Super>Button5
as_zoom_out_key = Disabled
as_zoom_box_button = <Super>Button2
as_center_mouse_key = Disabled
as_zoom_specific_1_key = Disabled
as_zoom_spec1 = 1.000000
as_zoom_specific_2_key = Disabled
as_zoom_spec2 = 0.500000
as_zoom_specific_3_key = Disabled
as_zoom_spec3 = 0.200000
as_spec_target_focus = true
as_lock_zoom_key = Disabled
as_pan_left_key = Disabled
as_pan_right_key = Disabled
as_pan_up_key = Disabled
as_pan_down_key = Disabled
as_fit_to_zoom_key = Disabled
as_fit_to_window_key = Disabled
s0_zoom_factor = 1.150000
s0_minimum_zoom = 0.125000
s0_sync_mouse = true
s0_scale_mouse = false
s0_scale_mouse_dynamic = true
s0_scale_mouse_static = 0.200000
s0_hide_original_mouse = false
s0_restrain_mouse = false
s0_mouse_pan = false
s0_restrain_margin = 5
s0_pan_factor = 0.100000
s0_follow_focus = true
s0_focus_fit_window = false
s0_autoscale_min = 0.250000
s0_always_focus_fit_window = false
s0_follow_focus_delay = 1
s0_speed = 25.000000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_filter_linear = true

s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 0.500000
s0_window_match = toolbar | utility | dialog | normal
s0_shade_resistance = 75

as_initiate_button = <Shift><Super>Button1

s0_show_remote_machine = true
s0_show_root = true

as_initiate_button = <Super>Button1
as_directory =
as_launch_app =

as_toggle_key = <Super>o
as_toggle_reset = true
as_timeout = 0
as_init_toggle = true
s0_only_if_block = false
s0_focus_instant = false
s0_no_delay_change = false
s0_window_match = Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Toolbar | Fullscreen
s0_active_opacity = 100
s0_passive_opacity = 85

as_toggle_key = F9
as_toggle_button = Disabled
as_toggle_edge =
s0_match =
s0_end_on_click = true
s0_fade_time = 0.500000
s0_bg_brightness = 50
s0_bg_saturation = 100

s0_window_match = (type=toolbar | type=utility | type=dialog | type=normal) & !(state=skiptaskbar | state=skippager)
s0_windows_count = 5
s0_windows_start = 2
s0_max_opacity = 100
s0_min_opacity = 70
s0_max_brightness = 100
s0_min_brightness = 100
s0_max_saturation = 100
s0_min_saturation = 100

s0_in_match = (iclass=^ksplash)
s0_in_time = 1.000000
s0_in_saturation = 0.000000
s0_in_brightness = 100.000000
s0_in_opacity = 100.000000
s0_out_match = (iclass=ksmserver & (role=logoutdialog | role=logouteffect)) | (class=Libssui-tool & type=Dialog)
s0_out_time = 1.000000
s0_out_saturation = 0.000000
s0_out_brightness = 100.000000
s0_out_opacity = 100.000000

as_opacity_increase_key = Disabled
as_opacity_increase_button = <Alt>Button4
as_opacity_decrease_key = Disabled
as_opacity_decrease_button = <Alt>Button5
as_brightness_increase_key = Disabled
as_brightness_increase_button = Disabled
as_brightness_decrease_key = Disabled
as_brightness_decrease_button = Disabled
as_saturation_increase_key = Disabled
as_saturation_increase_button = Disabled
as_saturation_decrease_key = Disabled
as_saturation_decrease_button = Disabled
s0_opacity_step = 5
s0_opacity_matches = Tooltip | Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu;Dock;class=Gnome-terminal & type=NORMAL ;class=Xchat & name=xchat ;
s0_opacity_values = 85;85;80;80;
s0_brightness_step = 5
s0_brightness_matches =
s0_brightness_values =
s0_saturation_step = 5
s0_saturation_matches =
s0_saturation_values =

s0_timeout = 0
s0_filter_case_insensitive = true
s0_filter_display = true
s0_font_bold = true
s0_font_size = 24
s0_border_size = 5
s0_font_color = #ffffffff
s0_back_color = #00000099

as_next_button = Disabled
as_next_key = <Alt>Tab
as_prev_button = Disabled
as_prev_key = Disabled
as_next_all_button = Disabled
as_next_all_key = <Control><Alt>Tab
as_prev_all_button = Disabled
as_prev_all_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Tab
as_next_group_button = Disabled
as_next_group_key = Disabled
as_prev_group_button = Disabled
as_prev_group_key = Disabled
as_next_no_popup_button = Disabled
as_next_no_popup_key = Disabled
as_prev_no_popup_button = Disabled
as_prev_no_popup_key = Disabled
as_next_panel_button = Disabled
as_next_panel_key = Disabled
as_prev_panel_button = Disabled
as_prev_panel_key = Disabled
s0_speed = 4.000000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_window_match = Normal | Dialog | Toolbar | Utility | Unknown
s0_minimized = true
s0_auto_change_vp = false
s0_popup_delay = 0.000000
s0_mouse_select = false
s0_saturation = 50
s0_brightness = 50
s0_opacity = 100
s0_icon = true
s0_mipmap = true
s0_row_align = 1
s0_highlight_mode = 1
s0_highlight_rect_hidden = 1
s0_highlight_color = #00000096
s0_highlight_border_color = #000000c8
s0_highlight_border_inlay_color = #c8c8c8c8

as_command0 =
as_command1 =
as_command2 =
as_command3 =
as_command4 =
as_command5 =
as_command6 =
as_command7 =
as_command8 =
as_command9 =
as_command10 =
as_command11 =
as_run_command0_key = Disabled
as_run_command1_key = Disabled
as_run_command2_key = Disabled
as_run_command3_key = Disabled
as_run_command4_key = Disabled
as_run_command5_key = Disabled
as_run_command6_key = Disabled
as_run_command7_key = Disabled
as_run_command8_key = Disabled
as_run_command9_key = Disabled
as_run_command10_key = Disabled
as_run_command11_key = Disabled
as_run_command0_button = Disabled
as_run_command1_button = Disabled
as_run_command2_button = Disabled
as_run_command3_button = Disabled
as_run_command4_button = Disabled
as_run_command5_button = Disabled
as_run_command6_button = Disabled
as_run_command7_button = Disabled
as_run_command8_button = Disabled
as_run_command9_button = Disabled
as_run_command10_button = Disabled
as_run_command11_button = Disabled
as_run_command0_edge =
as_run_command1_edge =
as_run_command2_edge =
as_run_command3_edge =
as_run_command4_edge =
as_run_command5_edge =
as_run_command6_edge =
as_run_command7_edge =
as_run_command8_edge =
as_run_command9_edge =
as_run_command10_edge =
as_run_command11_edge =

as_toggle_redirect_key = Disabled
as_toggle_fullscreen_key = Disabled
as_toggle_always_on_top_key = Disabled
as_toggle_sticky_key = Disabled
as_activate_demands_attention_key = Disabled
as_to_next_output_key = Disabled

as_initiate_button = <Alt><Super>Button1
as_erase_button = <Alt><Super>Button3
as_clear_key = <Alt><Super>k
as_clear_button = Disabled
as_fill_color = #ff0000ff
as_stroke_color = #00ff00ff
as_line_width = 3.000000
as_stroke_width = 1.000000

