View Full Version : [ubuntu] Add input language via console

October 13th, 2009, 09:14 PM
Hi all,

I am helping a friend in switching to Ubuntu. I installed the 9.04 version on his desktop and set up an SSH server, so I can login when he needs help. Now I need to install an additional keyboard input language for him - something I forgot to do during the initial installation. I know how to do it in Gnome. I just want to skip driving to his home and do it all over the SSH instead. Does anyone know how to do it via console?

Thank you.

October 24th, 2009, 01:25 AM
check this out:


and instead of "gedit" use "vi" and so on (of course, "japanese" have to be replaced appropriately with your target language). and more info u can get from another posting:


by dvarsam.