View Full Version : Lost_Countdown_Clock

August 26th, 2009, 05:13 PM

You might have seen the TV show: LOST.
Now i wanted to make a clock that counted down from 108 to zero, just like in the series.

I already tried to make a script in python but i had some problems, see the code below.
First problem, I don't know how to make the program wait for user input when n =< 4 and larger than 0. Second I don't know how to make the program check the code entered with the code that has to be entered (4 8 15 16 23 42).
Another problem is that because of the many print commands make it impossible to enter the code without pasting.
Any help / ideas on making this clock are appreciated. I also have Visual C++ for MS Windows.
Below i have typed some requirements the program has to have, and some ideas for improvement.

#Lost numbers countdown

import time


While n => 1:
print n
n -= 1
time.sleep(60) #Displays time left, substracts 1 from n every minute

While n < 1 and n > 0:
print (n/60.0)
n -= (1/60.0)
time.sleep(1) #Displays time left in seconds, when under one minute.
#Substracs 1/60th of a minute every second.
While n =< 4 >0:

#This would be the time when the numbers should be entered.
#Explained at post.
While n == 0:

Here are the requirements for the program:
- The clock has to count down from 108 to zero in exactly 108 minutes.
- The clock has to display the time left. Under a minute the time has to be displayed in seconds.
- The code (4 8 15 16 23 42) has to be entered to reset the clock back to 108, when timer hits 4 minutes remaining.
- When timer hits zero, entering the code will no longer reset the timer and "SYSTEM FAILURE" must be displayed on the screen.

Ideas for improvement
- Adding sound
- Visual output, no command line showing time left, but a timer.

Remember, ALL ideas are welcome, even if it means using another programming language.