as_initiate = <Super>m
as_zoom_in_button = <Shift><Super>Button4
as_zoom_out_button = <Shift><Super>Button5
s0_mode = 0
s0_zoom_factor = 2.000000
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_keep_screen = true
s0_box_width = 300
s0_box_height = 200
s0_border = 2
s0_box_color = #000000ff
s0_overlay = Gnome/overlay.png
s0_mask = Gnome/mask.png
s0_x_offset = 155
s0_y_offset = 155
s0_radius = 200

as_main_menu_key = <Alt>F1
as_run_key = <Alt>F2
as_command_screenshot = gnome-screenshot
as_run_command_screenshot_key = Print
as_command_window_screenshot = gnome-screenshot --window
as_run_command_window_screenshot_key = <Alt>Print
as_command_terminal = gnome-terminal
as_run_command_terminal_key = Disabled

as_edge_flip_pointer = false
as_edge_flip_window = true
as_edge_flip_dnd = true
as_flip_time = 350
as_raise_on_rotate = false
as_initiate_button = <Control><Alt>Button1
as_rotate_left_key = <Control><Alt>Left
as_rotate_left_button = Disabled
as_rotate_right_key = <Control><Alt>Right
as_rotate_right_button = Disabled
as_rotate_left_window_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Left
as_rotate_left_window_button = Disabled
as_rotate_right_window_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Right
as_rotate_right_window_button = Disabled
as_rotate_to_key = Disabled
as_rotate_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_flip_left_edge = Left
as_rotate_flip_right_edge = Right
as_rotate_to_1_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_2_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_3_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_4_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_5_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_6_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_7_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_8_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_9_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_10_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_11_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_12_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_1_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_2_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_3_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_4_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_5_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_6_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_7_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_8_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_9_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_10_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_11_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_12_window_key = Disabled
s0_invert_y = false
s0_sensitivity = 1.000000
s0_acceleration = 4.000000
s0_snap_top = false
s0_snap_bottom = false
s0_speed = 2.000000
s0_timestep = 1.000000
s0_zoom = 0.000000

s0_fadetime = 500
s0_window_match = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown

as_window_toggle_key = <Super>n
as_screen_toggle_key = <Super>m
s0_neg_match = any
s0_exclude_match = type=Desktop

as_shadow_radius = 10.073500
as_shadow_opacity = 0.941500
as_shadow_color = #00000000
as_shadow_x_offset = 6
as_shadow_y_offset = 6
as_command = emerald --replace
as_mipmap = false
as_decoration_match = any
as_shadow_match = (any) & !(class=Gnome-panel)

as_avoid_snap = 0;
s0_snap_type = 0;
s0_edges_categories = 0;1;
s0_resistance_distance = 30
s0_attraction_distance = 20

as_mouse_poll_interval = 40

as_mount_point = compiz

s0_fade_mode = 0
s0_fade_speed = 5.000000
s0_fade_time = 100
s0_window_match = any & !(title=notify-osd)
s0_visual_bell = false
s0_fullscreen_visual_bell = true
s0_minimize_open_close = true
s0_dim_unresponsive = true
s0_unresponsive_brightness = 65
s0_unresponsive_saturation = 0

as_next_key = <Alt>Tab
as_next_button = Disabled
as_prev_key = <Shift><Super>Tab
as_prev_button = Disabled
as_next_all_key = <Alt><Super>Tab
as_next_all_button = Disabled
as_prev_all_key = <Shift><Alt><Super>Tab
as_prev_all_button = Disabled
as_next_group_key = Disabled
as_next_group_button = Disabled
as_prev_group_key = Disabled
as_prev_group_button = Disabled
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_inactive_opacity = 100
s0_window_match = Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown
s0_overlay_icon = 1
s0_darken_back = true
s0_minimized = true
s0_select_with_mouse = false
s0_ring_clockwise = false
s0_ring_width = 70
s0_ring_height = 60
s0_thumb_width = 350
s0_thumb_height = 250
s0_min_brightness = 0.500000
s0_min_scale = 0.400000
s0_window_title = true
s0_title_font_bold = false
s0_title_font_size = 16
s0_title_back_color = #00000099
s0_title_font_color = #ffffffff
s0_title_text_placement = 0

s0_plasma_thumbnails = true

as_yv12 = true

as_initiate = <Super>k
as_initiate_button = Disabled
as_initiate_edge =
s0_num_particles = 500
s0_size = 10.000000
s0_slowdown = 1.000000
s0_life = 0.700000
s0_darken = 0.900000
s0_blend = true
s0_color = #ffdf3fff
s0_random = false
s0_rotation_speed = 0.500000
s0_radius = 100
s0_emiters = 3

s0_airplane_path_length = 1.000000
s0_airplane_fly_to_taskbar = true
s0_beam_size = 8.000000
s0_beam_spacing = 5
s0_beam_color = #423d3dff
s0_beam_slowdown = 1.000000
s0_beam_life = 0.816200
s0_fire_particles = 1000
s0_fire_size = 5.000000
s0_fire_slowdown = 0.700000
s0_fire_life = 0.700000
s0_fire_color = #ff3305ff
s0_fire_direction = 0
s0_fire_constant_speed = true
s0_fire_smoke = true
s0_fire_mystical = false
s0_domino_direction = 5
s0_explode_gridx = 13
s0_explode_gridy = 10
s0_explode_spokes = 2
s0_explode_tiers = 3
s0_explode_thickness = 15.000000
s0_explode_tessellation = 0
s0_fold_gridx = 5
s0_fold_gridy = 3
s0_fold_dir = 1
s0_glide3_away_position = -0.400000
s0_glide3_away_angle = 45.000000
s0_glide3_thickness = 0.000000
s0_razr_direction = 5
s0_skewer_direction = 8
s0_skewer_tessellation = 0
s0_skewer_gridx = 6
s0_skewer_gridy = 4
s0_skewer_thickness = 0.000000
s0_skewer_rotation = 0
s0_time_step_intense = 30

s0_speed = 1.200000
s0_timestep = 0.100000
s0_direction = 6
s0_window_match = type=toolbar | type=utility | type=dialog | type=normal
s0_window_opacity = 0.300000
s0_window_part_size = 20

February 6th, 2010, 01:00 AM
Here is a basic profile attached in a zip for Lucid Lynx on Gnome including window animation add-ons. Most effects are enabled:
middle click or alt/ctrl left click or alt/ctrl arrows - workspace sphere
super/tab or super/shift/tab or shift/super/s or shift/alt/up/left or right- change windows
super/e - workspace wall
ctrl/super - make ripples
shift/f9 -make rain
shift/f8 -wipers
super/shift/left click - write with fire
super/shift/rightclick - erase fire
super/drag left click - snapshot target
super/right click or super/z - find cursor
alt/left click - grab window
alt/super/left click - annotate
alt/super/right click top screen - erase annotations
shift/ctrl/f12 - benchmark
shift/super/mousewheel - magnify window
super/mousewheel - magnify screen
alt/mousewheel - resize window
super/l - scale window
f9 - toggle widgets
super/f - toggle color filter on window
super/d - toggle color filter on screen
ctrl/super/s - change filters

There are more commands but I don't remember them.

