View Full Version : Perl newbie trying to figure out regexp

October 23rd, 2009, 09:49 PM
Hi all,

I am a Perl newbie trying to do something beyond my current level and am having a hard time getting a regular expression correctly built. The text I am trying to match is a range of lines out of log file like so:

10/20/2009 9:59:43 AM
Time in minutes: 53
Total Number of Locations Synced: 70
Number of locations passed: 70
Number of locations failed: 0

Here is the relevant piece of my Perl script:

my $log_in_file = "C:/Logs/Synchronize_log.txt";
my $log_out_file = "C:/Logs/Synchronize_summary.txt";

open(FILE_IN, "<", $log_in_file) || die "Could not open file $log_in_file";
open(FILE_OUT, ">", $log_out_file) || die "Could not open file $log_out_file";

my @date = (localtime)[3..5];
my $current_month = $date[1] + 1;
my $current_year = $date[2] + 1900;
my @data = [];

while(<FILE_IN>) {
if(m/$current_month"//"(\d+)"//"$current_year\s*(\d+)":"(\d+)":"(\d+)\s*"AM"/ .. m/Number of locations failed:/) {
push(@data, "$_ \n");

Thanks in advance

October 23rd, 2009, 09:54 PM
What exactly are you trying to match ?

all lines which contains
Time in minutes:
Total Number of Locations Synced:
Number of locations passed:
Number of locations failed:

October 23rd, 2009, 10:13 PM
What exactly are you trying to match ?

all lines which contains
Time in minutes:
Total Number of Locations Synced:
Number of locations passed:
Number of locations failed:

I am trying to match the "date" line and the "Number of locations failed:" line, so I can grab those lines and everything in between and pop them into another file. Basically, I only want to grab the current months data summary out of a fairly large log file.

October 23rd, 2009, 10:33 PM
"^[0-1][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]/2009 " this will match any date month 2009.
the easy way to do regex is by increasing compexity one by one.
firs try to match first word. then second till you get all what you need.

other question is whether
"Time in minutes: 53
Total Number of Locations Synced: 70
Number of locations passed: 70
Number of locations failed: 0"
are straight after the date . or can be other info in between

October 24th, 2009, 12:47 AM
"^[0-1][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]/2009 " this will match any date month 2009.
the easy way to do regex is by increasing compexity one by one.
firs try to match first word. then second till you get all what you need.

other question is whether
"Time in minutes: 53
Total Number of Locations Synced: 70
Number of locations passed: 70
Number of locations failed: 0"
are straight after the date . or can be other info in between

October 24th, 2009, 01:31 AM
if you are doing multi line matches, you should use the 'g', 'm' (or 's') modifier. see perldoc perlre for more info.

that aside, i will show you a simpler method , without much regex. here's a pseudocode

set flag=0
while (<>) {
if ( Number of locations failed is found ) { set flag=0 }
if ( found last 3 chars of the line is a space followed by "AM|PM" ) {
# this shows the line where date is
set flag=1
print line
if (flag is set){
print line