View Full Version : [ubuntu] Trimming electricsheep files.

November 30th, 2009, 03:46 AM
So I'm running the electricsheep screensaver and noticed that after my disk quota for the .avi files is reached the ~/.electricsheep dir is filling up with 0 length *.xxx files. I don't see the point so I came up with this bash and gawk script to rm the *.xxx files and then remove all but 1 of the *.avi files; leaving room for fresh downloads. sheepkiller.sh is run from my crontab file once a week; right before the backup.

crontab entry looks like this:

# Clean up zero length .xxx files (sheep) @ 2330 hours on Wednesday.
# m h dom mon dow user command
30 23 * * 3 barrie /home/barrie/.electricsheep/sheepkiller.sh


## sheepkiller.sh


ls -1l ?????=*.??? > filez

echo '#!/bin/bash' > ./killem.sh

gawk -f ./sheepkiller.awk ./filez >> killem.sh

chmod +x ./killem.sh


rm ./filez
rm ./killem.sh

# Nuke all but 1 of the downloaded .avi files.
# Specify the target directory and file names to operate on.
# Calculate the total number of files matching the target criteria.
total_files=$(ls -t1 $target_files | wc --lines)
# Specify the number of files to retain.
# If there are surplus files, delete them.
if [ $total_files -gt $retained_files ]
rm $(ls -t1 $target_files | tail --lines=$((total_files-retained_files)))

exit 0


# Process the output of sheepkiller.sh to begin
# isolating the *.xxx files.

BEGIN { FS="//n" } {

for ( i=1; i<=NR; i++) {

if ( $i ~ /^?????.*\.xxx$/ ) {
sub(/.*??:?? /, "rm /home/barrie/.electricsheep/", $i)
print $(i)



Hope this helps!