February 19th, 2010, 05:25 PM
Here is mine with transparency on all unfocused windows and more:popcorn:

as_main_menu_key = Super_R
as_run_key = <Alt>F2
as_command_screenshot = gnome-screenshot
as_run_command_screenshot_key = Print
as_command_window_screenshot = gnome-screenshot --window
as_run_command_window_screenshot_key = <Alt>Print
as_command_terminal = gnome-terminal
as_run_command_terminal_key = Disabled

as_initiate_key = Disabled
as_initiate_button = <Shift><Super>Button1
as_clear_key = <Shift><Super>c
as_clear_button = Disabled
s0_num_particles = 3000
s0_fire_size = 15.000000
s0_fire_slowdown = 0.500000
s0_fire_life = 0.700000
s0_fire_color = #ff3305ff
s0_fire_mystical = false
s0_bg_brightness = 50

as_initiate_key = <Shift><Super>s
as_initiate_button = Disabled
as_initiate_edge =
as_initiate_all_key = Disabled
as_initiate_all_button = Disabled
as_initiate_all_edge = TopLeft
as_terminate_button = Disabled
as_next_key = Disabled
as_next_button = Disabled
as_prev_key = Disabled
as_prev_button = Disabled
as_next_all_key = <Alt><Super>Tab
as_next_all_button = Disabled
as_prev_all_key = <Shift><Alt><Super>Tab
as_prev_all_button = Disabled
as_next_group_key = Disabled
as_next_group_button = Disabled
as_prev_group_key = Disabled
as_prev_group_button = Disabled
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_shift_speed = 1.000000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_window_match = Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown
s0_minimized = true
s0_mouse_speed = 10.000000
s0_click_duration = 500
s0_mode = 0
s0_size = 50
s0_background_intensity = 0.500000
s0_hide_all = false
s0_reflection = true
s0_ground_color1 = #b3b3b3cc
s0_ground_color2 = #b3b3b300
s0_ground_size = 0.500000
s0_intensity = 0.400000
s0_flip_rotation = 30
s0_cover_offset = 0.000000
s0_overlay_icon = 1
s0_mipmaps = false
s0_multioutput_mode = 0
s0_window_title = true
s0_title_font_bold = false
s0_title_font_size = 16
s0_title_back_color = #00000099
s0_title_font_color = #ffffffff
s0_title_text_placement = 2

as_zoom_in_button = <Super>Button4
as_zoom_in_key = Disabled
as_zoom_out_button = <Super>Button5
as_zoom_out_key = Disabled
as_zoom_box_button = <Super>Button2
as_center_mouse_key = Disabled
as_zoom_specific_1_key = Disabled
as_zoom_spec1 = 1.000000
as_zoom_specific_2_key = Disabled
as_zoom_spec2 = 0.500000
as_zoom_specific_3_key = Disabled
as_zoom_spec3 = 0.200000
as_spec_target_focus = true
as_lock_zoom_key = Disabled
as_pan_left_key = Disabled
as_pan_right_key = Disabled
as_pan_up_key = Disabled
as_pan_down_key = Disabled
as_fit_to_zoom_key = Disabled
as_fit_to_window_key = Disabled
s0_zoom_factor = 1.150000
s0_minimum_zoom = 0.125000
s0_sync_mouse = true
s0_scale_mouse = false
s0_scale_mouse_dynamic = true
s0_scale_mouse_static = 0.200000
s0_hide_original_mouse = false
s0_restrain_mouse = false
s0_mouse_pan = false
s0_restrain_margin = 5
s0_pan_factor = 0.100000
s0_follow_focus = true
s0_focus_fit_window = false
s0_autoscale_min = 0.250000
s0_always_focus_fit_window = false
s0_follow_focus_delay = 1
s0_speed = 25.000000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_filter_linear = true

as_yv12 = true

as_toggle_key = <Super>o
as_toggle_reset = true
as_timeout = 700
as_init_toggle = true
s0_only_if_block = false
s0_focus_instant = false
s0_no_delay_change = false
s0_window_match = Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Toolbar | Fullscreen
s0_active_opacity = 100
s0_passive_opacity = 10

s0_global_model_scale_factor = 1.000000
s0_model_filename =
s0_model_scale_factor =
s0_model_x_offset =
s0_model_y_offset =
s0_model_z_offset =
s0_model_rotation_plane =
s0_model_rotation_rate =
s0_model_animation =
s0_model_fps =
s0_rescale_width = true
s0_render_front_and_back = false
s0_rotate_lighting = true
s0_light_inclination = 90.000000
s0_light_ambient = 0.300000
s0_light_diffuse = 1.000000
s0_light_specular = 0.600000
s0_concurrent_load = true

as_begin_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_1_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_2_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_3_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_4_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_5_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_6_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_7_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_8_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_9_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_10_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_11_key = Disabled
as_switch_to_12_key = Disabled
as_left_button = Disabled
as_right_button = Disabled
as_up_button = Disabled
as_down_button = Disabled
as_next_button = Button4
as_prev_button = Button5
as_initiate_button = Button2
as_init_plugin = rotate
as_init_action = initiate_button

as_ignore_sticky = true
as_ignore_overlapping = false
as_allow_shrink = true
as_maximumize_left = true
as_maximumize_right = true
as_maximumize_up = true
as_maximumize_down = true
as_trigger_max_key = <Super>M
as_trigger_max_left = Disabled
as_trigger_max_right = Disabled
as_trigger_max_up = Disabled
as_trigger_max_down = Disabled
as_trigger_max_horizontally = Disabled
as_trigger_max_vertically = Disabled
as_trigger_max_up_left = Disabled
as_trigger_max_up_right = Disabled
as_trigger_max_down_left = Disabled
as_trigger_max_down_right = Disabled
as_trigger_min_key = <Shift><Super>M
as_trigger_min_left = Disabled
as_trigger_min_right = Disabled
as_trigger_min_up = Disabled
as_trigger_min_down = Disabled
as_trigger_min_horizontally = Disabled
as_trigger_min_vertically = Disabled
as_trigger_min_up_left = Disabled
as_trigger_min_up_right = Disabled
as_trigger_min_down_left = Disabled
as_trigger_min_down_right = Disabled

as_begin_key = <Super>s
as_begin_button = Disabled

as_show_switcher = true
as_miniscreen = false
as_preview_timeout = 0.400000
as_preview_scale = 100
as_edge_radius = 5
as_border_width = 10
as_outline_color = #333333d9
as_background_gradient_base_color = #cccce6d9
as_background_gradient_highlight_color = #f3f3ffd9
as_background_gradient_shadow_color = #f3f3ffd9
as_thumb_gradient_base_color = #33333359
as_thumb_gradient_highlight_color = #3f3f3f3f
as_thumb_highlight_gradient_base_color = #fffffff3
as_thumb_highlight_gradient_shadow_color = #dfdfdfa6
as_arrow_base_color = #e6e6e6d9
as_arrow_shadow_color = #dcdcdcd9
as_allow_wraparound = false
as_slide_duration = 0.300000
as_no_slide_match = type=Dock | type=Desktop | state=Sticky
as_left_key = <Control><Alt>Left
as_left_button = Disabled
as_right_key = <Control><Alt>Right
as_right_button = Disabled
as_up_key = <Control><Alt>Up
as_up_button = Disabled
as_down_key = <Control><Alt>Down
as_down_button = Disabled
as_next_key = Disabled
as_next_button = Disabled
as_prev_key = Disabled
as_prev_button = Disabled
as_left_window_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Left
as_right_window_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Right
as_up_window_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Up
as_down_window_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Down
as_flip_left_edge = Left
as_flip_right_edge = Right
as_flip_up_edge = Top
as_flip_down_edge = Bottom
s0_mmmode = 0
s0_edgeflip_pointer = false
s0_edgeflip_move = true
s0_edgeflip_dnd = false

