View Full Version : [all variants] Fluxbox hotkeys -- Problem with NextGroup

September 20th, 2009, 06:39 AM
I want to be able to use Super+Up and Super+Down to switch between grouped windows, and Super+Right and Super+Left to switch between tabs within those groups. Here's the section of my .fluxbox/keys file I'm using to achieve this effect:

Mod4 Up :PrevGroup 0
Mod4 Down :NextGroup 0
Mod4 Left :PrevTab
Mod4 Right :NextTab

Problem is, if I use Super+Up to bring a group forward, clicking on a group behind it won't raise the clicked-on group unless I click on the group I just raised first.

So if, for example, I have an xterm behind firefox, then use Super+Up to bring xterm to the front, then click on firefox, the xterm will still appear to be in front of firefox -- although, firefox will have focus.

However, if I have an xterm behind firefox, then use Super+Up to bring xterm to the front, and then click on the xterm or type a key before clicking on firefox, everything works normally and the xterm won't hide firefox. I don't want to have to do the part in italics, though.

On a possibly related note, when I bring an application forward using the same Super_Up key combo, the application won't capture the first keystroke or two.

Does anyone know how I can fix this? Here's my full keys file:

# Super+Fn -- Minimize, maximize, etc
# Ctrl+Alt+Back/Esc/Del -- Destructive commands
# Alt/Super+1,2,3,...0 -- Workspaces
# Super+Char -- Launch application
# Super+Alt+Char -- Launch secondary application

# Fluxbox menus & toolbar
OnDesktop Mouse1 :HideMenus
OnDesktop Mouse2 :WorkspaceMenu
OnDesktop Mouse3 :RootMenu
Mod4 Menu :ToggleCmd {RootMenu} {HideMenus}
Menu :ToggleCmd {MacroCmd {SetResourceValue session.screen0.toolbar.visible false} {Reconfigure}} {MacroCmd {SetResourceValue session.screen0.toolbar.visible true} {Reconfigure}}
# Kill X, restart fluxbox
Control Mod1 BackSpace :Exit
Control Mod1 Escape :Reconfigure
#Control Mod1 Delete : #Careful -- very close to Ctrl Alt Backspace
# Function keys
Mod4 F1 :Exec xterm -fg green
Mod4 F2 :Exec fbrun
Mod4 F3 :Minimize
Mod4 F4 :Close
#Mod4 F5 :
#Mod4 F6 :
#Mod4 F7 :
Mod4 F8 :MaximizeVertical
Mod4 F9 :Minimize
Mod4 F10 :Maximize
Mod4 F11 :Fullscreen
Mod4 F12 :ToggleDecor

# Workspace navigation
Mod4 1 :Workspace 1
Mod4 2 :Workspace 2
Mod4 3 :Workspace 3
Mod4 4 :Workspace 4
Mod4 Mod1 1 :TakeToWorkspace 1
Mod4 Mod1 2 :TakeToWorkspace 2
Mod4 Mod1 3 :TakeToWorkspace 3
Mod4 Mod1 4 :TakeToWorkspace 4
# Window title click-events
OnTitlebar Mouse2 :StartTabbing
OnTitlebar Double Mouse1 :Shade
OnTitlebar Mouse3 :WindowMenu
# Window manipulation
OnWindow Mod4 Mouse1 :MacroCmd {Raise} {Focus} {StartMoving}
OnWindow Mod4 Mod1 Mouse1 :MacroCmd {Raise} {Focus} {StartResizing NearestCorner}
Mod4 KP_5 :MoveUp 100
Mod4 KP_2 :MoveDown 100
Mod4 KP_1 :MoveLeft 100
Mod4 KP_3 :MoveRight 100
Mod4 Mod1 KP_5 :MoveUp 10
Mod4 Mod1 KP_2 :MoveDown 10
Mod4 Mod1 KP_1 :MoveLeft 10
Mod4 Mod1 KP_3 :MoveRight 10
# Window navigation
Mod4 Tab :NextWindow 0
Mod4 Mod1 Tab :PrevWindow 0
Mod4 Up :PrevGroup 0
Mod4 Down :NextGroup 0
Mod4 Left :PrevTab
Mod4 Right :NextTab
Mod4 Mod1 Up :MoveUp 50
Mod4 Mod1 Down :MoveDown 50
Mod4 Mod1 Left :MoveLeft 50
Mod4 Mod1 Right :MoveRight 50

##### APPLICATIONS #####
# TODO http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=Keyboard_shortcuts#Using_wmctrl
Mod4 a :Exec pavucontrol
Mod4 d :Exec deluge
Mod4 e :Exec gedit
Mod4 Mod1 e :Exec oowriter -nologo
Mod4 f :Exec firefox -P default -no-remote
Mod4 Mod1 f :Exec firefox -P developer -no-remote
Mod4 m :Exec songbird
Mod4 p :Exec pidgin
Mod4 t :Exec thunderbird
Mod4 v :Exec gizmo
Mod4 Mod1 v :Exec skype
Mod4 x :Exec xterm -fg green
Mod4 z :MacroCmd {Exec firefox -P default -no-remote} {Exec thunderbird} {Exec songbird} #{pidgin}
Mod4 grave :Exec thunar
Mod4 Mod1 grave :ShowDesktop

##### SPECIAL KEYS #####
# Lock/turn off screen
Pause :Exec xscreensaver-command -lock && xset dpms force off
XF86Display :Exec xset dpms force off
# Volume Control
XF86AudioMute :Exec amixer set -q Master toggle
XF86AudioLowerVolume :Exec amixer -q set Master 5%-
XF86AudioRaiseVolume :Exec amixer -q set Master 5%+
# Print screen
Print :Exec scrot `date +%F-%T`_scrot.png
Mod4 Print :Exec import -frame -window $(xprop _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW -root | awk '{print $5}') `date +%F-%T`_scrot.png