View Full Version : [ubuntu] How to disable automatic login on tty1 / tty6?

October 15th, 2009, 12:22 PM

i'm trying to disable the autologin on the ttys in ubuntu Hardy Heron on a Persistent Live USB installation.
For this reason i edited the /etc/event.d/ttyX files. I modified the line:

exec /bin/login -f ubuntu </dev/tty1> /dev/tty1 2>&1
exec /bin/login </dev/tty1> /dev/tty1 2>&1

but surprisingly after reboot the file gets back to its initial state:

exec /bin/login -f ubuntu ...

(The file doesn't get overwritten, because if i put some comments they
are still there after reboot. ) Does anyone know how to disable this?
I tried to comment out the whole exec line, but then I don't get a login prompt
at all. I'd also appreciate some other options for disabling the autologin!

Thanks for your response!