as_initiate_key = <Super>F12
as_disable_limiter = true
as_output_screen = true
as_position_x = 0
as_position_y = 0
as_output_console = false
as_console_update_time = 5

s0_speed = 1.200000
s0_timestep = 0.100000
s0_direction = 6
s0_window_match = type=toolbar | type=utility | type=dialog | type=normal
s0_window_opacity = 0.300000
s0_window_part_size = 20

as_initiate_key = <Control><Super>
as_toggle_rain_key = <Shift>F9
as_toggle_wiper_key = <Shift>F8
as_offset_scale = 1.000000
as_rain_delay = 250
as_title_wave = false

as_avoid_snap = 0;
s0_snap_type = 0;
s0_edges_categories = 0;1;
s0_resistance_distance = 30
s0_attraction_distance = 20

s0_window_match = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown
s0_min_cube_size = 60
s0_max_window_space = 10
s0_manual_only = true
s0_width = 0.300000
s0_bevel = 0
s0_width_color = #333333ff
s0_width_color_inactive = #333333ff
s0_bevel_topleft = true
s0_bevel_topright = true
s0_bevel_bottomleft = false
s0_bevel_bottomright = false

as_legacy_fullscreen = false
as_firefox_menu_fix = false
as_ooo_menu_fix = true
as_notification_daemon_fix = false
as_java_fix = true
as_qt_fix = false
as_convert_urgency = false
as_aiglx_fragment_fix = true
as_fglrx_xgl_fix = false
as_force_glx_sync = true
as_sticky_alldesktops = false
as_alldesktop_sticky_match = any

as_initiate = <Super>m
as_zoom_in_button = <Shift><Super>Button4
as_zoom_out_button = <Shift><Super>Button5
s0_mode = 0
s0_zoom_factor = 2.000000
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_keep_screen = true
s0_box_width = 300
s0_box_height = 200
s0_border = 2
s0_box_color = #000000ff
s0_overlay = Gnome/overlay.png
s0_mask = Gnome/mask.png
s0_x_offset = 155
s0_y_offset = 155
s0_radius = 200

as_mount_point = compiz

as_initiate_button = Disabled
as_directory =
as_launch_app =

as_enabled = true
as_directory = /tmp
as_start_wm = false
as_wm_cmd =

as_mouse_poll_interval = 40

s0_in_match = (iclass=^ksplash)
s0_in_time = 1.000000
s0_in_saturation = 0.000000
s0_in_brightness = 100.000000
s0_in_opacity = 100.000000
s0_out_match = (iclass=ksmserver & (role=logoutdialog | role=logouteffect)) | (class=Libssui-tool & type=Dialog)
s0_out_time = 1.000000
s0_out_saturation = 0.000000
s0_out_brightness = 100.000000
s0_out_opacity = 100.000000

as_initiate_button = <Super>Button3
as_zoom_in_button = <Super>Button4
as_zoom_out_button = <Super>Button5
as_zoom_pan_button = <Super>Button2
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_zoom_factor = 2.000000
s0_filter_linear = false

as_snap_key = <Shift>
as_snap_inverted = false
as_shiver = false
s0_friction = 3.000000
s0_spring_k = 8.000000
s0_grid_resolution = 8
s0_min_grid_size = 8
s0_map_effect = 0
s0_focus_effect = 0
s0_map_window_match = Splash | DropdownMenu | PopupMenu | Tooltip | Notification | Combo | Dnd | Unknown
s0_focus_window_match =
s0_grab_window_match =
s0_move_window_match = Toolbar | Menu | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown
s0_maximize_effect = true

as_opacity_increase_key = Disabled
as_opacity_increase_button = <Alt>Button4
as_opacity_decrease_key = Disabled
as_opacity_decrease_button = <Alt>Button5
as_brightness_increase_key = Disabled
as_brightness_increase_button = Disabled
as_brightness_decrease_key = Disabled
as_brightness_decrease_button = Disabled
as_saturation_increase_key = Disabled
as_saturation_increase_button = Disabled
as_saturation_decrease_key = Disabled
as_saturation_decrease_button = Disabled
s0_opacity_step = 5
s0_opacity_matches =
s0_opacity_values =
s0_brightness_step = 5
s0_brightness_matches =
s0_brightness_values =
s0_saturation_step = 5
s0_saturation_matches =
s0_saturation_values =

as_toggle_key = <Super>p
as_window_types = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | ModalDialog | Fullscreen | Normal
as_ononinit = true
as_brightness = 30
as_saturation = 50
as_opacity = 40

s0_plasma_thumbnails = true

as_window_toggle_key = Disabled
as_window_toggle_button = Disabled

as_toggle_window_key = Disabled
as_toggle_screen_key = <Super>d
as_switch_filter_key = <Control><Super>s
s0_filters = negative;negative-green;blueish-filter;sepia;grayscale;deuteranopia;protonopia;
s0_filter_decorations = false
s0_filter_match = any

s0_fade_mode = 0
s0_fade_speed = 5.000000
s0_fade_time = 100
s0_window_match = any & !(title=notify-osd)
s0_visual_bell = false
s0_fullscreen_visual_bell = true
s0_minimize_open_close = true
s0_dim_unresponsive = true
s0_unresponsive_brightness = 65
s0_unresponsive_saturation = 0

