View Full Version : [all variants] Install Intrepid (Or other version) from Jaunty netinstall

August 25th, 2009, 12:55 PM
Hi All,

Is there a way I can install Intrepid Ibex from the Jaunty Jackalope netinstall image?

I have my system booting the installer over the network and it installs jaunty fine (Using Preseeding)

If I have this in my preseed file, installation goes perfectly

# Suite to install.
d-i mirror/suite string jaunty
# Suite to use for loading installer components (optional).
d-i mirror/udeb/suite string jaunty
Yet, if I change the above to:

# Suite to install.
d-i mirror/suite string intrepid
# Suite to use for loading installer components (optional).
d-i mirror/udeb/suite string intrepid
The installer moans about kernel modules not being found and installation fails, which I dont understand why, does the ubuntu installer not use debootstrap ?
I dont understand why it would moan about kernel modules for a kernel its not currently running and hasn't even attempted to install yet.

I REALLY dont want to have seperate kernel's and initrd's for each suite just so I can netinstall them.

I would have thought newer netinstall images would have backwards compatibility?

If theres something im missing out, please let me know.

Relevant lines from ubuntu.cfg file:

label install-kubuntu-lmce
MENU LABEL ^Install Kubuntu (Intrepid)
KERNEL images/ubuntu-netboot/linux
APPEND url= initrd=images/ubuntu-netboot/initrd.gz vga=normal locale=en_NZ setup/layoutcode=en_NZ console-setup/layoutcode=us netcfg/get_hostname= -- quiet

label install-ubuntu
MENU LABEL ^Install Ubuntu (Latest)
KERNEL images/ubuntu-netboot/linux
APPEND url= initrd=images/ubuntu-netboot/initrd.gz vga=normal locale=en_NZ setup/layoutcode=en_NZ console-setup/layoutcode=us netcfg/get_hostname= -- quiet