View Full Version : [ubuntu] apache2 acts different in 9.10

October 31st, 2009, 12:48 PM
In /etc/hosts I have a line like this: www.william.local

In /etc/apache2/sites-available I have a file called www.william.local:

<VirtualHost *>
ServerAdmin webmaster@william.local
ServerName www.william.local
ServerAlias william.local
AddHandler cgi-script .rb
AddType application/x-httpd-eruby .rhtml
DirectoryIndex index.php
DocumentRoot /var/www/william
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/william/
<Location />
Options +ExecCGI
ErrorLog /var/www/william/logs/error.log
CustomLog /var/www/william/logs/access.log combined

This says that DocumentRoot should be /var/www/william/

I've enabled the site and reloaded apache2.

The problem is that if I point the browser to http://www.william.local the default "it works!" page in /var/www is displayed.

This is how I had it set up in 9.04 and it worked. Why does 9.10 apache2 display the "wrong" page?