s0_open_effects = animation:Glide 2;animation:Fade;animation:Fade;
s0_open_durations = 200;150;150;
s0_open_matches = ((type=Normal | Unknown) | name=sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer | name=sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer) & !(role=toolTipTip | role=qtooltip_label) & !(type=Normal & override_redirect=1) & !(name=gnome-screensaver);(type=Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog | Normal);(type=Tooltip | Notification | Utility) & !(name=compiz) & !(title=notify-osd);
s0_open_options = ;;;
s0_open_random_effects =
s0_close_effects = animation:Fade;animation:Fade;animation:Fade;
s0_close_durations = 200;150;150;
s0_close_matches = ((type=Normal | Unknown) | name=sun-awt-X11-XFramePeer | name=sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer) & !(role=toolTipTip | role=qtooltip_label) & !(type=Normal & override_redirect=1) & !(name=gnome-screensaver);(type=Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog | Normal);(type=Tooltip | Notification | Utility) & !(name=compiz) & !(title=notify-osd) ;
s0_close_options = ;;;
s0_close_random_effects =
s0_minimize_effects = animation:Zoom;
s0_minimize_durations = 300;
s0_minimize_matches = (type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Unknown);
s0_minimize_options = ;
s0_minimize_random_effects =
s0_shade_effects = animation:Roll Up;animation:Random;animation:Curved Fold;animation:Horizontal Folds;
s0_shade_durations = 300;50;50;50;
s0_shade_matches = (type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown);(type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown);(type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown);(type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown);
s0_shade_options = ;;;;
s0_shade_random_effects = animation:Curved Fold;animation:Horizontal Folds;animation:Roll Up;
s0_focus_effects = animation:Dodge;animation:Focus Fade;animation:Wave;
s0_focus_durations = 900;50;50;
s0_focus_matches = (type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown) & !(name=compiz);(type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown) & !(name=compiz);(type=Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown) & !(name=compiz);
s0_focus_options = ;;;
s0_curved_fold_amp_mult = 1.000000
s0_curved_fold_zoom_to_taskbar = true
s0_dodge_gap_ratio = 0.200000
s0_dream_zoom_to_taskbar = true
s0_glide1_away_position = 1.000000
s0_glide1_away_angle = 0.000000
s0_glide1_zoom_to_taskbar = false
s0_glide2_away_position = -0.400000
s0_glide2_away_angle = -45.000000
s0_glide2_zoom_to_taskbar = true
s0_horizontal_folds_amp_mult = -1.000000
s0_horizontal_folds_num_folds = 3
s0_horizontal_folds_zoom_to_taskbar = true
s0_magic_lamp_moving_end = true
s0_magic_lamp_grid_res = 100
s0_magic_lamp_max_waves = 3
s0_magic_lamp_amp_min = 200.000000
s0_magic_lamp_amp_max = 300.000000
s0_magic_lamp_open_start_width = 30
s0_rollup_fixed_interior = true
s0_sidekick_num_rotations = 0.500000
s0_sidekick_springiness = 0.200000
s0_sidekick_zoom_from_center = 3
s0_vacuum_moving_end = true
s0_vacuum_grid_res = 100
s0_vacuum_open_start_width = 30
s0_wave_width = 0.700000
s0_wave_amp_mult = 1.000000
s0_zoom_from_center = 0
s0_zoom_springiness = 0.000000
s0_all_random = true
s0_time_step = 10

as_initiate = <Super>k
as_initiate_button = Disabled
as_initiate_edge =
s0_num_particles = 500
s0_size = 10.000000
s0_slowdown = 1.000000
s0_life = 0.700000
s0_darken = 0.900000
s0_blend = true
s0_color = #ffdf3fff
s0_random = true
s0_rotation_speed = 0.500000
s0_radius = 100
s0_emiters = 3

as_put_viewport_1_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_2_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_3_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_4_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_5_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_6_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_7_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_8_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_9_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_10_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_11_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_12_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_left_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_right_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_up_key = Disabled
as_put_viewport_down_key = Disabled
as_put_center_key = <Super>KP_Begin
as_put_center_button = Disabled
as_put_left_key = Disabled
as_put_left_button = Disabled
as_put_right_key = Disabled
as_put_right_button = Disabled
as_put_top_key = Disabled
as_put_top_button = Disabled
as_put_bottom_key = Disabled
as_put_bottom_button = Disabled
as_put_topleft_key = Disabled
as_put_topleft_button = Disabled
as_put_topright_key = Disabled
as_put_topright_button = Disabled
as_put_bottomleft_key = Disabled
as_put_bottomleft_button = Disabled
as_put_bottomright_key = Disabled
as_put_bottomright_button = Disabled
as_put_restore_key = <Super>KP_Insert
as_put_restore_button = Disabled
as_put_pointer_key = <Super>z
as_put_pointer_button = Disabled
as_put_next_output_key = Disabled
as_put_next_output_button = Disabled
s0_pad_left = 0
s0_pad_right = 0
s0_pad_top = 0
s0_pad_bottom = 0
s0_unfocus_window = false
s0_window_center = false
s0_avoid_offscreen = false
s0_speed = 2.500000
s0_timestep = 0.500000

as_initiate_button = <Shift><Super>Button1

as_num_snowflakes = 1500
as_snow_size = 10.000000
as_snow_speed = 85
as_snow_update_delay = 40
as_screen_boxing = 400
as_screen_depth = 1000
as_snow_over_windows = false
as_snow_rotation = true
as_snow_direction = 0
as_snow_textures = snowflake.png;
as_use_blending = true
as_use_textures = true
as_toggle_key = <Super>F3

as_next_button = Disabled
as_next_key = <Alt>Tab
as_prev_button = Disabled
as_prev_key = Disabled
as_next_all_button = Disabled
as_next_all_key = <Control><Alt>Tab
as_prev_all_button = Disabled
as_prev_all_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Tab
as_next_group_button = Disabled
as_next_group_key = Disabled
as_prev_group_button = Disabled
as_prev_group_key = Disabled
as_next_no_popup_button = Disabled
as_next_no_popup_key = Disabled
as_prev_no_popup_button = Disabled
as_prev_no_popup_key = Disabled
as_next_panel_button = Disabled
as_next_panel_key = Disabled
as_prev_panel_button = Disabled
as_prev_panel_key = Disabled
s0_speed = 4.000000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_window_match = Normal | Dialog | Toolbar | Utility | Unknown
s0_minimized = true
s0_auto_change_vp = false
s0_popup_delay = 0.000000
s0_mouse_select = false
s0_saturation = 50
s0_brightness = 50
s0_opacity = 100
s0_icon = true
s0_mipmap = true
s0_row_align = 1
s0_highlight_mode = 1
s0_highlight_rect_hidden = 1
s0_highlight_color = #00000096
s0_highlight_border_color = #000000c8
s0_highlight_border_inlay_color = #c8c8c8c8

as_shadow_radius = 9.000000
as_shadow_opacity = 0.500000
as_shadow_color = #00000000
as_shadow_x_offset = 1
as_shadow_y_offset = 1
as_command = /usr/bin/compiz-decorator
as_mipmap = false
as_decoration_match = any
as_shadow_match = any

as_put_center_key = <Control><Alt>KP_5
as_put_left_key = <Control><Alt>KP_4
as_put_right_key = <Control><Alt>KP_6
as_put_top_key = <Control><Alt>KP_8
as_put_bottom_key = <Control><Alt>KP_2
as_put_topleft_key = <Control><Alt>KP_7
as_put_topright_key = <Control><Alt>KP_9
as_put_bottomleft_key = <Control><Alt>KP_1
as_put_bottomright_key = <Control><Alt>KP_3

as_save_legacy = false
as_ignore_match =

s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 0.500000
s0_window_match = toolbar | utility | dialog | normal
s0_shade_resistance = 75

as_close_key = Disabled
as_close_button = Disabled
as_pull_key = Disabled
as_pull_button = Disabled
as_zoom_key = Disabled
as_zoom_button = Button3
s0_window_title = 1
s0_title_bold = false
s0_title_size = 10
s0_border_size = 3
s0_font_color = #ffffffff
s0_back_color = #00000099
s0_window_highlight = false
s0_highlight_color = #ffffff96
s0_layout_mode = 0
s0_constrain_pull_to_screen = true
s0_exit_after_pull = false

as_pulse = false
s0_blur_speed = 3.500000
s0_focus_blur_match = toolbar | menu | utility | normal | dialog | modaldialog
s0_focus_blur = false
s0_alpha_blur_match = any
s0_alpha_blur = true
s0_filter = 0
s0_gaussian_radius = 3
s0_gaussian_strength = 1.000000
s0_mipmap_lod = 2.500000
s0_saturation = 100
s0_occlusion = true
s0_independent_tex = false

