View Full Version : [SOLVED] Emacs lisp ?

December 4th, 2009, 04:02 AM
So I've got tramp up and working and was wondering if there's a way to change the face-background for the ssh buffer. I've googled and searched to no avail. I'm thinking there's perhaps a variable that can be tested to change the face???


Edit: Still digging, something like this, which doesn't work...

(if ($USER-LOGIN '<root@localhost>)
(mode-line ((t (:background "Red")))))

December 5th, 2009, 02:34 PM
Gottit! This is in my .emacs-custom.el file and it works.

(defun my-tramp-header-line-function ()
(when (string-match "^/ssh.*$" default-directory)
(setq header-line-format
(format-mode-line "----- THIS BUFFER IS VISITED WITH ROOT
'(mode-line ((t (:background "Red")))))

Alternatively this will open a new frame when F5 is pressed.

;; F5 Opens a new frame for SSH login.
(global-set-key [(f5)] (lambda()
(interactive)(find-file-other-frame "/ssh:root@localhost:")))


December 5th, 2009, 06:29 PM
Wouldn't you want "root" in that regexp? It's going to tell you that any ssh tramp buffer has root permissions.

I have a similar thing for editing files with sudo+tramp:

(defface find-file-root-header-face
'((t (:foreground "white" :background "red3")))
"*Face use to display header-lines for files opened as root.")

(defun find-file-root-header-warning ()
"*Display a warning in header line of the current buffer.
This function is suitable to add to `find-file-hook'."
(require 'tramp)
(when (and (tramp-tramp-file-p (or buffer-file-name
(string= tramp-current-user "root"))
(let* ((warning "WARNING: EDITING FILE AS ROOT!")
(space (+ 6 (- (window-width) (length warning))))
(bracket (make-string (/ space 2) ?-))
(warning (concat bracket warning bracket)))
(setq header-line-format
(propertize warning 'face 'find-file-root-header-face)))))

(defun find-alternative-file-with-sudo ()
(let* ((bname (or buffer-file-name
(prefix "/sudo:root@localhost:")
(prefix-re (concat "^" prefix))
(pt (point)))
(when bname
(if (string-match prefix-re bname)
(setq bname (replace-regexp-in-string prefix-re "" bname))
(setq bname (concat prefix bname)))
(find-alternate-file bname)
(goto-char pt))))

;; normally this is bound to find-file-read-only
;; use M-x toggle-read-only instead
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-r") 'find-alternative-file-with-sudo)

(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'find-file-root-header-warning)
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'find-file-root-header-warning)

December 5th, 2009, 06:48 PM
Wouldn't you want "root" in that regexp? It's going to tell you that any ssh tramp buffer has root permissions.

I have a similar thing for editing files with sudo+tramp:

(defface find-file-root-header-face
'((t (:foreground "white" :background "red3")))
"*Face use to display header-lines for files opened as root.")

(defun find-file-root-header-warning ()
"*Display a warning in header line of the current buffer.
This function is suitable to add to `find-file-hook'."
(require 'tramp)
(when (and (tramp-tramp-file-p (or buffer-file-name
(string= tramp-current-user "root"))
(let* ((warning "WARNING: EDITING FILE AS ROOT!")
(space (+ 6 (- (window-width) (length warning))))
(bracket (make-string (/ space 2) ?-))
(warning (concat bracket warning bracket)))
(setq header-line-format
(propertize warning 'face 'find-file-root-header-face)))))

(defun find-alternative-file-with-sudo ()
(let* ((bname (or buffer-file-name
(prefix "/sudo:root@localhost:")
(prefix-re (concat "^" prefix))
(pt (point)))
(when bname
(if (string-match prefix-re bname)
(setq bname (replace-regexp-in-string prefix-re "" bname))
(setq bname (concat prefix bname)))
(find-alternate-file bname)
(goto-char pt))))

;; normally this is bound to find-file-read-only
;; use M-x toggle-read-only instead
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-r") 'find-alternative-file-with-sudo)

(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'find-file-root-header-warning)
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'find-file-root-header-warning)

Probably, I've been at this for days and when I started I could only spell lisp... :) That's a quick and dirty to minimize any affects of me having no clue! I tried via sudo and su, telnet, scp, and finally got ssh to work! So far the only thing involved with ssh on this machine is tramp so a minimal regexp was all I was looking for. I've since changed it to "^/ssh:root.localhost.*$"

In the last week or so I've discovered needs for gawk, regexp, lisp, side effects of slow work! Once again ubuntu has provided me with more reading material... :)
