November 18th, 2009, 05:40 PM
Here is a list of Texas Team announcements. If you want to see something added, comment below.
Killeen/Central Texas local team forming. (Discuss! (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1335375))
Upcoming Events
Next state meeting, Feb 7th. (link! (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TexasTeam/ToolBox/Updates/2010-02-07))
Past Events!
Texas Team (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TexasTeam) will be meeting at UDS-L on Thursday, November the 19th, in the "Grand Ballroom" on the 3rd floor at 12:00pm. Here is a map of the venue. (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-L/Map) Discussion and info here. (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1329314)
Austin (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustinTeam) will be holding a loco meeting (on Austin specific issues, though anyone may join in) on November 29th, 2009. Discussion and info here. (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1322485)
Daily Struggles (https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Ewebmaster-catcodesigns)(aka: catco_designs (http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=810622)) zwill be holding a meeting in Arlington, open to all of Texas, on December 5th, 2009. Discussion and info here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1325913).
Texas Team (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TexasTeam) will be holding an IRC meeting, open to all of Texas, on December 6th, 2009, at 9:00PM on #ubuntu-us-tx@freenode.net . Info here. (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TexasTeam/Meetings)
Killeen/Central Texas local team forming. (Discuss! (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1335375))
State meeting, jan 3rd. (link! (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TexasTeam/ToolBox/Updates/2010-01-03))
Killeen/Central Texas local team forming. (Discuss! (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1335375))
Upcoming Events
Next state meeting, Feb 7th. (link! (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TexasTeam/ToolBox/Updates/2010-02-07))
Past Events!
Texas Team (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TexasTeam) will be meeting at UDS-L on Thursday, November the 19th, in the "Grand Ballroom" on the 3rd floor at 12:00pm. Here is a map of the venue. (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-L/Map) Discussion and info here. (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1329314)
Austin (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustinTeam) will be holding a loco meeting (on Austin specific issues, though anyone may join in) on November 29th, 2009. Discussion and info here. (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1322485)
Daily Struggles (https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Ewebmaster-catcodesigns)(aka: catco_designs (http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=810622)) zwill be holding a meeting in Arlington, open to all of Texas, on December 5th, 2009. Discussion and info here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1325913).
Texas Team (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TexasTeam) will be holding an IRC meeting, open to all of Texas, on December 6th, 2009, at 9:00PM on #ubuntu-us-tx@freenode.net . Info here. (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TexasTeam/Meetings)
Killeen/Central Texas local team forming. (Discuss! (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1335375))
State meeting, jan 3rd. (link! (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TexasTeam/ToolBox/Updates/2010-01-03))