as_toggle_key = F9
as_toggle_button = Disabled
as_toggle_edge =
s0_match =
s0_end_on_click = true
s0_fade_time = 0.500000
s0_bg_brightness = 50
s0_bg_saturation = 100

s0_bg_image = /F/Images/Beautiful Landscape Photos/35372.jpg;/F/Images/Beautiful Landscape Photos/35348.jpg;/F/Images/Beautiful Landscape Photos/35256.jpg;/F/Images/Beautiful Landscape Photos/35099.jpg;
s0_bg_image_pos = 0;0;0;0;
s0_bg_fill_type = 0;0;0;0;
s0_bg_color1 = #000000ff;#000000ff;#000000ff;#000000ff;
s0_bg_color2 = #000000ff;#000000ff;#000000ff;#000000ff;

as_fade_time = 500
as_always_show = false
as_text_color = #000000ff
as_gradient_1 = #cccce6cc
as_gradient_2 = #f3f3f3cc
as_gradient_3 = #d9d9d9cc

as_initiate_normal_key = Disabled
as_initiate_outline_key = Disabled
as_initiate_rectangle_key = Disabled
as_initiate_stretch_key = Disabled
as_initiate_button = <Alt>Button2
as_initiate_key = <Alt>F8
as_mode = 2
as_border_color = #2f2f4f9f
as_fill_color = #2f2f4f4f
as_normal_match =
as_outline_match =
as_rectangle_match =
as_stretch_match =

s0_workarounds = true
s0_mode = 2
s0_multioutput_mode = 0
s0_force_placement_match =
s0_position_matches =
s0_position_x_values =
s0_position_y_values =
s0_position_constrain_workarea =
s0_mode_matches =
s0_mode_modes =
s0_viewport_matches =
s0_viewport_x_values =
s0_viewport_y_values =

as_window_toggle_key = <Super>n
as_screen_toggle_key = <Super>m
s0_neg_match = any
s0_exclude_match = type=Desktop

as_active_plugins = core;move;resize;place;decoration;animation;ccp;gn omecompat;firepaint;regex;text;vpswitch;png;water; workarounds;mousepoll;session;neg;thumbnail;dbus;c ommands;imgjpeg;extrawm;splash;svg;shift;video;res izeinfo;snap;loginout;wobbly;animationaddon;fade;g roup;cube;cubemodel;3d;addhelper;gears;rotate;expo ;scale;atlantis;ezoom;staticswitcher;scaleaddon;
as_audible_bell = true
as_ignore_hints_when_maximized = true
as_hide_skip_taskbar_windows = true
as_edge_delay = 0
as_ping_delay = 5000
as_texture_filter = 2
as_click_to_focus = true
as_raise_on_click = true
as_autoraise = false
as_autoraise_delay = 500
as_close_window_key = <Alt>F4
as_close_window_button = Disabled
as_raise_window_key = Disabled
as_raise_window_button = <Control>Button6
as_lower_window_key = Disabled
as_lower_window_button = <Alt>Button6
as_unmaximize_window_key = <Alt>F5
as_minimize_window_key = <Alt>F9
as_minimize_window_button = Disabled
as_maximize_window_key = Disabled
as_maximize_window_horizontally_key = Disabled
as_maximize_window_vertically_key = Disabled
as_window_menu_button = <Alt>Button3
as_window_menu_key = <Alt>space
as_show_desktop_key = <Control><Alt>d
as_show_desktop_edge = BottomLeft
as_toggle_window_maximized_key = <Alt>F10
as_toggle_window_maximized_button = Disabled
as_toggle_window_maximized_horizontally_key = Disabled
as_toggle_window_maximized_vertically_key = Disabled
as_toggle_window_shaded_key = Disabled
as_slow_animations_key = <Alt><Super>space
s0_hsize = 4
s0_vsize = 1
s0_number_of_desktops = 1
s0_lighting = false
s0_detect_refresh_rate = true
s0_refresh_rate = 50
s0_detect_outputs = true
s0_overlapping_outputs = 0
s0_outputs = 1152x864+0+0;
s0_sync_to_vblank = false
s0_focus_prevention_level = 1
s0_focus_prevention_match = !(class=Polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1)
s0_unredirect_fullscreen_windows = false
s0_default_icon = icon
s0_force_independent_output_painting = false
s0_texture_compression = false

as_edge_flip_pointer = false
as_edge_flip_window = true
as_edge_flip_dnd = true
as_flip_time = 350
as_raise_on_rotate = false
as_initiate_button = <Control><Alt>Button1
as_rotate_left_key = <Control><Alt>Left
as_rotate_left_button = Disabled
as_rotate_right_key = <Control><Alt>Right
as_rotate_right_button = Disabled
as_rotate_left_window_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Left
as_rotate_left_window_button = Disabled
as_rotate_right_window_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Right
as_rotate_right_window_button = Disabled
as_rotate_to_key = Disabled
as_rotate_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_flip_left_edge =
as_rotate_flip_right_edge =
as_rotate_to_1_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_2_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_3_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_4_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_5_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_6_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_7_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_8_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_9_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_10_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_11_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_12_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_1_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_2_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_3_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_4_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_5_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_6_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_7_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_8_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_9_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_10_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_11_window_key = Disabled
as_rotate_to_12_window_key = Disabled
s0_invert_y = false
s0_sensitivity = 1.000000
s0_acceleration = 4.000000
s0_snap_top = false
s0_snap_bottom = false
s0_speed = 2.000000
s0_timestep = 1.000000
s0_zoom = 0.000000

as_expo_key = Disabled
as_expo_button = Disabled
as_expo_edge = TopRight
as_double_click_time = 500
as_dnd_button = Button1
as_exit_button = Button3
as_next_vp_button = Button5
as_prev_vp_button = Button4
as_zoom_time = 0.500000
as_expo_immediate_move = false
as_expo_animation = 0
as_deform = 0
as_distance = 0.000000
as_vp_distance = 0.100000
as_aspect_ratio = 1.000000
as_curve = 0.500000
as_hide_docks = false
as_mipmaps = false
as_multioutput_mode = 0
as_vp_brightness = 75.000000
as_vp_saturation = 100.000000
as_reflection = true
as_ground_color1 = #b3b3b3cc
as_ground_color2 = #b3b3b300
as_ground_size = 0.500000
as_scale_factor = 1.000000

as_trigger_key = <Super>l
as_reset_key = Disabled
as_triggerscreen_key = <Super>p
as_dec_button = <Alt><Super>Button4
as_inc_button = <Alt><Super>Button5
as_animtime = 150
as_interval = 0.900000

as_next_button = Disabled
as_next_key = <Alt>Tab
as_prev_button = Disabled
as_prev_key = Disabled
as_next_all_button = Disabled
as_next_all_key = <Control><Alt>Tab
as_prev_all_button = Disabled
as_prev_all_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Tab
as_next_no_popup_button = Disabled
as_next_no_popup_key = Disabled
as_prev_no_popup_button = Disabled
as_prev_no_popup_key = Disabled
as_next_panel_button = Disabled
as_next_panel_key = Disabled
as_prev_panel_button = Disabled
as_prev_panel_key = Disabled
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_window_match = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown
s0_mipmap = true
s0_saturation = 100
s0_brightness = 65
s0_opacity = 40
s0_bring_to_front = true
s0_zoom = 1.000000
s0_icon = true
s0_minimized = true
s0_auto_rotate = false

