View Full Version : [SOLVED] libxml++ Node::find() function question

Redalert Commander
December 6th, 2009, 09:47 PM

I seem to be stuck on some piece of XML programming in C++.
I'm using libxml++

The following code sample:

xmlpp::NodeSet nodes(root_node->find("descendant::*"));
for(xmlpp::NodeSet::iterator i=nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i){
xmlpp::Element * element = dynamic_cast<xmlpp::Element*>(*i);
cout << "Xpath works: " << element->get_name() << endl;

gives the following output (I left out some data to keep it short)

Xpath works: status
Xpath works: data

However when I change the "descendant::*" to "descendant::data" or "//data", the output of that code sample remains empty. Same when using the full xpath expression like "/nodename/subnode/data", "//*" gives (as expected) the same output as "descendant-or-self::*".
Bu as soon as I try to use a name, it doesn't find anything.

Any ideas?
This is done on Ubuntu 9.10 (libxml++ 2.26.0-2), but has exactly the same behavior on Debian Lenny (libxml++ 2.22.0-1)

If I use several nested for loops with get_children(), it works fine, yet that results in about 5 loops, for just this element.

Redalert Commander
December 10th, 2009, 10:45 PM
Got it fixed, I was constantly overlooking the default namespace URI on the root element, removing it fixes the issue.

It's all explained in this page I found after another google session: http://www.edankert.com/defaultnamespaces.html

December 10th, 2009, 11:22 PM
Namespaces ruined XML for me.