View Full Version : Hindi TTS IIT-Hyderabad

September 4th, 2009, 09:03 PM
Hi there,

I am using a copy of a government CD called, "Hindi Software Tools" (please see: http://www.ildc.gov.in/) and it includes a TextToSpeech package developed by IIT-Hyderabad for Windows.

IIT-Hyderabads Hindi TTS package is designed using the linux app Festival and by the looks of things is the best we have in the opensource world when it comes to Hindi TTS.

Now I am able to run the windows program through Wine- it seems to run pretty good- but was wondering whether anybody has got the native festival packs to work?

Please see the IIT-Hyd site : http://nrcfosshelpline.in/iiithyd/

There, you can download the packages, it just doesn't tell you a whole lot about what to do with them!

Anybody got any experience with TTS and Indian languages? What are the best solutions for the linux platform?

PS. if you're interested, IIT-Hyd also developed expansive native Telugu and Kanada packages- a workable solution for linux could potentially benefit many millions of Indian language speakers!

December 11th, 2009, 12:04 PM
It is nice to know that Hindi is now becoming popular on net and the use of our language is increasing day by day. My best wishes to all of these organizations who are constatntly working towards the technology development of our language. I would also like to mention about these folks who are doing some superb work: Bliss Text To Speech (http://www.blissit.org/) for the development of Hindi Text To Speech System :
www.blissit.org/hinditts.htm (http://www.blissit.org/hinditts.htm)

These guys are providing the Hindi TTS from a long time. The voice quality of their system is excellent and it is highly intelligible.
This organization is basically a research organization and it hardly appears in commercial arena. I have heard the news that very soon they are going to provide their Hindi TTS system in a very low price. Hmmm something to watch !!