as_initiate_button = <Alt>Button1
as_initiate_key = <Alt>F7
as_opacity = 100
as_constrain_y = true
as_snapoff_maximized = true
as_lazy_positioning = true

s0_thumb_size = 200
s0_show_delay = 100
s0_border = 16
s0_thumb_color = #0000007f
s0_fade_speed = 0.500000
s0_current_viewport = true
s0_always_on_top = true
s0_window_like = true
s0_mipmap = false
s0_title_enabled = true
s0_font_bold = true
s0_font_size = 12
s0_font_color = #000000ff

as_command0 = gnome-terminal
as_command1 = nautilus /
as_command2 = gnome-session-save --logout-dialog
as_command3 = xkill
as_command4 = xvkbd -text "\[Super_R]"
as_command5 = xvkbd -text "\[Alt_L]\[F2]"
as_command6 = gnome-system-monitor
as_command7 = gnome-search-tool --path=/
as_command8 = sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
as_command9 = sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start
as_command10 = gnome-session-save --shutdown-dialog
as_command11 =
as_run_command0_key = <Super>r
as_run_command1_key = <Super>e
as_run_command2_key = <Super>l
as_run_command3_key = <Super>Delete
as_run_command4_key = <Super>
as_run_command5_key = Disabled
as_run_command6_key = <Control><Alt>Delete
as_run_command7_key = <Super>f
as_run_command8_key = <Control><Alt>Insert
as_run_command9_key = <Shift><Control><Alt>Insert
as_run_command10_key = Disabled
as_run_command11_key = Disabled
as_run_command0_button = Disabled
as_run_command1_button = Disabled
as_run_command2_button = <Shift>Button2
as_run_command3_button = Disabled
as_run_command4_button = <LeftEdge><RightEdge>Button3
as_run_command5_button = Disabled
as_run_command6_button = Disabled
as_run_command7_button = Disabled
as_run_command8_button = Disabled
as_run_command9_button = Disabled
as_run_command10_button = <Control>Button3
as_run_command11_button = Disabled
as_run_command0_edge =
as_run_command1_edge =
as_run_command2_edge =
as_run_command3_edge =
as_run_command4_edge =
as_run_command5_edge =
as_run_command6_edge =
as_run_command7_edge =
as_run_command8_edge =
as_run_command9_edge =
as_run_command10_edge =
as_run_command11_edge =

s0_skiptaskbar_match =
s0_skippager_match =
s0_above_match =
s0_below_match =
s0_sticky_match =
s0_fullscreen_match =
s0_maximize_match =
s0_no_argb_match =
s0_no_move_match =
s0_no_resize_match =
s0_no_minimize_match =
s0_no_maximize_match =
s0_no_close_match =
s0_no_focus_match =
s0_size_matches =
s0_size_width_values =
s0_size_height_values =

s0_show_remote_machine = true
s0_show_root = true

s0_airplane_path_length = 1.000000
s0_airplane_fly_to_taskbar = true
s0_beam_size = 8.000000
s0_beam_spacing = 5
s0_beam_color = #7f7f7fff
s0_beam_slowdown = 1.000000
s0_beam_life = 0.700000
s0_fire_particles = 1000
s0_fire_size = 5.000000
s0_fire_slowdown = 0.500000
s0_fire_life = 0.700000
s0_fire_color = #ff3305ff
s0_fire_direction = 0
s0_fire_constant_speed = true
s0_fire_smoke = true
s0_fire_mystical = true
s0_domino_direction = 5
s0_explode_gridx = 13
s0_explode_gridy = 10
s0_explode_spokes = 2
s0_explode_tiers = 3
s0_explode_thickness = 15.000000
s0_explode_tessellation = 0
s0_fold_gridx = 3
s0_fold_gridy = 3
s0_fold_dir = 1
s0_glide3_away_position = -0.400000
s0_glide3_away_angle = 45.000000
s0_glide3_thickness = 0.000000
s0_razr_direction = 5
s0_skewer_direction = 8
s0_skewer_tessellation = 0
s0_skewer_gridx = 6
s0_skewer_gridy = 4
s0_skewer_thickness = 0.000000
s0_skewer_rotation = 0
s0_time_step_intense = 30

as_key_bindings_toggle = false
as_button_bindings_toggle = false
as_initiate_edge =
as_initiate_key = <Shift><Alt>Up
as_initiate_button = Disabled
as_initiate_all_edge = BottomRight
as_initiate_all_button = Disabled
as_initiate_all_key = Disabled
as_initiate_group_edge =
as_initiate_group_button = Disabled
as_initiate_group_key = Disabled
as_initiate_output_edge =
as_initiate_output_button = Disabled
as_initiate_output_key = Disabled
as_show_desktop = true
s0_spacing = 10
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_darken_back = true
s0_opacity = 75
s0_overlay_icon = 1
s0_window_match = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown
s0_hover_time = 750
s0_multioutput_mode = 0

s0_file = reflection.png
s0_match = any
s0_window = false
s0_decoration = true
s0_threshold = 1
s0_moving = true

as_animate_type = 0
as_animation_duration = 1000
as_tile_toggle_type = 0
as_tile_join = false
as_tile_delta = 35
as_tile_left_occupancy = 60
as_exclude_match =
as_tile_vertically_key = Disabled
as_tile_horizontally_key = Disabled
as_tile_tile_key = <Shift><Super>a
as_tile_cascade_key = <Shift><Super>s
as_tile_restore_key = <Shift><Super>z
as_tile_toggle_key = <Shift><Super>x

s0_timeout = 0
s0_filter_case_insensitive = true
s0_filter_display = true
s0_font_bold = true
s0_font_size = 24
s0_border_size = 5
s0_font_color = #ffffffff
s0_back_color = #00000099

as_top_next_key = space
as_top_next_button = Disabled
as_top_prev_key = Disabled
as_top_prev_button = Disabled
as_bottom_next_key = Disabled
as_bottom_next_button = Disabled
as_bottom_prev_key = Disabled
as_bottom_prev_button = Disabled
s0_reflection = true
s0_ground_color1 = #b3b3b3cc
s0_ground_color2 = #b3b3b300
s0_ground_size = 0.500000
s0_intensity = 0.400000
s0_auto_zoom = true
s0_zoom_manual_only = true
s0_mode = 0
s0_deformation = 0
s0_unfold_deformation = true
s0_cylinder_manual_only = false
s0_deform_caps = true
s0_sphere_aspect = 0.000000
s0_draw_top = true
s0_draw_bottom = true
s0_adjust_top = false
s0_adjust_bottom = false
s0_top_scale = true
s0_bottom_scale = true
s0_top_aspect = false
s0_bottom_aspect = false
s0_top_clamp = true
s0_bottom_clamp = true
s0_top_color = #00000000
s0_bottom_color = #00000000
s0_top_images = /F/Images/Abhay/Images/Abhay1008019.jpg;fusioncap.png;
s0_bottom_images = /F/Images/Abhay/Images/Abhay1008012.jpg;compizcap.png;

