View Full Version : [SOLVED] Playing DVD's on Ubuntu.

September 28th, 2009, 04:20 AM
So I loaded up Ubuntu 32-bit Jaunty on my dad's spare desktop and it's not letting him watch DVD's on it. Totem, VLC and even RealPlayer11 is telling him that they aren't able to read the content of the disc. :confused:

I'm running 64-bit Jaunty on my laptop and can play older DVD's on Totem, but not newer ones. VLC is tells me it can't read either, and RealPlayer isn't available in 64-bit architecture.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. While not being able to play DVD's isn't a deal breaker for me, it is for my dad on whether or not he keeps running Ubuntu. He's prepared to run back to Windblows if I can't get it figured out, and I don't have an answer for him.

Please help me help him so he can truly enjoy running a great OS as much as I do.

September 28th, 2009, 04:42 AM
Have you seen the following help article?


September 28th, 2009, 06:18 AM
So I loaded up Ubuntu 32-bit Jaunty on my dad's spare desktop and it's not letting him watch DVD's on it. Totem, VLC and even RealPlayer11 is telling him that they aren't able to read the content of the disc. :confused:

I'm running 64-bit Jaunty on my laptop and can play older DVD's on Totem, but not newer ones. VLC is tells me it can't read either, and RealPlayer isn't available in 64-bit architecture.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. While not being able to play DVD's isn't a deal breaker for me, it is for my dad on whether or not he keeps running Ubuntu. He's prepared to run back to Windblows if I can't get it figured out, and I don't have an answer for him.

Please help me help him so he can truly enjoy running a great OS as much as I do.

In "Add/Remove Programs" search all programs for "restricted extras". Install them and that should do it.

September 28th, 2009, 02:42 PM
Have you seen the following help article?


sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.shApparently that's what I was missing, I will check on my dad's comp and see what happens.

February 20th, 2011, 01:40 PM
Have you seen the following help article?


I need this info but the link is broken :(

February 21st, 2011, 03:54 PM
I need this info but the link is broken :(

Try https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/musicvideophotos/C/video-dvd.html