View Full Version : [SOLVED] terminal color problem

October 25th, 2009, 05:15 PM
hi all
i have recently installed ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop.
i should appreciate the ubuntu team for their constant
improvement over the previous ubuntu releases.

I have been facing this problem from the time i have started using linux.
If i type a command that gives more than a screenful of output .. trying to locate the position in terminal where the output actually started is pretty
agonizing, because everything appears in black including my

"username@computer-name "
and the
"output of command"
so i could not easily find out exactly where i have typed the command.
Is there any way to change the color of username@computer-name ..?
(linux mint does have it by default)
any help is appreciated


October 25th, 2009, 05:23 PM
edit the ~/.bashrc file and uncomment(remove the #) the #force_color_prompt=yes line.

you can also pipe the output of the command to less or more:

command | less
command | more

or clear the terminal screen before you run the command:


October 26th, 2009, 05:10 AM
thanks that solved the problem.