View Full Version : [SOLVED] Installing qt 4.5.2 from Trolltech

September 4th, 2009, 12:25 PM
Problems trying to install qt4.5.2 from Trolltech. I have looked for previous queries but none answered my questions. I am trying to work through Blanchette and Summefield book on qt and C++/Output from configure( done in dir where I downloaded and unpacked). BASIC Xlib functionality failed!. You might need to modify the include and library search paths by editing QMAKE_INCID_X11 & QMAKE_LIBDIR_XX in /home/bbw/qt-x11-opensource-src -4.5.2/mkspecs/linux++. these entries don't appear and I have no clue what to put.
Output from make:
***No targets specified and no makefile found.
Output from make install -n
cd /src/tools/bootstrap/ & d /usr/bin/qmake/bootstrap .pro -unix -o Makefile
cannot find file: bootstrap. pro (it was there)
make***[/src/tools/bootstrap/Makefile] Error 2
Details of my operating system:
ubuntu 9.04
kernel 2.6.28-14-generic
gcc 4.3.3
I tried installing all packages via Synaptic mentioning qt but was unable to get pass the make stage when running programs.
I would appreciate any help.

July 29th, 2010, 04:28 AM
same problem. any luck?

August 6th, 2010, 02:13 PM
Problems trying to install qt4.5.2 from Trolltech. I have looked for previous queries but none answered my questions. I am trying to work through Blanchette and Summefield book on qt and C++/Output from configure( done in dir where I downloaded and unpacked). BASIC Xlib functionality failed!. You might need to modify the include and library search paths by editing QMAKE_INCID_X11 & QMAKE_LIBDIR_XX in /home/bbw/qt-x11-opensource-src -4.5.2/mkspecs/linux++. these entries don't appear and I have no clue what to put.
Output from make:
***No targets specified and no makefile found.
Output from make install -n
cd /src/tools/bootstrap/ & d /usr/bin/qmake/bootstrap .pro -unix -o Makefile
cannot find file: bootstrap. pro (it was there)
make***[/src/tools/bootstrap/Makefile] Error 2
Details of my operating system:
ubuntu 9.04
kernel 2.6.28-14-generic
gcc 4.3.3
I tried installing all packages via Synaptic mentionung qt but was unable to get pass the make stage when running programs.
I would appreciate any help. I only have a dongle for internet access. My email account is via a library five miles away. I only allowed one hour per visit/

same problem here!!!
ne solutions?

August 18th, 2010, 02:42 PM
I tried the same procedure with the latest version. No problems whatsover. To be precise
I had no trouble installing qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.2. Allow a couple of hours for compiling.