View Full Version : Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference 2009

August 26th, 2009, 04:25 PM
Hi all! Our illustrious Lyz has been selected to give a talk at CPOSC 2009 (http://www.cposc.org) in Harrisburg, PA on Oct. 17th.

Besides attending to support her, we'd like to be one of the sponsors and get a table at the event. $100 gets us a Bronze sponsorship, which will give us exposure on their handouts, marketing materials, and a table at the event. I've requested a conference pack, and have listed the event on Conference Appearances (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ConferenceAppearances) .

Here's the rub. We need to drum up $100. Not a large sum of money, but I am asking for some donations to offset the expense. This will be a great event to promote Ubuntu, and to really get the ball rolling in Central Pennsylvania.

Besides Ubuntu and Lyz, there are going to be some great talks, so I would encourage everyone who is close to consider coming to CPOSC!

I've put a Paypal donation button on my CPOSC entry in my blog (http://breadthofreality.blogspot.com/2009/08/cposc-2009-and-pennsylvania-loco-team.html),
so if you can throw a couple dollars at this, it would be greatly appreciated!

Also, after the event I thought it would be nice to get together at the Appalachian Brewing Company (ABC) (http://www.abcbrew.com/harrisburg/brewpub.htm) on Cameron Street for some local micro brew and socialization!

September 6th, 2009, 03:45 PM
Registration has opened (you'll need to register to volunteer at our table, but we'll man the table in shifts so you can see some talks too :))


$34, but they feed you! And if you register by Sept 22nd you'll get a t-shirt as well.

September 6th, 2009, 04:11 PM
Wiki page with event info and sign-up to volunteer at our table is now up:


September 14th, 2009, 02:14 AM
We've reached out $100 goal, and have secured the sponsorship and the table! Thanks to everyone who contributed!


October 5th, 2009, 10:56 PM
We're still looking for volunteers for our table (only have 2 so far!). So if you're coming out to the conference and can lend a hand, even for an hour or two, please add yourself to the wiki (or reply here, or drop me an email :)).


Keep in mind, if you're planning on coming registration closes on Tuesday the 13th, and they tend to sell out.


October 16th, 2009, 01:02 PM
We have volunteers (although, we could always use more *hint*) and we're ready to roll!

Hope to see you tomorrow at CPOSC!

October 25th, 2009, 04:40 PM
Photos of the event have been posted online, thanks to everyone who came out and made this event a success!