as_next_element_key = Disabled
as_prev_element_key = Disabled
as_toggle_selected_key = Disabled
s0_update_delay = 40
s0_screen_depth = 1000
s0_screen_boxing = 1000
s0_over_windows = false
s0_element_type =
s0_element_iter =
s0_element_image =
s0_element_cap =
s0_element_size =
s0_element_speed =
s0_element_rotate =
s0_snow_sway = 3
s0_wind_direction = 0
s0_autumn_sway = 35.000000
s0_autumn_y_sway = 60
s0_viscosity = 80.000000
s0_star_offset_x = 0
s0_star_offset_y = 0
s0_title_font_color = #ffffffff
s0_title_font_size = 16
s0_title_bold_font = true
s0_title_back_color = #00000099
s0_title_display_time = 1000
s0_title_on_toggle = true

as_initiate_key = <Control>F12
s0_mode = 0
s0_strength = 20.000000
s0_on_transformed_screen = false

as_select_button = Disabled
as_select_single_key = <Super>s
as_group_key = <Super>g
as_ungroup_key = <Super>u
as_remove_key = <Shift><Super>r
as_close_key = <Super>c
as_ignore_key = <Super>x
as_tabmode_key = <Super>t
as_change_tab_left_key = <Super>Left
as_change_tab_right_key = <Super>Right
as_change_color_key = Disabled
s0_move_all = true
s0_resize_all = false
s0_raise_all = true
s0_maximize_unmaximize_all = false
s0_minimize_all = true
s0_shade_all = false
s0_auto_group = false
s0_auto_ungroup = true
s0_window_match = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown
s0_select_opacity = 80
s0_select_saturation = 20
s0_select_brightness = 70
s0_select_precision = 25
s0_fill_color = #00000055
s0_line_color = #000000ab
s0_mipmaps = false
s0_untab_on_close = false
s0_autotab_create = false
s0_tabbar_show_delay = 0.400000
s0_tabbing_speed = 1.200000
s0_tabbing_timestep = 1.500000
s0_fade_time = 0.200000
s0_pulse_time = 0.600000
s0_reflex_time = 0.500000
s0_fade_text_time = 0.250000
s0_visibility_time = 0.500000
s0_change_animation_time = 0.500000
s0_bar_animations = true
s0_thumb_size = 96
s0_thumb_space = 5
s0_border_radius = 10
s0_border_width = 1
s0_tab_base_color = #00000099
s0_tab_border_color = #000000ab
s0_tab_highlight_color = #ffffff99
s0_tab_style = 0
s0_tabbar_font_size = 12
s0_tabbar_font_color = #ffffffff
s0_dnd_ungroup_window = true
s0_drag_hover_time = 0.500000
s0_drag_spring_k = 8.000000
s0_drag_friction = 35.000000
s0_drag_y_distance = 400
s0_drag_speed_limit = 800
s0_glow = true
s0_glow_size = 64
s0_glow_type = 0

as_quality = 80

s0_window_match = (type=toolbar | type=utility | type=dialog | type=normal) & !(state=skiptaskbar | state=skippager)
s0_windows_count = 5
s0_windows_start = 2
s0_max_opacity = 100
s0_min_opacity = 50
s0_max_brightness = 100
s0_min_brightness = 100
s0_max_saturation = 100
s0_min_saturation = 100

s0_fadetime = 500
s0_window_match = Toolbar | Utility | Dialog | Normal | Unknown

s0_speed_factor = 1.000000
s0_start_crabs_bottom = false
s0_school_similar_groups = true
s0_low_poly = false
s0_creature_type = 0;1;3;4;9;
s0_creature_color = #ffffffff;#60a0ffff;#ff7000ff;#ffff00ff;#ff0000ff;
s0_creature_number = 5;5;5;5;5;
s0_creature_size = 4000;3500;3500;3500;4000;
s0_plant_type = 0;1;2;
s0_plant_color = #00d010ff;#00d010ff;#8090ff0c;
s0_plant_number = 8;8;1;
s0_plant_size = 5000;5000;800;
s0_show_water = true
s0_show_water_wire = false
s0_show_ground = true
s0_ground_color = #855e00ff
s0_water_height = 0.850000
s0_water_color = #08093008
s0_grid_quality = 3
s0_render_waves = true
s0_wave_ripple = false
s0_wave_amplitude = 0.020000
s0_wave_frequency = 20.000000
s0_small_wave_amplitude = 0.010000
s0_small_wave_frequency = 40.000000
s0_rescale_width = true
s0_rotate_lighting = false
s0_light_inclination = 90.000000
s0_light_ambient = 0.300000

as_initiate_button = <Alt><Super>Button1
as_erase_button = <Alt><Super>Button3
as_clear_key = <Alt><Super>k
as_clear_button = Disabled
as_fill_color = #ff0000ff
as_stroke_color = #00ff00ff
as_line_width = 3.000000
as_stroke_width = 1.000000

as_unfold_key = <Control><Alt>Down
as_next_slide_key = Disabled
as_prev_slide_key = Disabled
s0_mipmap = true
s0_multioutput_mode = 0
s0_in = false
s0_acceleration = 4.000000
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_color = #cdbe70ff
s0_scale_image = true
s0_images = /F/Images/20081004/Image012.jpg;/F/Images/Kuttoosan.jpg;
s0_adjust_image = true
s0_skydome = true
s0_skydome_image = /F/Images/Beautiful Landscape Photos/24340.jpg
s0_skydome_animated = true
s0_skydome_gradient_start_color = #0db1fdff
s0_skydome_gradient_end_color = #feffc7ff
s0_active_opacity = 80.000000
s0_inactive_opacity = 100.000000
s0_transparent_manual_only = true

as_next_key = <Super>Tab
as_next_button = Disabled
as_prev_key = <Shift><Super>Tab
as_prev_button = Disabled
as_next_all_key = Disabled
as_next_all_button = Disabled
as_prev_all_key = Disabled
as_prev_all_button = Disabled
as_next_group_key = Disabled
as_next_group_button = Disabled
as_prev_group_key = Disabled
as_prev_group_button = Disabled
s0_speed = 1.500000
s0_timestep = 1.200000
s0_inactive_opacity = 100
s0_window_match = Normal | Dialog | ModalDialog | Utility | Unknown
s0_overlay_icon = 1
s0_darken_back = true
s0_minimized = true
s0_select_with_mouse = false
s0_ring_clockwise = false
s0_ring_width = 70
s0_ring_height = 60
s0_thumb_width = 350
s0_thumb_height = 250
s0_min_brightness = 0.500000
s0_min_scale = 0.400000
s0_window_title = true
s0_title_font_bold = false
s0_title_font_size = 16
s0_title_back_color = #00000099
s0_title_font_color = #ffffffff
s0_title_text_placement = 0

as_toggle_redirect_key = Disabled
as_toggle_fullscreen_key = Disabled
as_toggle_always_on_top_key = Disabled
as_toggle_sticky_key = Disabled
as_activate_demands_attention_key = Disabled
as_to_next_output_key = Disabled

as_initiate_key = <Control>F11
as_firststart = true
as_background = /usr/share/compiz/logo.png
as_logo = /usr/share/compiz/logo.png
as_fade_time = 1.000000
as_display_time = 2.000000
as_saturation = 50.000000
as_brightness = 50.000000