View Full Version : [SOLVED] Creating a cookie if admin, different one if normal user.

December 1st, 2009, 09:16 PM
Hi folks.
I'm trying to keep things simple with my site and i'd quite like to have a cookie made depending on wither the user is an admin or not (admin == 1).

The following is the code i have at the moment and this only creates a cookie and does not select admin (because i don't know what to do to create a query to use the admin == 1 or 0)

//create and issue the query

$sql = "SELECT f_name, l_name FROM users WHERE username = '".$_POST["username"]."' AND password = PASSWORD('".$_POST["password"]."')";

$result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));

//get the number of rows in the result set; should be 1 if a match

if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 1) {

//if authorized, get the values of f_name l_name

while ($info = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

$f_name = stripslashes($info['f_name']);

$l_name = stripslashes($info['l_name']);


//set authorization cookie

setcookie("auth", "1", 0, "/", "", 0);

//create display string

$display_block = "

<p>".$f_name." ".$l_name." is authorized!</p>

<h2>Authorized Users' Menu:</h2>


<li><a href=\"/admin/addnews.php\">Add News</a></li>


} else {

//redirect back to login form if not authorized

header("Location: index.php");



anyone able to help create my query as i'm very new to php and mysql?
I'm very lost.

December 2nd, 2009, 12:44 AM
Think i got it with this code.
If anyone else can see anything wrong with it please let me know.


//check for required fields from the form

if ((!isset($_POST["username"])) || (!isset($_POST["password"]))) {

header("Location: index.html");



//connect to server and select database

$mysqli = mysqli_connect("localhost", "yarpdata", "loptis@", "yarpdata");

//create and issue the query

$sql = "SELECT f_name, l_name, admin FROM users WHERE username = '".$_POST["username"]."' AND password = PASSWORD('".$_POST["password"]."')";

$result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));

//get the number of rows in the result set; should be 1 if a match

if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 1) {

//if authorized, get the values of f_name l_name

while ($info = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {

$f_name = stripslashes($info['f_name']);

$l_name = stripslashes($info['l_name']);
$admin = stripslashes($info['admin']);


//create display string

$display_block = "

<p>".$f_name." ".$l_name." is authorized!</p>

<h2>Authorized Users' Menu:</h2>


<li><a href=\"/admin/\">Add News</a></li>


} else {

//redirect back to login form if not authorized

header("Location: index.php");



if ($admin == '1')
setcookie("adminauth", "1", 0, "/", "", 0);

else {
setcookie("auth", "1", 0, "/", "", 0);



December 2nd, 2009, 04:19 AM
You need to cleanse the entered form data before querying the DB when you do the login check to protect from SQL injection attacks. E.G:

//cleanse here

$uname = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['username'], $mysqli);
$passwd = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['password'], $mysqli);

//create and issue the query

$sql = "SELECT f_name, l_name, admin FROM users WHERE username = '".$uname."' AND password = PASSWORD('".$passwd."')";

$result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($mysqli));


December 2nd, 2009, 04:27 AM
I feel obliged to make a comment about SQL injection here. You should use mysqli_prepare and mysqli_stmt_bind_params to prevent people from injecting arbitrary SQL code in the post fields, a la

Username: ' OR admin='1' LIMIT 1; --
Password: fakepassword

Which would in turn be concatenated into your query string, resulting in it looking like this:

SELECT f_name, l_name, admin FROM users WHERE username = '' OR admin = '1' LIMIT 1; -- AND password = PASSWORD('fakepassword');

Which would have the end result being that the user gets logged in as the first admin.

You can fix this by going:

$sql = 'SELECT f_name, l_name, admin FROM users WHERE username = ? AND password = PASSWORD(?);';

$stmt = mysqli_stmt_prepare($mysqli, $sql);
mysqli_stmt_bind_params($stmt, 'ss', $_POST['username'], $_POST['password']);

Read up in the PHP docs for the rest of the stuff about binding results:

Also, if you are going to be using this cookie to determine whether someone is an admin later on/in different parts of the site, it would be better to use $_SESSION, otherwise an end-user could just edit their cookie and set adminauth=1, thus fooling the rest of the site.

EDIT: looks like bsharp beat me to it.

December 2nd, 2009, 03:23 PM
Thanks very much, very usefull info :)

I've had a good look over what i need the site to do and i agree, using sessions is the best way to go.

Again thanks for your help.