View Full Version : Useful little python script for beginners

August 16th, 2009, 02:04 PM
I've been studying Python for a few days, and wrote my first neat little script. It will compile your .py files into a .pyc, and chmod it for you so you can execute it from the shell with a ./filename

import py_compile #get the compile module
import sys #get the system module for argv
import os #get os so we can call chmod

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
#if the user didnt pass the correct amount of arguments
print "usage:", sys.argv[0],"infile","outfile"
#show them how to use it
#and exit

infile = sys.argv[1]
outfile = sys.argv[2]

py_compile.compile(infile, outfile)
#compile the .py to a .pyc (or whatever extension specified)

chmod_macro = "chmod +x " + outfile
#this command will allow the user to execute the outfile with a ./outfile

#execute the chmod macro

print "success!"
#and if all went well, inform the user and quit

This script will compile itself if you invoke it at the command line.

you@computer$ python pycompile.py pycompile.py pycompile.pycThat will generate a file called pycompile.pyc that you can invoke with a simple:

you@computer$ ./pycompile.pycThen use that script to further compile your python files.

you@computer$ ./pycompile.pyc otherpythonfile.py otherpythonfile.pyc I thought it was pretty neat and it demonstrates pythons simplicity and awesomeness.

August 16th, 2009, 03:25 PM
That's a handy script indeed, I think I'll take it! Thanks!

Will report back with how I got on with it. But how exactly does it work? Do I just add it onto a piece of code I've already written?

August 16th, 2009, 03:30 PM
Edited to include in first post.

August 16th, 2009, 03:42 PM
Wow, it works great.. thanks for the further explaining.

No more typing python before my filenames!

August 16th, 2009, 08:45 PM
Er... interesting, though the compiling part is just not necessary. You can execute scripts directly only by adding this as your first line in the script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

And then, chmod'ing it. The "Shebang" is not only used in Python, but in almost all scripting languages and it tells the shell to search for the correct interpreter. Chmod +x will give you execution permissions... executing it through calling the interpreter is actually regulated by the read permission :)

August 17th, 2009, 04:16 AM
According to the Python documentation, "compiling" Python programs decreases the time it takes to load them into memory, so it has to be somewhat useful right?

August 17th, 2009, 04:37 AM
According to the Python documentation, "compiling" Python programs decreases the time it takes to load them into memory, so it has to be somewhat useful right?

When you run a python program:

python mything.py

It will get compiled immediately and be stored as a mything.pyc.

The second time you call it, it will go look at both timestamps: if the .py has been modified, it gets recompiled, otherwise, it just goes for the .pyc.

Also, you can force compilation using the -c flag.

August 17th, 2009, 04:47 AM
You can also use the incron package to monitor your ~/bin directory so that any file that is placed there is automatically chmod'ed to have execute permission.

August 17th, 2009, 07:18 AM
When you run a python program:

python mything.py

It will get compiled immediately and be stored as a mything.pyc.It won't -- the .pyc isn't saved for files launched that way. However, you can start an interactive session, and type "import mything"; that saves a .pyc. (Modules imported from a script are compiled and saved too, of course.)

Also, you can force compilation using the -c flag.That's not the function of "-c" that I'm seeing...

August 17th, 2009, 07:32 AM
chmod_macro = "chmod +x " + outfile
#this command will allow the user to execute the outfile with a ./outfile

#execute the chmod macro

Avoid the overhead of a system() call:

os.chmod(outfile, 0755)

August 17th, 2009, 08:44 AM
What the interpreter does is to first compile the .py into a .pyc in memory and execute the compiled version. Python always will run compiled code.

But, of course, that is a loading overhead... That's why imported modules get compiled, to reduce time.

My comment was that compiling is not needed to make a Python script executable, but that the shebang and the execution permission are.

August 17th, 2009, 03:29 PM
It won't -- the .pyc isn't saved for files launched that way. However, you can start an interactive session, and type "import mything"; that saves a .pyc. (Modules imported from a script are compiled and saved too, of course.)

Forgot to say "in memory", but thank for correcting.

That's not the function of "-c" that I'm seeing...

I'm really surprised by this actually. I remember doing the -c before, now I'm reading the man pages and realize I didn't.

*edit: Now I get where I got confused, it was:

python -c "import py_compile; py_compile.compile('%f')"

which is pretty much what the code above does.