View Full Version : [gnome] gdm window doesn't appear

November 28th, 2009, 08:56 PM
Hi all, this is my first post, I hope you can help me ;D

my problem is that I'm trying to personalize my own ubuntu desktop cd, when I try to modify the gdm I put this code

/etc/init.d/gdm startand its suposed that a new window has to appear with a login & passwrd, but I recieve this

Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)
utility, e.g. service gdm start

Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an
Upstart job, you may also use the start(8) utility, e.g. start gdmwhat can I do?

thank you all! ;)

Im following this guide (http://translate.google.es/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fes.wikibooks.org%2Fwiki%2FPersonali zar_distribuci%C3%B3n_de_Ubuntu_Live_CD&sl=es&tl=en), I've translated it into english because originally it's made in spanish, so it's possible that some sentences have no sense